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One day, when I renewed my resolution, he came to my soul in silent and solemn reassurance.
The beauty of Christ is dazzling, as He stands here silently, Really Present to His people in prayer.
When I rely on Christ, in silent prayer, I am like a small child who is carried in His vitality and joy.
The soul which remains close to Christ is sometimes swept away, silently, in the power of His prayer to the Father.
He climbed into the innermost room of my heart, to sit silently in companionship, holding my hand.
At Mass the offering is made by Christ, in light and splendour, amidst His silent and invisible company.
At Mass the offering is made by Christ, in light and splendour, amidst His silent and invisible company.
The purified heart is content to reflect God's pure light, in silent and ceaseless adoration, with nothing of self intruding.
Then he took my soul upwards, on silent wings, into His own 'unknowing' prayer.
One who goes to pray before Christ in the Blessed Sacrament places herself amongst the Angels who stand in silent adoration.
As Christ pours out His Blood in a New Covenant, a great malevolent wind sweeps over the Cross, threatening and destroying.
A malevolent wind sweeps over the earth. But by our trust in Christ we can resist it.
The Holy Angels formed a guard of honour from the heights of the church - in silent adoration of Christ, at Exposition.
The Lord explained that through union with Christ, I am 'on fire' with praise, in church, in silent prayer.
I saw a person clinging to the wall of the Abyss, hurling insults up towards Christ, yet in danger - at the least violent movement - of falling into the depths. He needs our prayers.
If the Queen were to walk down the centre aisle in our church, would the chatter cease? Would people bow or stand or curtsey, and keep silent, in case she wished to speak? Can we not do the same, now, for the King of Kings, Who is Present in the tabernacle?
Vocations to the Priesthood and to the Religious Life are plentiful where Catholics love Christ, the Church, and it's teachings, and do not regard it as demeaning to live in obedience to Catholic teaching on faith and morals.
Christ looks on with joy as a man who was once involved in violent and criminal activities now travels widely, speaking to young people about 'life in Christ', and working to lead them onto the right path, and away from all that is evil.
Christ looks on with joy as a man who was once involved in violent and criminal activities now travels widely, speaking to young people about 'life in Christ', and working to lead them onto the right path, and away from all that is evil.
We are right to do penance for our sins, especially in the season of Lent. But if we fail in our efforts, we must not become despondent. Our Divine Saviour, Who can forgive the most evil acts of a repentant sinner can certainly forgive us, if by carelessness or greed we act to indulge ourselves in little ways.
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