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After coming to earth, as man, Christ founded a Church, to continue His teaching: to hand on the truth about sin and goodness, to give power in the sacraments to be freed from sin and made holy. Catholics who refuse to believe in Church teachings on grave matters, and so do not avoid those sins, are like people who smash some of the rungs on the ladder by which they imagined they would reach Heaven; but by their own fault they make that ascent impossible, unless they repair it.
Bishops or priests who have been ordained to teach the truth about Christ, about sin and virtue, and Heaven and Hell, but who refuse to believe and to teach some of the important truths of the Church about morals, are like men who break some of the rungs on the one ladder which their people must climb, to reach Heaven. By such Clergy silence, the faithful are confused, or even encouraged to continue in their sins. Those Clergy members and lay-persons risk losing Heaven, and falling into Hell.
We should never look at our Christmas cards without remembering the real meaning of Christmas, and longing to share the Good News. The birth of Jesus was a unique event in the history of the world. Nothing like that has happened before or since. God was made man, amongst His people on earth, so that everyone who believes in Him can have Eternal life.
We should always long to share the good news about the event unique in world history: that God was made man, born into our world at the first Christmas, so that all who believe in Him, and faithfully follow His Way, can reach Eternal Life.
Christ invited us to set aside our distractions at Mass, and to rejoice that He is now amongst us in glory, now that His painful Work on earth had been completed, with His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven. He wants His triumph to give us hope in our struggles against sin and hopelessness. With His power, we can persevere.
Christ said to me, about Christmas morning, "As you welcomed me into this world, My child, so do I welcome you, into My arms". Christ loves to receive an affectionate and glad greeting, as we welcome Him into our souls in Holy Communion.
Christ invites us to reflect on this question: How would we have treated Him, had we met Him when He was a child, or a Preacher, or a condemned criminal? Our attitude to people today in such categories is a fair indication of the stance we might have had towards Him. Do we dismiss children, including the unborn, or mock preachers, or despise criminals?
From the crib, the infant Jesus saw only shadowy figures around Him. He lay helpless, in His humanity, as His Mother smiled upon Him, and Saint Joseph gave a protective presence. We need to ask ourselves: how would I have approached Jesus in His lifetime in His infancy, His teaching ministry or His Passion. How do I treat people today? The measure of our love for other people, in God's sight, is counted as the measure of our love for Jesus.
God looks upon abortion as being the worst of all sins so widespread today, because it includes the pride which makes people imagine that they have the right to destroy the life of an innocent person. The Creator looks upon someone who causes the death of an infant as being like a person who caused the death of His own Son, Jesus Christ, Who shares our humanity.
We pray 'in Christ' because His prayers are always heard. We are wise if we have faith in the power of prayer in Jesus' name. If we trust in Him, and in the merits of His Sacred Passion - and in the goodness of God our Father - we pray with confidence, certain that our prayers and intercession will reach Heaven. It is as if Jesus Christ is like Jacob's ladder: our 'Ladder' by which we can climb towards Heaven in prayer, even if we ourselves cannot yet enter.
Those Christians who enquire and explore, like children in Narnia, find a place where it is already spring-time. In the Catholic Church, Christ already reigns. He has banished the snow and ice by His love, His true teaching, His provision of the precious drink of Eternal Life - His own Precious Blood; and He asks all people to come and live in His Kingdom, here on earth, and then forever, in Heaven.
In the Story of Narnia there is a healing liquid which was used to bring a wounded boy back to health. The Precious Blood of Christ, received in Holy Communion, at Mass (also received, even when we only consume the Sacred Host), is like a healing liquid which makes us ready for Eternal Life. Knowing this, who can say, without seeming foolish, 'I can't be bothered to go to Mass'.
Each Catholic priest should be aware of what is necessary for renewal in the vocation which he freely accepted. His feet should be those of a person who brings Good News: of God's love, and forgiveness brought through Christ. His heart should be full of compassion for sinners. His mind should be fixed on Christ, and Heavenly things. His hands should be clean - as when they were anointed, for the offering of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Each priest should be Eucharist-centered. The Mass and Holy Communion, and Christ's Real, sacramental Presence, should be at the heart of each priest's reflection, his words, his devotional life, and the catechesis he offers to his flock. He will arrange regular Adoration of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
St. Michael the Archangel swoops down in a great fire of charity to help or rescue those endangered friends and followers of Christ who have called upon him for protection against the evil one's assaults, or for help in overcoming temptations. He prays for us, and offers reminders of God's goodness, and of the hope of Heaven.
It is really true that God loves us. The message at Christmas is a personal invitation from Jesus Christ to each of us: to repent of sin, to believe that He has come down from Heaven, and to put our trust in Him. Then our lives will change! He gives us, through His Church, all that we need to become holy, to lead holy lives, and to reach Heaven - if we persevere.
Christ asks us to be bolder and braver, in direct proclamation of the Gospel message, that God loves us so much that He came from Heaven to live here as man, to save us from sin, and the fear of death. If we repent and trust in Him, we can be transformed, by the graces received in prayer, and through the Church. At present there is too much 'pre-evangelisation', which is not converting people, but causing some to think conversion is not important.
It is not enough to be content to be spiritual. Some people want to worship God, and serve Him, without being asked to believe in important doctrines; yet sound doctrine provides the framework and the strength to persevere in our spiritual life. If we know the truth we are set free to build with confidence, and to believe that our house of faith will last until we reach Heaven.
The journey to Heaven is, for most people, a slow and arduous climb. Christ wants each of us to believe in His love, to persevere in faith, hope, love and humility, and to avoid pride and vainglory. People who want to be Saints think more about God's goodness that about their own gifts, talents, plans and ambitions.
Christ asks us to avoid all pride and vainglory. He wants everyone to know how much He loves each one of us; but He does not want priests or teachers to encourage children to start the day by saying: "I am great, I am wonderful, I am proud of being me!" He asks us to aim for humility, rather than concentrating on self-esteem.
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