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The soul which gives itself entirely to God is like a little boat which swirls around the rocks of temptation without danger.
The Sign of the Cross is a powerful prayer that can deliver us from temptations and spiritual dangers
The Sign of the Cross is a powerful prayer that can deliver us from temptations and spiritual dangers
Even when temptations swirl around us, Christ does not let us go, if we hold on to Him.
The prayer of Jesus in the Mass is like a tent that shelters and protects us in the desert of daily struggles and temptations
By the smallest evil thought or act, we might 'tilt the whole ground', causing others to fall into the darkness; yet the reverse is also true, and our good thoughts and actions can tip others towards the light.
Light and grace can pour lavishly upon my soul, from Christ, when I have been vigorously fighting temptations.
Satan can use our careless or selfish thoughts to pull us down into sin and darkness, as when an enemy catches hold of someone's flapping garments.
To live 'in Christ' in a state of grace is like living on a mountain top in early life, battered by temptations, but hoping to climb up to Heaven rather than take the broad road to Hell.
Everyone who is determined to aim for perfection, and to love Christ as He deserves to be loved, will at some stage need to 'hold on' with bleeding hands, weary with the effort, and shaken by the assaults of the Evil one.
Like someone on a rope-ladder, with bleeding hands, we must endure trials and temptations.
Some people condemn extreme cruelty but are blind to their own sinfulness. Apparently good people can move towards great evil one centimetre at a time.
The evil one is at work, doing all he can to frighten, pursue or devour those who desire to love God and to do good. Whoever tries to do God's will is sure to be attacked. We must all pray for one another to the Lord.
The evil one is at work, doing all he can to frighten, pursue or devour those who desire to love God and to do good. Whoever tries to do God's will is sure to be attacked. We must all pray for one another to the Lord.
It is as though, to reach Heaven, we must deliberately aim for Heaven, swimming against the powerful current that might draw us into a 'whirlpool' of evil that leads to Hell. Baptism is like a set of water wings that hold us up and give us confidence about life in Christ, and the power to become holy and to persevere.
It is as if, in the Lord's sight, there is a cloud of corruption swirling in society; and Catholics find it hard not to be overcome. Many compare themselves with others, and are satisfied with themselves, instead of asking themselves: "Am I faithful to the teachings of Christ and His Church?"
It is as if, in the Lord's sight, there is a cloud of corruption swirling in society; and Catholics find it hard not to be overcome. Many compare themselves with others, and are satisfied with themselves, instead of asking themselves: "Am I faithful to the teachings of Christ and His Church?"
It is unlikely that all scientists will be able to resist the temptation to create new forms of human-animal life by immoral means. Since the Fall, unbridled curiosity has led to disobedience to God's laws.
Whether or not the Government forbids the creation of animal-human embryos, it is unlikely that every scientist in the world will resist the temptation to create them. Unbridled curiosity might lead some to undertake experiments.
No-one should despair about the evils of our age. In every age - as in ancient Rome and Nazi Germany - there have been great temptations to do wrong. Yet there is good too in every age - including our own; when, for example, good things as well as evil are sent right round the world on the internet. People far away hear about Christ.
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