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At the Mass, like a fisherman, Jesus draws up into His Kingdom those who love Him
At the Mass, like a fisherman, Jesus draws up into His Kingdom those who love Him
At the Mass, like a fisherman, Jesus draws up into His Kingdom those who love Him
One who unites her prayer with Christ's prayer at the altar draws along (as if in a net) everyone in her heart, towards God.
On seeing us approach a shrine, and on seeing our devotion, a saint lets down a 'net' of grace, to draw us closer to Heaven.
On seeing us approach a shrine, and on seeing our devotion, a saint lets down a 'net' of grace, to draw us closer to Heaven.
Christ, the truth, is shining out towards each soul. A pure soul, like a crystal, receives many virtues. A dark and sinful soul is not penetrated by Christ's light, but is like a rock.
Truth is attracted to truth like a magnet. God who is truth is powerfully 'drawn' to a truthful soul who confesses sins and weaknesses, in sincere prayer.
Truth is attracted to truth like a magnet. God who is truth is powerfully 'drawn' to a truthful soul who confesses sins and weaknesses, in sincere prayer.
At Mass, it's as if a blazing fire of Divine love penetrates the church - love from the Father Who 'gives' His Son to us at every Mass. If we could see the flames, how reverent we would be, in the Presence of the All-Holy!
At Mass, it's as if a blazing fire of Divine love penetrates the church - love from the Father Who 'gives' His Son to us at every Mass. If we could see the flames, how reverent we would be, in the Presence of the all-holy!
Christ is concerned for everyone and everything on our planet as He intercedes for us and offers His Holy Sacrifice.
Through Him, With Him: Christ, Present amongst us, tears apart the curtain that separates us from Heaven. By His paschal work - re-presented in the Mass - He penetrates the veil, and brings us and our united prayer into the presence of God the Father, and the Saints who live in Him.
When a person lives only to satisfy his appetites, and even treats a child with disdain and cruelty, it is as though he is separated from God by hundreds of miles of impenetrable cloud. It would take a miracle of grace to touch his heart and soul, and change him.
When a person lives only to satisfy his appetites, and even treats a child with disdain and cruelty, it is as though he is separated from God by hundreds of miles of impenetrable cloud. It would take a miracle of grace to touch his heart and soul, and change him.
When the tenets of various religions are listed without comment, in Catholic schools; and when the uniqueness of Christian beliefs are not proclaimed; the children are being educated in 'indifferentism' (as if the differences are not important; as if all religions provide equally valid ways to reach God and Heaven), and this can occur too when Catholics celebrate festivals of other religions.
When the tenets of various religions are listed without comment, in Catholic schools; and when the uniqueness of Christian beliefs are not proclaimed; the children are being educated in 'indifferentism' (as if the differences are not important; as if all religions provide equally valid ways to reach God and Heaven), and this can occur too when Catholics participate in the worship of other religions.
The prayers of the Saints, offered for needy souls, are like a fragrant offering to God. As they rise to Heaven, they can penetrate even those hearts which are locked 'from the inside', and persuade sinners to open their hearts to God.
No-one should despair about the evils of our age. In every age - as in ancient Rome and Nazi Germany - there have been great temptations to do wrong. Yet there is good too in every age - including our own; when, for example, good things as well as evil are sent right round the world on the internet. People far away hear about Christ.
In every age, there are new ways of spreading the Gospel. If it is true that last century, it was possible for a poster of a well-known revolutionary to appear on the bedroom walls of thousands of people throughout the world, it is even more certain that, through the internet, pictures of Christ can reach an even wider audience.
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