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To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
Since the Fall, human beings have sometimes given in to the desire for unnecessary knowledge. Unbridled curiosity can lead to disobedience to God's laws - especially when young people can easily find pornographic material to devour, and when they have little discipline or sure teaching or guidance in these areas.
Since the Fall, human beings have sometimes given in to the desire for unnecessary knowledge. Unbridled curiosity can lead to disobedience to God's laws - especially when young people can easily find pornographic material to devour, and when they have little discipline or sure teaching or guidance in these areas.
There are many children who, left to themselves, make foolish or selfish decisions about their behaviour; for example, many choose to watch pornography on their computers instead of doing their school-work. Yet Christ is at work, by His grace, calling back each one to find lasting joy and fulfilment.
The soul of someone who lives in unrepented, serious sin - particularly if involved in pornography - is like a filthy room, full of dust, grime, rotten food, spilt drinks, excrement, cobwebs, and broken glass. There are rats scampering around in the mess. People who repent and change have some hope of saving their souls.
The soul of someone who lives in unrepented, serious sin - particularly if involved in pornography - is like a filthy room, full of dust, grime, rotten food, spilt drinks, excrement, cobwebs, and broken glass. There are rats scampering around in the mess. People who repent and change have some hope of saving their souls.
No mother tells a toddler all the details about car-accidents; but she warns him to take care. But when teenage boys and other people become preoccupied with pornography, lustful conversations and immoral activities, it is time to warn them quite frankly about the danger of falling into Hell.
It is usual to speak more about the love of God than the loss of God, to people of goodwill. But when sinful people are in danger of going astray, attracted by pornography, for example, the time has come to give stern warnings about the torments suffered in Hell by those who persist in mortal sin.
All who persist in mortal sin until they die will fall immediately into the fires of Hell, as Christ Himself has warned us. Through their own fault, they will suffer for all Eternity, having abandoned God, preferring the pleasure they found in adultery, pornography, or other serious sins.
By some particular sins, many people put in place a dark blanket of cloud above them, which shuts out the light and grace of God from their lives; and those sins are an obsession with pornography and violence. There is an occasional gap in the clouds, made wherever good people make entertaining films and programmes that neither harm nor corrupt viewers.
People who live in the depths of sin, through drink, drugs, immoral relationships or pornography or other habits that alienate them from God, are like people lost in a smoke filled mine: unable to see how dangerous is their state or to find their way back to God's light. They desperately need the help of others' prayers and sufferings.
It is tragic that so many people are trapped underground in natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes; yet the worst disaster is to become trapped in the deep caverns of Hell, for Eternity, as are all who do not reach out to help the young and needy but rather prey on them: by child abuse, abortion, sex trafficking, pornographers, people who enjoy sadistic pornography, and others - if these sinners do not repent before they die.
A home where God's Will is believed and acted upon is like a lit cottage in a frozen landscape - so pleasing to God, but rare, in that there are few households even amongst Catholics where is found neither contraception nor abortion or pornography or adultery and where charitable speech and behaviour is the norm, by the grace of Christ. These bright households also care for their sick members if they can, including the elderly.
Older children deserve to hear the truth: "If you throw away your life - your spiritual life - by immorality, drunkenness, pornography or violence, it will be impossible to regain holiness by your own power. You can then only hope to reach Heaven one day if you receive from God the grace to repent: a grace perhaps brought to you through the prayers and penances of people who care about you.
Children are in moral and spiritual danger - as if near the edge of the Abyss - wherever educationalists and catechists work harder to boost self-esteem than to teach the true Faith, and where they leave out talk of sin and repentance, Heaven and Hell. They should give firm warnings against immorality, drunkenness, pornography and violence.
Some people distance themselves from God: those who see children as a nuisance, pregnancy as a disaster, and who are actively involved in supporting or providing direct abortions, as well as people who enjoy pornographic images of abused, defenceless children, and those who maliciously corrupt or abuse children for sexual pleasure. Unless they repent before they die, they will find themselves completely separated from God, by their own fault, forever.
People who churn out pornography for others to read are following the wishes of the same evil spirits who urge people to use their power to remain in power: resulting in the innocent suffering torture, or solitary confinement, or medical experimentation or other grossly sinful practices.
People in mortal sin are being swept towards damnation as if in the waters of a great river that tumbles towards a large hole in the ground. The plight of many of them is due to abortion or pornography; but whoever calls out to God, 'I am sorry, Lord', can be rescued from her sinful state and restored to a life of grace and obedience.
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