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By our intercessions, and the grace of Christ, we lift up our friends to God; it is as though we help them to travel with greater calm, as if on an escalator, and to have a 'higher' viewpoint, and time for reflection - but they retain their free-will. We do not lift them into Heaven.
People who have been helped by our intercession can be brought to the edge of the bridge that Christ has constructed for us, which leads to Heaven. The handrails represent the Church, the firm grid beneath our feet, the Commandments. People who ignore warnings rush wherever they please, and fall through the gaps into the flames below.
Whoever trusts in God and in the merits of Jesus His Son, and prays with faith that he will be helped, is indeed helped, even in the deepest pit of sinfulness, despair and self-disgust. He can even be led into an intimate friendship with his Creator, when he has been drawn up from darkness.
Judas lacked trust in God and in God's power and willingness to forgive; and so, instead of repenting and seeking mercy, Judas regretted his sin but allowed himself to run away, in shame, remorse, and despair - by which he cut himself off from Divine graces.
Although some people expected the Saviour to appear on earth as a triumphant warrior, He came to earth to a quite place: into the womb of a chaste, gentle virgin who consented to be His Mother. He was with her, in ordinary life, for over thirty years. He longs to see us develop the virtues which His Mother had from her Conception.
Even someone as selfless and Christ-centered as Mother Teresa had to undergo - for her soul's sake - a long period in interior darkness. God provided her with this spiritual purification to make her perfect, as her order expanded and she experienced outward success and adulation as well as opposition.
Some people discuss the Catholic Faith as if it were a light matter: a question of joining a happy group just for company and reassurance. They do not realise that the Faith is about truth and goodness. There is a battle raging in the world - though many people are still blind to it - it is a war between good and evil.
Many people today are oblivious to the spiritual warfare which is taking place today. Like two women in a café, chatting as horsemen charge past them, in battle array, many people are blind to the war between good and evil.
Some people are so engrossed in their own interests that it is only when an apparent disaster tears a jagged hole in their hearts or in the fabric of their lives that they look up, yearning for help - and allow the Holy Spirit, unceasingly ready to help, to bring light, truth and consolation into their lives.
A person who is determined to make preparation, to be worthy to receive the gift of contemplation, is like a man willing to go to the station, and travel on a train through dark tunnels, in order to reach the heights of the Himalayas. Someone who will not get out of bed to pray is like a man who wants to travel on high, but who sits waiting for a sedan chair to be sent down to fetch him. It will not come.
The Church needs fervent witnesses who know Christ, as well as theologians who can explain the truths of the Faith. A theologian is like a geography teacher who can give very valuable facts about the world and its resources. A witness is like an experienced traveller who can tell people through TV programmes, "I have been to meet Christ - and this is what He is like! It is really worthwhile to make the journey."
Two holy Angels stood at each side of the altar, during the Mass, in honour of Christ, Who was made Really Present at the Consecration.
Sick people have no special right to enter Heaven just because they have suffered much, no matter what sentimental onlookers say. The sick, too, are called to holiness. They need to believe, to think and act with charity, and to persevere, in order to be saved. Yet they have had greater than usual opportunities to do penance, by accepting their sufferings in patience.
Truly, when the priest has pronounced the words of Consecration, Jesus Christ is Present, in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. This is Jesus, Who once appeared to Moses, in the burning bush, as fire.
When the Priest has pronounced the words of Consecration, and Jesus Christ is Sacramentally and substantially Present in His Blood and Blood, Soul and Divinity, we are very close to Our God and Saviour. Truly, this is Jesus, who once appeared to Moses, in the burning bush, as Fire.
If we pray before the tabernacle in Church, where Jesus Christ is Sacramentally, substantially Present with us, as close to us as He was to His Apostles in Galilee, and if we adore Him, we do what the Angels do. They are hovering beside the tabernacle, adoring Our Lord in an attitude of perfect love.
Satan, the wicked Angel, imagined that death would defeat the 'Son of Man'. Yet Jesus conquered both death and Satan by rising from the dead. In private prayer, and at Mass where Jesus' Sacrifice is re-presented, we are right to praise and thank our Saviour for shedding His Blood on the Cross, for our sakes, and re-uniting Heaven and earth by his love and obedience.
Because of my Baptism, I am now a child of God, by the grace of Christ, whose Holy Spirit now lives within my soul. When I pray, it is as if the huge gates which hide Heaven are opened wide, when I utter the name of Jesus. The Father cannot refuse to hear the prayers offered in the name of His Son.
Christ and Our Lady are ready to greet everyone who arrives in Church for Mass. Yet they also look beyond the church building, searching for those family members of the 'Communion of Saints' who rarely or never come to take part in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Just as there was a place allotted and made ready for each child, at the nursery school, so there is a 'place' ready for each of us in Heaven, if we will accept God's invitation, and persevere in faith and love, to the end.