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The Sacrifice of Jesus has made a living opening through the curtain to the Holy of Holies, to the light of God, so that we can enter Heaven
The Sacrifice of Jesus has made a living opening through the curtain to the Holy of Holies, to the light of God, so that we can enter Heaven
The Sacrifice of Jesus has made a living opening through the curtain to the Holy of Holies, to the light of God, so that we can enter Heaven
At every Mass we become present to the one Sacrifice of Calvary, as if a curtain is being parted in our presence
At every Mass we become present to the one Sacrifice of Calvary, as if a curtain is being parted in our presence
Our prayers, even in darkness, unite us with Jesus, who prepares us for the Heavenly glory that lies behind the curtain
Christ walks amongst his people, with the pilgrims and the sick ones, a child on His shoulders
Christ pushed aside a curtain and unveiled more of the joys which shall delight those who love Him to the end.
We have a choice: to climb the mountain of holiness before we die, and go through the 'curtain' at death straight to Heaven, by God's grace; or to make great efforts, or half-hearted efforts, then finish the ascent in Purgatory; or we can choose to give up the climb, and to fall away, and to abandon the hope of reaching Heaven after death.
Though we can see hints of God's glory in nature, we can only 'touch' God in and through Christ. Sin made a gigantic barrier - like a vast curtain across the skies - between Heaven and earth. Only Christ's Cross has torn away that barrier. Christ has made a way through: the Way that we find when we reach Christ and Calvary at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
When someone prays in rapt attention to God, and is even lifted 'high' by Him in contemplation, it's as if she holds aside a curtain which had shut out the light of Heaven. She has made it possible - by God's grace - for His graces to pour down upon earth upon other people.
Through Him, With Him: Christ, Present amongst us, tears apart the curtain that separates us from Heaven. By His paschal work - re-presented in the Mass - He penetrates the veil, and brings us and our united prayer into the presence of God the Father, and the Saints who live in Him.
Two people can look at the same scene, and one feels horror - knowing a murderer is prowling around, while the other sees only the breeze blowing in the curtains - as the sun shines down. So it was, on earth, for Christ in His life-time here. There was much beauty in the world, but He came across many damaged souls, and knew that Satan was always prowling around, doing evil.
The Lord said that in my picture of the Last Judgement, I should place the innocent babies that die by miscarriage, abortion or disease, before Baptism, in little cots, in a quiet room in the wall of the castle which surrounds the area shown as Heaven. The babies are asleep in God's care, their eyes shielded by a curtain nevertheless, from the dazzling glory of Heaven.
A teacher or theologian who freely fixes a curtain between herself and the Papacy, so that she need not put into practice the constant teaching of the Church, will be in danger, when called home to God at death. She will be entangled in the 'curtain' of dissent and heresy which she herself erected, and will risk being unable to rise up to glory, and risk going down to Hell.
As an ordinary, lowly human being, each baptised person has been made worthy to enter the 'holy of holies', once reserved for certain men. That 'holy of holies' today is the Presence of God. When we approach the Father, through and with Christ, it is as if we pass through a curtain; and we can be confident that our prayers are heard and granted by the Father, for we are His adopted children.
The Lord wants us to ponder these questions: "Have I tried to become worthy of Heaven, which is Christ's gift to His friends? If the curtain were drawn aside right now, am I ready to enter?"
Many Christians make a dreadful error in refusing to know Our Lady or to seek her prayers. They draw a curtain over centuries of Christian devotions to her, devotions she deserves because of her central place in God's plan of salvation. How shocking, to ignore the mother of God!
Many non-Catholic Christians will be embarrassed, after death, as they realise what a dreadful error they have made in their refusal to honour Our Lady or to seek her help, as they drew a curtain over the most important Christian devotions of the first centuries. They will see just how much Christ loves His Mother.
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 1
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
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