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The Lord sees much of our world as being a bleak landscape, cold and almost lifeless, where even the gift of a living human being is seen as a nuisance and impediment to joy.
Where people listen to the Church, and thank God for their children, and put the needs of family before their own ambitions, a home is like an oasis of light; old people and the sick are valued and cared for, as if in an oasis of light amidst the gloom of an uncaring society.
As well as ensuring reverent, beautiful worship of God, Christianity, properly practiced, makes society flower, with mutual help, care for the needy, beauty, joy, human advancement and freedom.
It is as if, in the Lord's sight, there is a cloud of corruption swirling in society; and Catholics find it hard not to be overcome. Many compare themselves with others, and are satisfied with themselves, instead of asking themselves: "Am I faithful to the teachings of Christ and His Church?"
It is as if, in the Lord's sight, there is a cloud of corruption swirling in society; and Catholics find it hard not to be overcome. Many compare themselves with others, and are satisfied with themselves, instead of asking themselves: "Am I faithful to the teachings of Christ and His Church?"
The Meaning of Christmas: The Lord pictured before me a gigantic foliage wreath, and then a silhouetted representation of Santa Claus in a Sleigh, driving his reindeer. These are not what Christmas is 'about' - though our customary symbols or decorations are not wrong.
We hear about 'women's health' or 'reproductive rights'; yet by changing the vocabulary, some people hide repulsive acts. Instead of 'abortion' we hear about 'termination', just as in the French Revolution people said they brought 'liberty and fraternity' - even as they executed thousands of innocent priests and religious.
We hear about 'women's health' or 'reproductive rights'; yet by changing the vocabulary, some people hide repulsive acts. Instead of 'abortion' we hear about 'termination', just as in the French Revolution people said they brought 'liberty and fraternity' - even as they executed thousands of innocent priests and religious.
No Catholic should look down on our ancient Christian devotions, or those of other Christian cultures, where the imagery of faith is clothed in an unusual or unfamiliar appearance; for example, Our Lady of Sorrows.
A Christian marriage, lived as it should be lived, is like a lamp set on a hill, for society; a sacramental union full of grace. It provides a loving home for children who are not rejected by contraceptive use or abortion; it is a place of care for elderly relations, provides warmth for the lonely, and is an example to all of love and compassion.
A Christian marriage, lived as it should be lived, is like a lamp set on a hill, for society; a sacramental union full of grace. It provides a loving home for children who are not rejected by contraceptive use or abortion; it is a place of care for elderly relations, provides warmth for the lonely, and is an example to all of love and compassion.
A Christian marriage, lived as it should be lived, is like a lamp set on a hill, for society; a sacramental union full of grace. It provides a loving home for children who are not rejected by contraceptive use or abortion; it is a place of care for elderly relations, provides warmth for the lonely, and is an example to all of love and compassion.
Many Catholics are married to people who have little respect for the Catholic Faith. A Catholic must be brave and gentle, and not give in to bullying on moral issues, or become seduced by the 'indifferentism' around her.
Where people build modern towns, and good housing, they sometimes become proud of their achievements. But the best test of a modern community is to see how it treats its poorest and most helpless members. Of what use is a modern street to a disabled person who cannot cross a high kerb?
Each priest should be 'another Christ' for us; yet we should not be surprised if we are treated unjustly by a priest. Christ Himself was hustled towards the edge of a cliff by men who were pillars of the local synagogue. Christ escaped, then; but until we die, we are in danger of treating others unjustly, and must resist temptation.
A child who has a mother and a father who are married to one another, in a stable marriage, has an admirable start in life. There is 'imprinted' in the child the idea of family life, as God Wills it; and it is therefore easier for the child to appreciate the Will of God for society - and related teachings of the Church.
No-one should doubt the fact that an abortion is a grievous sin and should not be allowed in any society. To arrange the killing of a tiny unborn infant, or to do it - as many doctors do - is a merciless act, and a monstrous offense against God Who gives life, even when those acting in this way believe they are doing right.
Once Christ had become a man, we learned how precious is humanity to God. We are all brothers and sisters to Christ and to one another; and each of us should treat others with respect, as Christ treated people in His earthly life-time.
Even more important than action in the world, to abolish the evil of abortion, is prayer. People in monasteries, inspired to pray about this tragedy, should pray, as should people in the whole world, as well; the God Who loathes injustice, will overcome this evil in our society today.
Our upbringing affects our marriages. We cannot make ourselves holy by our own efforts, or reach Heaven by will-power. By co-operating with the grace of God, given to us through Jesus Christ His Son, we can conquer our faults, and so even stop the evil influences that we might have had upon other people, especially family members, by our bad example: and on society.
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