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Through abortion, tiny babies who are precious to God are thrown away like dirty water flushed down a plug-hole.
Many people have tried to 'flush away' from their minds the memories of sins committed, and neither confessed nor forgiven - rather as tiny babies are flushed away from life, by abortion. It is better to repent now, than to look sadly upon our whole lives when we die.
Thoughtful people mourn those who died on the battlefields of war, but many fail to mourn the tiny infants cut to pieces by abortion.
Those who do abortions use euphemisms such as 'termination' or 'therapeutic procedure'. But the result is the same: thousands of tiny dead babies, to be disposed of, who were killed because they were inconvenient, ripped from the womb before birth.
Whole societies allow the barbaric practice of abortion to continue, because it is hidden from sight, in clinics and hospitals; and the millions of tiny infants who are cruelly destroyed disappear, as swiftly as a tide of rubbish in a gutter when a storm causes all the debris to be swept away.
Whole societies allow the barbaric practice of abortion; yet it only continues at present because most people cannot see it being carried out since it is hidden away in clinics and hospitals. The people asking for abortions are often unconscious when it happens; and so people speak as if it is a health procedure, when it is mass slaughter.
There is a smiling face put on the 'treatment' of women wanting abortions. Yet the results are the same, day after day and year after year. There are dead bodies to be disposed of: tiny bodies, but the real mortal remains of thousands of tiny babies, ripped from the womb before birth, unwanted.
Whole societies allow the barbarity of abortion to continue, because it is hidden away in clinics and hospitals, behind smart facades and smiling faces; but the truth is that from those smart places leaves a pile of small, dead bodies - in whatever way they are disposed of.
Millions were slaughtered in the last world war, and there is a slaughter just as great taking place through abortion.
It is true that groups of Christians outside the visible unity of the Catholic Church join in Christ's saving work by baptising their members. But it is tragic that those young Christians are often taught mistaken things about faith and morals, and so encouraged to sin - even if their instructors thought they were right, in approving of contraception, divorce and remarriage, even abortion and other evils.
The results of abortion are horrible. It's as if the little babies have been treated as a river of waste, a repulsive effluence which is unwanted or inconvenient, whereas the truth is that each tiny human being has been given the gift of life: a life unique, and precious in God's sight. A mother or father can repent and be forgiven, but for the babies there is no remedy.
A person who has had an abortion has only to repent, and to say 'sorry', to the Lord, and she will be forgiven. It is best if she receives the graces of the sacrament of Penance, and is thoroughly reconciled to God and the Church.
Long ago, people did evil. It was as though there was a thick cloud of sin covering the world - even before there was a huge river of dead babies, killed by abortion. But Christ pierced the cloud by His Incarnation. He made a way up to Heaven. He asks each of us to work beneath the cloud, in our societies, to change things for the better, until we rise up to Heaven.
It is important that we give gentle answers to people who try to defend the practice of abortion. But we should point out the truth: that there is a remedy for mothers who have had abortions, if they are willing to repent and be forgiven. But there is no remedy for the dead babies, torn from the womb, to be thrown away.
It is important that we give gentle answers to people who try to defend the practice of abortion. But we should point out the truth: that there is a remedy for mothers who have had abortions, if they are willing to repent and be forgiven. But there is no remedy for the dead babies, torn from the womb, to be thrown away.
For the woman who has chosen to have an abortion, there is a remedy. She can repent, and receive forgiveness; but for the baby, there is no remedy. Its life has been taken away, and by the one who received the child as a gift.
Those who say nothing about the evil of abortion are allowing it to go on. How many more millions of babies will be killed in the next forty years?
In a single day, thousands of children throughout the world are aborted and swept away
The Lord wants everyone to realise what He sees, from Heaven, as He looks upon the world He made and sees human beings kill and discard the little babies to whom He gave life at their conception. He sees mothers, whom He wishes to cherish their children, ask doctors to destroy them in the womb! This destruction of babies is a monstrous sin, in His sight; yet people call it a 'woman's right'.
Some mothers are ashamed of their abortions, but many try to justify the act. Yet it is as though mothers throw away their babies, in God's presence, saying to Him: "I don't want your gift". It is a dreadful thing, in the sight of our Creator, to see these little lives snuffed out in that barbaric manner.