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Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
The Heart of Jesus Christ our Saviour is so vast that it contains the whole universe, our world, and everyone on it. He loves every person with a deep, fervent and tender love. He prays for each of us today with as much fervour and power as when He prayed on the Cross.
The Heart of Jesus Christ our Saviour is so vast that it contains the whole universe, our world, and everyone on it. He loves every person with a deep, fervent and tender love. He prays for each of us today with as much fervour and power as when He prayed on the Cross.
The Heart of Jesus Christ our Saviour is so vast that it contains the whole universe, our world, and everyone on it. He loves every person with a deep, fervent and tender love. He prays for each of us today with as much fervour and power as when He prayed on the Cross.
The Heart of Jesus Christ our Saviour is so vast that it contains the whole universe, our world, and everyone on it. He loves every person with a deep, fervent and tender love. He prays for each of us today with as much fervour and power as when He prayed on the Cross.
People who say they love God but who refuse to do His will are as if 'hiding' away from His sight, in a dark pit. As long as they stay 'hidden', they are not yet walking on the bridge to Heaven, the 'bridge' made by Christ across the Abyss.
Christ came a long way to save us: all the way from Heaven, to die for us, and to be the Bridge to glory that everyone is invited to find and cross. Sadly, many people refuse to believe in Him.
The Lord showed me the Cross at the bottom of a steep slope. All who held onto the Cross were saved from falling into the Abyss beyond, which is the place where sinners go who have not repented. By a living faith in Christ, we can be freed from the fear of death and Hell.
At every celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ is Really Present, praying for sinners, gazing towards the Father, just as when Christ once prayed from the Cross. His one prayer is eternal. His one sacrifice is re-presented, Sacramentally, at Mass, in every place and era.
Wherever the Mass is celebrated, those present are present to the whole of Christ's redeeming work, achieved during His life on earth and including His death on the Cross. At every Mass, the graces of Redemption are made available in a particular place and era.
Wherever the Mass is celebrated, those present are present to the whole of Christ's redeeming work, achieved during His life on earth and including His death on the Cross. At every Mass, the graces of Redemption are made available in a particular place and era.
Wherever the Mass is celebrated, those present are present to the whole of Christ's redeeming work, achieved during His life on earth and including His death on the Cross. At every Mass, the graces of Redemption are made available in a particular place and era.
If we refuse to follow the teachings of Christ and His Church, and lead immoral lives, we are like people who ignore a 'danger' sign and walk across a road where there is severe subsidence. They will risk losing limb or life. We risk our eternal life with God.
If we refuse to follow the teachings of Christ and His Church, and lead immoral lives, we are like people who ignore a 'danger' sign and walk across a road where there is severe subsidence. They will risk losing limb or life. We risk our eternal life with God.
Someone who follows a humble, quiet, persevering way of prayer and faithfulness to God, is on the Way to Heaven, just as a man on a straight, well-lit motorway is making a safe journey to the city; unlike those who choose to struggle on foot, picking their own route across country, and encountering rabbit-holes, barbed wire and wild animals.
Showing 101 - 120 of 268