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Showing 821 - 840 of 1911
As soon as I asked the Saints and Angels for their help, it was as if they surrounded me in a huge crowd, to support me, as I knelt before the Father's throne, offering Him my evening praise. Truly, the Lord assured me, I have an army of Heavenly friends.
Christ said to me: 'Beware the Serpent'. He was referring to the evil one who likes to disturb my evening prayers in one disguise or another but who is put to flight by Holy Water and by prayer to the Holy Trinity.
Many Bishops are unwilling to speak about sin and repentance, thinking it uncharitable to tell people they ought to change if they wish to please God. The Apostles, however, thought it highly charitable to warn others about where sinful behaviour would lead them. They spoke of Hell as well as Heaven.
We should be obedient to Christ, Who teaches through His Church. A lone soldier working on a special mission in a dangerous country can be more likely to stay out of danger if he obeys the precise instructions given by his commander, who can see the whole area. We too should obey our Commander's instructions even when we do not understand the need for certain moves. He wants to save us.
The new road being made represents the road never-before trodden by the couple who have now become a married couple joined by God. Yet their road joins up with a great highway which leads to Heaven, and represents God the Father's plan for the human race. It is His will that families move forwards together, each man and woman with their children, living close to other families who also live in peace and goodness, remaining aware of their Heavenly destination.
There are some acts which are intrinsically wrong. Even if people act from ignorance, and are less blameworthy in God's sight, He does not want anyone (especially priests) to encourage people in such acts, but to invite them to abandon such behaviour, to pursue holiness. It is never right to use contraceptives, to attempt a re-marriage which is adulterous, or to have a forbidden sexual relationship such as incest.
In deliberate steps (Christ explained), He had led me slowly towards a recognition of the reverence and beauty associated with the Traditional way of offering the Holy Sacrifice, and the customary way, for women, of veiling their hair in His Presence, during the Sacred Liturgy.
God never ceases to pour out His love and forgiveness towards us all; yet a person who hides behind His sins, by refusing to let go of them, stops that divine love and forgiveness reaching Him. His darkness and sadness are self-chosen; yet by repentance, he exchanges his filthy rags for a clean white garment, and his sins are banished.
If we persevere in fervent love of God and of our neighbour we can arrive at the top of the mountain of holiness, and enter Heaven as soon as we die. Those friends of Christ who grow luke-warm or careless are collected, at death, and taken to Purgatory, to be made fully-alive and joyful, ready for Heaven. People who have walked down the mountain, of their own free will, are heading towards the Abyss, and doom.
Whenever we know we are dealing with a powerful substance, we wisely change our behaviour. We wear rubber-soled shoes if we work with electricity, lead aprons near X-ray machines, protective clothing for nuclear power. And we should act with care, with deepest reverence, respect and awe, when close to the Source of Divine power in our midst: Jesus our God, in the Blessed Sacrament.
Christ said that a person who professes to love Christ whilst refusing to keep the Commandments or do the Will of Christ in other matters is like a man holding up a door, to prevent someone approaching, whilst still smiling and expressing devotion.
Wherever someone calls out to a Saint in Heaven, to ask for his or her prayers, grace pours down upon the needy as surely as sunlight pours through gaps in a huge cloud.
Although God pours down grace upon us, like sunlight through a great cloud, whenever we ask for the prayers of one of the Saints of Heaven, even greater graces are given to us when we go to the shrine of one of the Saints, and there ask for his or her intercession, at a shrine authorised and blessed by the Church.
Unless a seminarian becomes a man of prayer, with a deep love for Christ, a belief in the Spirit's power, and the Father's providential care, he will not be a good priest, nor will he be able to persevere in the Priesthood.
A charitable person teaches children how to behave in God's house and how to pray; and she therefore helps them to find inner peace in the Presence of their Saviour. It is not charitable to let a child run riot and disturb other people, in a place specially consecrated for Christian prayer.
Long ago, before Christ came to earth, people looked for signs and wonders, yearning for evidence of God's existence, or of His nature, and His wishes; they were like people searching for a 'gap in the cloud', as many do today.
It was as a 'cloud' over the earth had been rent apart, when Jesus toured Galilee, speaking the truth about the purpose of life, the glory of the Father, the need for repentance, and for Baptism. He showed out God's nature and God's Will. He revealed the extent of Divine Love by accepting death on a Cross, rather than give up His Mission. He proved His Divinity by His miracles, above all by His Resurrection.
It is the Catholic Church which keeps asunder the cloud of ignorance and hopelessness which once covered the world. In every age, despite the sins of her members, she does what Jesus did in His earthly life. By His Spirit's guidance and power, she teaches truth, forgives, heals, prays, offers the Holy Sacrifice, helps the poor, and makes people holy.
In the spiritual life, it can seem as though we travel on a narrow path, between high walls, with little hope of finding joy. But just where the path seems most unpromising, it can open out - if we persevere - into an orchard, full of trees laden with fruit and lush foliage. Helped by the prayers of the Saints, our state of life is becoming fruitful.
We can be helped to bear painful memories if we notice the spiritual growth that was the result of accepting and offering up those trials in union with Christ - even those caused by our own foolishness. All seems disastrous when a flower bud splits open; but only by that 'injury' can a beautiful flower emerge.
Showing 821 - 840 of 1911