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God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
Far 'above' us, in the heights of Heaven, lives the Father, Whom we praise in the Mass, through Christ His Son. The Father is the Source of Life. It is the Father's plan that children be conceived in their mother's wombs, and benefit from a father's care. Marriage should not be destroyed by any modern trend or new practice.
It is not the Will of God that people produce human life in laboratories, or experiment on embryos, or destroy or select them, or promote egg or sperm 'donation', IVF, or surrogate pregnancy, or other similar practices.
It is not the Will of God that people produce human life in laboratories, or experiment on embryos, or destroy or select them, or promote egg or sperm 'donation', IVF, or surrogate pregnancy, or other similar practices.
The Lord wants us to look at the reality behind all the new procedures by which some people fertilize human eggs outside the body, and manipulate human embryos in all sorts of ways. At every such conception, a miniature human person is created into whom God infuses an immortal soul, even though it is God's intention the babies be conceived through the marriage act, and not in laboratories; nor should tiny babies be thrown away.
It is God's intention that babies be conceived in the marriage act: in a lifelong union of love of a man and a woman. The baby is meant to be the 'fruit' of their loving union. It is not God's Will that tiny babies be created as the result of laboratory procedures, outside the womb; furthermore, each little person, however created, deserves to live and not to be thrown away as 'surplus' or 'imperfect'
It is not the Will of God that babies are created outside the mother's body by scientific manipulation of human material - nor that tiny human beings thus created be thrown away as so many 'surplus' or imperfect persons, like rubbish.
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