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At Mass, even amidst shouts and noise and irreverence, nothing can detract from the majesty and dignity of the tremendous Sacrifice of Christ, offered to the Father, in the Holy Spirit.
"This is what love means". Christ explained that to love, truly, is to give oneself for another, even to crucifying the heart.
I saw how Christ's life and sacrifice pierce Heaven itself, opening a way where we can follow, to share His glory.
I saw how Christ's life and sacrifice pierce Heaven itself, opening a way where we can follow, to share His glory.
Angels and Archangels are present at Christ's sacrifice - in little rooms as much as in great cathedrals.
Christ's prayer of sacrifice is perfect. It belongs to us, and it includes all our needs.
The Holy Ones who adore Christ in His Holy Sacrifice, venerate Him in His Sacrament, as He is carried to the sick.
At each Mass, Christ's Precious Blood is poured out from the Cross, for our salvation from sin.
I saw that the vast out-pouring of God's grace was made possible by the bloody offering of the broken body on Calvary.
I saw that the vast out-pouring of God's grace was made possible by the bloody offering of the broken body on Calvary.
I saw that the vast out-pouring of God's grace was made possible by the bloody offering of the broken body on Calvary.
Christ showed me His once-for-all Sacrifice, when He was nailed to a Cross and died, because of sin. Then He asked: "What more could I do for you?" His words were evidence of His love.
Christ showed me His once-for-all Sacrifice, when He was nailed to a Cross and died, because of sin. Then He asked: "What more could I do for you?" His words were evidence of His love.
I learned to unite all my small sacrifices to the One Sacrifice of Christ, who is Really Present at Mass: our crucified and risen Lord.
The closer I am to Jesus, then the more truly is His one Sacrifice made my own.
I saw the white fire of sacrifice on the altar, and the radiance and glory of the true Sacrifice of Christ.
The offering which Christ makes of Himself to the Father is Eternal, for the salvation of all who put their trust in Him. It is made present at every Mass.
The offering which Christ makes of Himself to the Father is Eternal, for the salvation of all who put their trust in Him. It is made present at every Mass.
The offering which Christ makes of Himself to the Father is Eternal, for the salvation of all who put their trust in Him.
I saw that Christ bore His pains for us, gladly.
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