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Showing 701 - 720 of 1911
Living human beings are a gift from God. The Holy Spirit gives life; and it is He Who receives insult and offense wherever people treat human embryos as so much rubbish to be thrown away.
A Catholic who refuses to believe some of the truths of the Faith puts up a barrier in his soul, and prevents himself from gaining the sort of clearer understanding of Truth, and of inter-locking truths, that he might have gained from God in prayer.
Those who destroy infants in their mothers' wombs, or who discard tiny embryos, are not only acting against those living human beings, but offending God. They act against Him, the giver of life, when they discard miniature living persons as so much rubbish, even if they do not realise how great is the wrong they do.
Those who destroy infants in their mothers' wombs, or who discard tiny embryos, are not only acting against those living human beings, but offending God. They act against Him, the giver of life, when they discard miniature living persons as so much rubbish, even if they do not realise how great is the wrong they do.
Care must be taken when Catholic Bishops meet with Anglican clergy, so that Catholics are not led to believe that there are parallel sets of 'Bishops', with sacramental orders of equal validity. Yet it is useful for full-time Christian leaders to talk about common issues of importance.
The generous response of the Blessed Virgin to God's invitation to become the Mother of God brought her much suffering - but also tremendous joy and glory. And so it is with us, when we respond to God's call, and allow Him to lead us through trials to bliss and intimacy.
We cannot do better than imitate Christ, when we are puzzled by our own behaviour or by the foolish or evil behaviour of other people. Christ knew that His Father can bring good out of evil, and we should believe the same, if we must endure unavoidable suffering or disappointment.
Christ asked me a rhetorical question, saying 'Where are the others?' He meant: If Catholics had been well-taught about the Holy Sacrifice, and about Christ's Real Presence, many more would be present even at a week-day Mass.
No sick person should believe that he is 'useless'. The Lord invites each one to prepare for Heaven, to practice patience, to pray simple prayers and to trust in the love of the Holy Trinity.
Christ is Really Present with us in the Blessed Sacrament. We are just as close to Him, in Holy Communion, as were His friends, when they sat beside Him in Galilee.
It is sometimes right, the Lord said, to give a brief, quiet reminder to noisy people, that the church is a place for prayer, and not for chatter about everyday matters.
To love Christ, to know Him, to depend on Him, and to trust in Him in every circumstance is to allow Him to fill one's life with His light, which can radiate outwards to enlighten other people.
At every Mass, Christ intercedes for us to the invisible Father, as all the Saints look on from above in wonder and gratitude
At every Mass, Christ intercedes for us to the invisible Father, as all the Saints look on from above in wonder and gratitude
At every Mass, Christ intercedes for us to the invisible Father, as all the Saints look on from above in wonder and gratitude
It was an earnest request from the Lord: "Tell everybody who will listen" - that Jesus our God and Saviour is truly Present at every Mass, 'hidden' in the sacred species, and praying just as He did on Calvary, for sinners.
Christ is pleased when we make great efforts to attend Mass and receive Him in Holy Communion, even battling through snow and difficult circumstances to reach the church.
There are all sort of trials that must be faced by Christians who are trying to be faithful. This should not surprise us. Christ was not surprised by the jeering crowds who lined the streets of Jerusalem as He staggered along the road the Calvary.
It is possible to bear constant heartache 'side-by-side' with spiritual joy, as Jesus Himself experienced in earthly life. His heart ached whenever people showed misunderstanding or malice towards Him, yet He remained in blissful union with the Father.
A Christian who cannot be bothered to say regular prayers is unlikely to become a great Saint, unless he changes his attitude, rather as a sportsman who cannot run around the track every day, as a minimum, is unlikely to be able to enter the Olympic Games.
Showing 701 - 720 of 1911