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Jesus is willing to say, today, to each person who goes to Him, repenting of sin, what He once said to the adulterous, sorrowful woman: "Neither do I condemn you. Go away and don't sin anymore". This is true, even for people guilty of those sins which are particularly repulsive to virtuous people.
If we are attacked once again for our Catholic Faith, by persons who can speak only about the Crusades and the Inquisition, we are not wrong to ask them if they have even read a book on what we really believe, and whether they are aware of all the good which Christ has introduced into the world, through His Church.
In the history of the world and of religions, there has been one Person Who killed no-one, who healed everyone who suffered, and Who has proved, by His Resurrection from death, that He can take His followers, too, up to Heaven, just as He has promised. That person is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary.
Whoever searches for an answer to life's questions can do no better than to listen to Jesus. He is the only one of Whom it can be said: He healed everyone, He killed no-one, and He rose from the dead, proving that He has the power to take His followers up to Heaven. Everyone looking clearly at the truth will appreciate that good news, which is worth having.
Everyone for whom I pray is in the Father's loving care - even those looking in other directions. We should keep on praying that those who don't yet believe in God will come to realise Who is holding them in existence.
Christ died, to conquer sin and death; yet He would have done so, to save a single person from going to Hell. Millions, however, are in danger of condemning themselves to Hell because they lead hard-hearted and sinful lives. Each of us needs to repent, by the grace of Christ, before we die.
We are right to pray for people who are torn between love of God, and selfish behaviour - and for everyone. There is a battle for souls going on, as Satan tries to influence us all, and our Guardian Angels act to protect us.
Many people have received images to share about the love of God for His creatures. But the one true image is that given through the person of Jesus Christ: God-made-man, who came to our world and revealed what the Father is really like: Someone who loves us all.
Jesus Christ, the Word of God, came down from Heaven to reveal who God is. In examining Him, we know what the Father is like, and what are his wishes.
Habitual sins in the lives of those we pray for are like granite mountains. They can only be removed by a spiritual explosion - perhaps an extraordinary intervention by Christ - or by the sinner Providentially receiving a change of circumstance, in which he sees more clearly, and freely choses to make major changes.
Just as pond creatures which make their way to the surface of a pond are dazzled by the sunlight above, so human beings who rise up from earthly life and enter Heaven are dazzled by Divine glory; so as I paint them in my Last Judgement I should not paint them in much detail, but as if half hidden in dazzling light.
The Lord said that in my picture of the Last Judgement, I should place the innocent babies that die by miscarriage, abortion or disease, before Baptism, in little cots, in a quiet room in the wall of the castle which surrounds the area shown as Heaven. The babies are asleep in God's care, their eyes shielded by a curtain nevertheless, from the dazzling glory of Heaven.
Even more important than action in the world, to abolish the evil of abortion, is prayer. People in monasteries, inspired to pray about this tragedy, should pray, as should people in the whole world, as well; the God Who loathes injustice, will overcome this evil in our society today.
Catholics who believe what the Church teaches and who pray with faith, invoke the Blessed Trinity, use Holy water, and ask the help of the Angels and Saints, are given powerful help to resist evil; and they help others, too, not to be swept away - as if by a waterfall - by the spiritual enemies who would drag us into fear, resentment and gloom.
St. Francis de Sales is in Heaven, full of the bright cloud of Divine Love which now surrounds him. He breathed out that love, to surround me with it, long ago, as I was reading his 'Introduction to the Devout Life'. By his prayer for me, Divine love enfolded and enlightened me as I was reading.
Every inspiration or movement which goes against God and the Father's Will by corrupting or destroying innocent life is Satanic in origin, even if people in embryo experimentation and related matters believe they are doing good and do not recognise that anti-life actions are evil.
The pro-abortion movement is of Satanic origin. Even if some individuals believe that they are helping and not harming women, they are most certainly acting against God the Father's wishes in killing unborn babies, or arranging this.
There are souls in Hell who are being tormented by demons. In earthly life, they refused to listen to God who loves them. They chose to walk on the path to Hell as they cried out, until death. 'I can do whatever I like'.
A person who sins, and who says to himself, "I can do whatever I want", would be wise to remember that by his decisions and acts he aligns himself either with God and the Saints and Angels, or with Satan and his demons and all who love evil. He should pause, to ask: "Whose side am I on?"
The Lord assured me that I was right to picture Christ as He is: God made man, that is, God made visible; but I am right to leave the Father's face invisible - since He is transcendent, and ineffable: indescribable in His holiness and beauty.
Showing 981 - 1000 of 1911