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Whether or not the Government forbids the creation of animal-human embryos, it is unlikely that every scientist in the world will resist the temptation to create them. Unbridled curiosity might lead some to undertake experiments.
Living human beings are a gift from God. The Holy Spirit gives life; and it is He Who receives insult and offense wherever people treat human embryos as so much rubbish to be thrown away.
Those who destroy infants in their mothers' wombs, or who discard tiny embryos, are not only acting against those living human beings, but offending God. They act against Him, the giver of life, when they discard miniature living persons as so much rubbish, even if they do not realise how great is the wrong they do.
Those who destroy infants in their mothers' wombs, or who discard tiny embryos, are not only acting against those living human beings, but offending God. They act against Him, the giver of life, when they discard miniature living persons as so much rubbish, even if they do not realise how great is the wrong they do.
God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
It is not the Will of God that people produce human life in laboratories, or experiment on embryos, or destroy or select them, or promote egg or sperm 'donation', IVF, or surrogate pregnancy, or other similar practices.
It is not the Will of God that people produce human life in laboratories, or experiment on embryos, or destroy or select them, or promote egg or sperm 'donation', IVF, or surrogate pregnancy, or other similar practices.
We live in a country which is apparently peaceful and civilised; but there are dreadful things happening which few individuals or groups are wiling to protest about. Some people laugh at the Church, as they laughed at Noah. Yet the Catholic Church in this country is like an ark, in which all human life can find defenders. She opposes embryo destruction, abortion, starvation of the sick and elderly, 'euthanasia' and many more anti-life practices.
We live in a country which is apparently peaceful and civilised; but there are dreadful things happening which few individuals or groups are wiling to protest about. Some people laugh at the Church, as they laughed at Noah. Yet the Catholic Church in this country is like an ark, in which all human life can find defenders. She opposes embryo destruction, abortion, starvation of the sick and elderly, 'euthanasia' and many more anti-life practices.
Every inspiration or movement which goes against God and the Father's Will by corrupting or destroying innocent life is Satanic in origin, even if people in embryo experimentation and related matters believe they are doing good and do not recognise that anti-life actions are evil.
The Lord wants us to look at the reality behind all the new procedures by which some people fertilize human eggs outside the body, and manipulate human embryos in all sorts of ways. At every such conception, a miniature human person is created into whom God infuses an immortal soul, even though it is God's intention the babies be conceived through the marriage act, and not in laboratories; nor should tiny babies be thrown away.
It is not the Will of God that babies are created outside the mother's body by scientific manipulation of human material - nor that tiny human beings thus created be thrown away as so many 'surplus' or imperfect persons, like rubbish.
There is no need to argue about ensoulment of embryos. The soul is infused at the conception of a child; and a tiny child - an embryo - deserves the greatest respect throughout it's growth in the womb. It is not God's Will that it be experimented upon - nor that embryos be formed in laboratories.
Christ first became an embryo, in the womb of His mother Mary, before He became a full-grown man. If we keep this in mind, we can both celebrate the wonder of His birth at Christmas, and help other people to treasure the gift of life, not to dispose of it in a brutal manner.
Just as a consecrated Host, which seems so insignificant, is in fact the Presence of Christ the Saviour, so a tiny embryo, which seems so insignificant, is already a living person who will grow into adult life.
There are scientists at work who are careless about human life, and who think nothing of creating embryos in their laboratories, for experimentation; or they freeze embryos, or destroy them, as surplus to requirements. They forget, or do not care, or do not believe that God gives the gift of life. In rejecting His gift they insult and disobey their Creator. In overstepping His laws, they break the fence which would have saved them from the Abyss.
It is not irrational, to conclude from what we see and know, that there is a Divine Creator of all that exists. We can look at the order in the whole universe, and the wondrous development of an embryonic human being who becomes a fully-grown adult, who thinks and reasons - and who can choose, guided by his 'in-built' conscience, to do good or evil.
The very tiniest embryo is a small person: a tiny, unique human being that deserves to be respected, not experimented on, or frozen, or thrown away if found to have flaws of any kind, or to be of a sex unwanted by the parent.
A Picture of a Faithful Diocese
A short piece of writing by Elizabeth Wang about how the Catholic faith can be lived and celebrated within a Faithful Diocese, and the responsibilities of all the faithful - and especially bishops - t…
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