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To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
In Holy Communion, Christ can draw us close so that we can rest our head on His breast, like St. John, and rest beside Christ in utter peace, joy and fulfilment.
As soon as the pyx was opened, and I adored Jesus, Really Present in the Sacred Host, I was shown the joyful sight of Jesus Himself, holding out His arms to greet me.
As soon as I had received Christ in Holy Communion, I was shown by Christ that He stood within my soul, so to speak, praising and adoring God the Father above, just as I had been doing throughout the day, as I prayed, and offered up my sufferings, for God's glory, and to help the Church.
Christ asks us to conduct a fundamental reappraisal of our current attitudes and actions to do with reverence towards Him. It is time that we acted as if we recognise Christ as our Lord and God, each time we enter a church or receive Him in Holy Communion or welcome Him into our homes in the Sacrament of the Sick.
When Christ 'visits the sick' through the Blessed Sacrament being brought by a priest or extraordinary minister of communion to a sick person, He is delighted to know that, out of love for Him, some Catholics make reverent practical and spiritual preparations.
Christ showed me in Holy Communion that the Father in Heaven gazes with delight upon all who work to see the sacraments - including the Mass - celebrated with due reverence and gratitude, and to ensure that the Faith is taught in its fullness and not watered down to 'fit in' with what others think.
Christ brushed my shoulder, as He assured me that our minor failings are like little bits of dust on a smart suit, as we approach Him for Holy Communion. The important thing is to be properly clothed. The suit represents the 'state of grace' we should be in.
Showing Love for Christ: When we show love to Christ's 'little ones' we show love for Christ; yet Christ wants us to know that such service should not be a substitute for showing love directly to Him, in the Holy Eucharist. Every active person needs to find time for prayer and adoration.
Showing Love for Christ: When we show love to Christ's 'little ones' we show love for Christ; yet Christ wants us to know that such service should not be a substitute for showing love directly to Him, in the Holy Eucharist. Every active person needs to find time for prayer and adoration.
To receive Christ in Holy Communion but then to ignore His Presence is to be like a man who welcomes a visitor to his house, but then leaves the visitor in the hallway whilst he, the house-holder, goes off to amuse himself in the living-room.
A person who receives Jesus Christ in Holy Communion but then scarcely talks to Him in prayer is like a man who welcomes a visitor then leaves Him in the hall-way whilst himself going off to watch television. That is to offer only a lukewarm welcome.
Christ pointed out the truth that, by my decision to enter into full Communion as a Catholic, I risked pain and persecution, for love of Him - just like many of His followers in His earthly life-time, and every era.
In Holy Communion, Christ did not weary me with conversation, but invited me to lean on Him, just as He had once shown me before, and to enjoy His Presence in perfect peace and contentment.
Christ invited me to rest upon His shoulder. He could see how ill I was, and exhausted, as I received Him in Holy Communion.
Whether in church, when we cannot receive Holy Communion, or at home or elsewhere, when we long for closer union with Christ, we please Christ and help ourselves - by His grace - whenever we make a Spiritual Communion. By an act of faith in Christ, with an act of contrition and a request for a spiritual communion, we can be sure that Christ is very close to us, even if unfelt, unseen.
Christ is Really Present with us in the Blessed Sacrament. We are just as close to Him, in Holy Communion, as were His friends, when they sat beside Him in Galilee.
The Holy Eucharist, which is Jesus Christ Really Present, is such a great and holy gift that two Angels accompany the priest as he carries the blessed Sacrament to us, for Holy Communion.
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