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For those who love Christ, death can be a doorway to Heaven's glory
When death seemed to be close by, I waited in faith, to be released from the half-life of this world, through the doorway that leads to God's light.
Prayer is like a doorway where we pause from activity, to connect with the life of Heaven.
We can only find God in the present moment, and not by losing ourselves in the past or future
After the 'doorway' of our death, Christ invites the one who loves Him to step out, and cross the abyss, confident of being carried.
A shrine is a 'doorway' to Heaven.
Christ is the doorway through which we can touch God, and repentance is the 'doorway' which opens our own soul.
It is through our Holy Communion that Christ can lead us as if to the doorway of Heaven, close to the uncreated 'fire'.
Someone who does not open his heart as he prays with another person is like a man who only glances through His doorway but does not get up to greet other people.
The Christ we meet in Holy Communion is as if at the 'doorway' of three areas. He is the point at which His friends of earth, Purgatory and Heaven meet. We on earth are close to Him, but not yet wholly secure; the Holy Souls are safe forever, but cannot yet 'hold' Him; the Saints share His glory, and can never lose Him.
Since Christ's death and Resurrection, the dark 'doorway' of death holds no terrors for Christ's friends. They know that, through death, they can go where the King of Glory went - following on the Way 'through' to Heaven. Those who live in the darkness of grievous sin, however, are 'blind' to the doorway, and do not find the Way.
The Sacraments of the Church are like an open doorway, through which pour out all the graces of God that we need for holiness and salvation, and through which we meet Christ.
The Sacraments of the Church are like an open doorway, through which pour out all the graces of God that we need for holiness and salvation, and through which we meet Christ.
Christ awaits us at the tabernacle, as if at the 'Doorway' to Heaven. If we make efforts to abandon our bad habits and weaknesses, by His grace, it's as if we push aside some of the clutter which might have hindered us on our journey to Glory.
We must remove from ourselves and our lives whatever prevents us from entering the small 'doorway' to a life of humility, joy, spiritual beauty; that is, remove our sins and foolish attachments.
There is an open doorway which we are able to pass through, to leave a God-less and violent way of life and to achieve peace of soul and transformation, and Heaven. It is the only door, and consists of faith in Christ, and willingness to follow His Way.
God is pleased to see people welcome children, to see the love for life in the hearts of many people on earth; He is also pleased to see that some of the faithful even have a 'love for death', in the sense that they have banished their fears, by His grace, and even long to go through death, as through a doorway, in order to meet the Lord, when He calls them 'home'.
God has asked us to become perfect, like Him; yet the journey to perfection can seem like a steep stairway, almost impossible for weak people to climb. Christ asks us to believe that, as long as we keep on climbing, with His help given through prayer and the sacraments, we shall find that He draws us up, towards that doorway which leads to Heaven, as soon as we are ready, and our work is done.
By our own freely-made choices, we alter our destiny. Those who persist in selfishness and sin, despite the help given by God to reflect upon their lives, and to turn to Him in contrition and trust, will find themselves led, at death, into total alienation and spiritual hopelessness, as if through a dark doorway, unlike those who have persevered in faith and love, and who are raised up in the glorious life of Heaven, to share the joy of the Saints, forever.
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 1
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
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