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People used to hear a married woman announce her pregnancy; and they replied with "Congratulations". When legal abortion had been introduced, it became necessary to be cautious, knowing that women can find doctors to destroy their unborn babies, even without the approval or consent of the husband, the child's father.
It is too easy, in making decisions about everyday life, to weigh up the personal benefits and to forget the spiritual realities. Pregnant women deserve to be reminded that it is never God, or good angels, at work, urging women to destroy their own babies in the womb. Mothers must ignore selfish desires, or evil influences.
Truly, God is our All-holy and All-wise Creator. In the Mind of God - as if in a bright cloud - lies the image of a tiny child, designed by God to develop further into an adult, and then to proceed to Eternal life in Heaven. Every human being has received life as a gift from God. The destruction of babies by abortion is loathsome, in His sight.
Truly, God is our All-holy and All-wise Creator. In the Mind of God - as if in a bright cloud - lies the image of a tiny child, designed by God to develop further into an adult, and then to proceed to Eternal life in Heaven. Every human being has received life as a gift from God. The destruction of babies by abortion is loathsome, in His sight.
Something has gone terribly wrong in society, when a teacher can look at her class of infants, and say to herself, this class has been reduced by one fifth, because mothers chose to have the children killed, rather than letting them develop normally and enjoy the life God planned for them.
Abortion is not a human right but a barbarity that kills over six hundred babies every day in the UK
When abortion is easily available, it changes a society, because a barbaric act has come to be seen by a majority as normal, even admirable behaviour. Doctors and the nurses who assist are involved in killing and discarding unwanted babies, as surely as if they were sweeping them away, though they once trained to heal, not to harm.
The Lord wants everyone to know that abortion is loathsome, in His sight. If only one unborn baby were deliberately swept away, denied life, and denied the possibility of Baptism, it would be a tragedy. But tens of thousands are killed every few weeks, in England, though each baby is a real, living person with an immortal soul.
A person who trusts in Christ completely, believes in the teachings of Christ's one true Church, and strives to put them into practice, has a freedom and joy in life and in prayer which those people deny themselves who are stuck in the 'mud' of disbelief, dissent, and argument.
Jesus Christ drove out evil spirits by a word of command. Such demons do exist, do infest and dominate people even today, and should not be regarded as figures in which only the superstitious can believe. We can find protection through the power of Jesus: His name, His crucifix, and holy water from His Church.
It is important to pray for those enslaved by sin. Our traditional teaching is true: that by the prayers of the Saints and holy Angels - including St. Michael the Archangel - evil can be overcome, by the grace of Christ, souls helped and even earthly problems ameliorated.
Christ looks on in horror, as He sees little infants slaughtered in the womb by people to whom He has given life. He asks everyone who loves Him, and who loves life, to work and pray, to put an end to the dreadful practice of abortion.
It is important to help women to picture the future, if they plan to abort their babies. These poor women will not only feel guilty about killing their own children, they will find themselves looking, through tears that blur their vision, at other children whom theirs will never play with in the park, and at the bright balloons their children will never see, as they play beneath the trees.
No theologian is right, who claims that it is all right for a man and woman to make their union sterile, not fertile, and who works to overturn the constant teaching of the Church on marriage, and the transmission of life. Christ looks on with gladness whenever a faithful Catholic speaks out to defend the truths taught by the Church.
On the heights of Sinai, God gave the truth to Moses, in the Ten Commandments. These showed out the truth about the purpose of life, and about the relations between men and women. These truths can never change. No wise theologian contradicts them to say that God's will need not reign supreme, or that men and women can make their union sterile not fruitful.
To be baptised and to become a Christian is to enter onto the only road that leads to Heaven. Yet it is possible for people outside the Church to be saved, if they persevere in trying to lead good lives, and if, at death, seeing Christ, they bow down in love and awe. Those who are blameless about not having known or served Him can receive the grace they need for salvation.
Whether on the podium at Lourdes, or in a parish church, Christ is Really Present at every Mass, in all His glory: as truly Present as when He was with His disciples in Galilee. He is as Present, and as glorious, as at His Transfiguration on the mountain of Tabor, with three Apostles - though His glory is hidden today, under the appearance of bread and wine.
When we surrender to the plans and wishes of our Heavenly Father, as made known to us through the Church, and through Providential meetings and conversations, it's as though we allow God to carry us along on a river of grace, wherever the current takes us; in this way we give joy to Christ, who also did His Father's Will.
People on a pilgrimage are a mixed group: sick and able-bodied, luke-warm or fervent souls, people of every ability and background; yet by being on pilgrimage with sincere hearts, as on a journey, all are brought closer to Heaven.
The Lord chooses all sorts of men, to serve as priests. They bring their own weaknesses with them. The sacraments they confer are valid, despite their sins; yet priests are sometimes mistaken in their personal opinions. The best priests are those who believe in all that the Church teaches, lead humble and chaste lives, fervent in love for the Saviour and His Church, and charitable towards everyone, though unafraid to speak the truth, in charity.
Showing 1121 - 1140 of 1911