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Priests who chat loudly in church and disturb the prayers of others show a lack of reverence that can reflect a deeper lack of respect for the Lord
Jesus Christ, our incarnate God, is substantially Present with us in the Holy Eucharist. We cannot see Him within the Sacred Host. But we who believe in His words accept the truth about His Presence, rejoice in it - and are eager to show our love and devotion in traditional ways of adoration, reverence, and with processions and hymns.
We can picture the life of Heaven as being like a sort of parallel universe, right beside us: just as real as the visible, everyday life we know, or even more real, yet at present invisible. If we are faithful we will one day pierce the veil, to be with Christ and the Saints when we die, to stay with them for all Eternity.
Christ is pleased when we step forward when people are grieving, to offer comfort, or to make kind enquiries - even if those people are strangers. It is better than hurrying past, worrying about them but not acting.
There are public talks for enquirers at which speakers tell of their personal friendship with Jesus, which is strengthened by what they read in the Bible. The best talks are those given by faithful Catholics who present the whole Gospel message, including the life of the Church: that God became man, to save us; He founded a Church on those who were witnesses to His Death and Resurrection; the Church can tell us how to live, and help us to know Christ and achieve salvation; we can belong to her.
A good priest feels privileged to be ordained, is awestruck by Christ's love, believes all that the Church teaches, never grumbles about his work, is keen to hand on the truth, is fearless in preaching, tells the whole truth about faith and morals, and requests reverent behaviour in church, where Christ is Really Present in the Blessed Sacrament.
For a life that is truly worthwhile we need faith in God, trust in His goodness and power, and in the merits of Jesus' Passion and death. Even a person stranded on a desert island, with no-one in sight, is connected to God the Father, through Jesus, and to the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and to the Catholic Church throughout the world, as long as he has faith. We must do all we can to make that faith grow.
Some people have refused to love God. Yet without love for God, they cannot enter Heaven. By their own choice, they have turned away from happiness and peace; and when they die they fall towards Hell. They will never again experience joy, having refused to acknowledge the Source of all joy.
God wants everyone to know that we don't need special circumstances in which to show out love for God and our neighbour, or advanced education or special training or equipment. In whatever vocation God has called us to undertake, we can show our love, and - by the graces won for us by Christ - prepare for Eternity in Heaven.
It is a terrible thing, that people in many parts of the world are enslaved by other human beings. The worst sort of slavery, however, in God's sight, is enslavement to sin, because, in it, people are in danger of losing not just earthly joy but Eternal happiness, if they do not repent.
It is the desire of Pope Benedict that everyone come to what Holy Scripture calls 'the obedience of faith'. He enjoys a little leisure time; but his whole desire is to bring people away from dissent and disobedience. The really new, radical way of 'being Church' today is to believe everything the Church teaches, as he does, and to put it into practice.
At the entrance to Hell is a great, barred gate, which closes firmly after each newcomer has entered. There is no possibility of ever leaving. That knowledge is one of the torments of Hell; for everyone here has ignored God's warnings and has chosen this fate. This image is given to help those who have not yet chosen to seek God and cling to Him.
When a priest commits grave sin, and does not repent, it is as if he dirties everything he touches, as he goes about his duties; but nothing can sully the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or Christ the pure and Holy Saviour, Son of God, Whose once-for-all Sacrifice each priest offers from the altar.
Through prayer, especially through the cycle of the Church's Liturgical prayer, we can enter the Mysteries of Christ's earthly life. At each of the feasts of His life we can address Him in that event, and benefit from the graces He won for us, in it. Simple people who pray to the 'infant Jesus' have an instinctive knowledge of this truth.
Through prayer, especially through the cycle of the Church's Liturgical prayer, we can enter the Mysteries of Christ's earthly life. At each of the feasts of His life we can address Him in that event, and benefit from the graces He won for us, in it. Simple people who pray to the 'infant Jesus' have an instinctive knowledge of this truth.
A person who rarely prays, or who prays but does not open her heart completely to Christ cannot develop an intimate friendship with Him. It is as if she declares that He is a good friend but, not trusting Him, keeps the door of her soul on the chain.
In every age, there are new ways of spreading the Gospel. If it is true that last century, it was possible for a poster of a well-known revolutionary to appear on the bedroom walls of thousands of people throughout the world, it is even more certain that, through the internet, pictures of Christ can reach an even wider audience.
Christ said that life can be like a family outing, in which some people trust the driver, even if they don't recognise certain points of the route, and others are very disturbed by not knowing exactly where they are. Christ wants us to look upon Him as our driver, and to trust in His wisdom and guidance.
People usurp the Father's role when they act against His wishes (even without realising it) by their suicide or self-harm. Life is a gift from God, not to be thrown away or damaged.
People who fulfil their everyday tasks in union with Christ, in the home or the workplace - or in the Priesthood - grow in holiness. Their communion with Him drives them to do everything for love of Him and of the Father, Who is the Source of all holiness. They are becoming ready to live one day as Saints, with the Father in Heaven.
Showing 781 - 800 of 1911