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As we look at Christ on the Cross we see that the true meaning of love is self-giving and sacrifice
As we look at Christ on the Cross we see that the true meaning of love is self-giving and sacrifice
Asking Christ about how to love, he appeared to the eyes of my soul. I saw Him nailed to the cross, teaching that it is to this extent that we should love and serve others.
Christ showed me His once-for-all Sacrifice, when He was nailed to a Cross and died, because of sin. Then He asked: "What more could I do for you?" His words were evidence of His love.
Christ showed me His once-for-all Sacrifice, when He was nailed to a Cross and died, because of sin. Then He asked: "What more could I do for you?" His words were evidence of His love.
Christ the Crucified One is especially close to all who suffer for His sake
Christ the Crucified One is especially close to all who suffer for His sake
As a non-Catholic child in a Catholic school, I used to look at the figure on the Cross, wondering who He was, and why He was there.
The Crucifixion
In His childhood Jesus would have been used to seeing Roman soldiers, and crucifixions.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was with Christ at the end of His life. At His deposition, when His body was taken down from the Cross, her heart was nearly broken; yet she was glad that His sufferings had ended.
A Crucifix
A Crucifix
The one who crucifies his or her own desires, for the sake of the kingdom, truly follows the 'narrow way' which leads to Heaven.
At every Mass we stand beside Christ crucified for our salvation
Christ is glorified by this miniature 'Calvary', as by any suitable model, image or statue for celebrating faith.
Whoever curses, strikes, abandons or 'destroys' a spouse is cursing Christ in His Passion, or striking Christ with the soldiers, or abandoning Christ to His unjust sentence, or crucifying Christ on the Cross. Christ said that whatever we do to others, we do to Him.
Whoever curses, strikes, abandons or 'destroys' a spouse is cursing Christ in His Passion, or striking Christ with the soldiers, or abandoning Christ to His unjust sentence, or crucifying Christ on the Cross. Christ said that whatever we do to others, we do to Him.
We need a crucifix as a 'template' for our own lives - not to make us love pain or suffering, but so we'll imitate Christ in His patient acceptance of His Father's Will
Christ our God Who reigns in Eternal Glory, is Really Present in the Blessed Sacrament in church, and in the homes of the sick who receive Holy Communion. It is fitting that an 'altar' is prepared, with candles and a clean cloth and a crucifix, where the pyx may be placed.
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