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Showing 1881 - 1900 of 2465
Those Holy Souls whose time of Purification has nearly ended are like people who slowly ascend a great stairway, clad in their best garments, aware that they will have the privilege, very soon, of being announced to Royalty. The Holy Souls make no complaints, aware that at the top of the stairs they will be greeted by the King of Heaven, with joy, and by His Virgin Mother.
People who devise new laws, and promote evil actions by their evil laws, should examine their hearts and minds. They will be held responsible for the wrongs perpetrated because of their votes in Government on such grave matters as abortion law, which is evil in God's sight, since it permits the killing of defenceless, innocent, human beings.
If people in Government pass laws which promote evil, they are acting against God. Whoever supports evil acts such as abortion and promotes its greater availability, through committee work and voting, should think about Eternity. Each person of earth will end in Heaven, even if though Purgatory, or in Hell, through his or her own fault. All should strive to lead good lives, and not risk Eternal Life through helping others to kill the innocent.
In Mediaeval times, people were taught the truth about the Mass, the central act of our religion, and the greatest means of praising God - through His Son, and His Son's Holy Sacrifice, re-presented in the presence of the Saints, the Holy Souls and the Angels. What is important are prayer, adoration, and the knowledge that we join in the worship of Heaven. (It is because most children are taught only that the Mass is a community meal, that there are so many images given, through Radiant Light, of every aspect of the Holy Sacrifice. The Lord wants every effort made to teach the truth about these Holy Mysteries.)
Those Who encourage children to take a busy part doing 'jobs' during the Sacred Liturgy might make the children feel important but often lead them to become distracted from what is said, and certainly not prayerful. There should be encouragement, rather, for children to know what happens in the Holy Sacrifice, to believe it, to be grateful for God's love and action, and to adore and praise Him.
Saturation Coverage: The Lord wants everyone to know that the Mass is Christ's Holy Sacrifice. The Lord said that just as commercial people ensure saturation coverage of their products, placing images as widely as possible, He is doing the same, through Radiant Light, though not for monetary profit but spiritual benefits for all - spreading and using those paintings of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. That is why He has given me so many hundreds of images of the Mass.
Just as a person who wants to go to the shops to buy essentials takes the sensible route: the direct route across the village, and doesn't wander aimlessly around, so people who want to be successful in reaching Heaven co-operate with God by talking the Way He has made, rather than saying: "I can find my own way", or even, "There are things I want to do, first, that You don't approve of".
The ancient tower of Babel fell, because of the pride of its builder. But we have a tower which reaches to Heaven, so that our prayers can reach the Father, every time we pray. It is the Sinless Son of God, in Whose name we pray, who makes possible our climb up to the Father in prayer - as well as the holy Mother He kept sinless, who helps us by her intercessions.
To pray sincere prayers in the name of Jesus is like being lifted to the top of a high tower, to be poised at the edge of a great abyss, yet confident that the Holy Spirit will carry our prayer to the unseen Father of Light. It is the same Holy Spirit Who carries a soul across the Abyss at death. Woe to those who do not possess the Spirit! We must never drive Him out, but repent like little children, confident of finding forgiveness, and new hope.
The Holy Spirit carries all faithful souls across the Abyss which separates earth from Heaven - though He does not carry all straight into Heaven, but to a place of purification, if they are not yet worthy. This place, called Purgatory, is represented here by the little ledge on the side of the cliff. The Holy Souls can see the fearsome depths below, and know that by God's grace they have been saved from falling into them.
People who have chosen to commit mortal sin imagine that they are free; but they have been weakened by Satan. It is if he seizes and moulds them, making them rigid, helpless parts of a great fence around his kingdom of evil. To escape, they need the grace of God and the prayers of the faithful.
It is an amazing encounter, when a man dies who has been a scientist, deeply admiring things in the created world, and fascinated by subatomic particles. To meet the one by Whose Mind all things and all living creatures and all things have been designed is - for a believing, prayerful scientist - a marvellous revelation.
People who persist in mortal sin, careless of the danger to their souls, and of the risk of damnation, are as if living on narrow ledges just above the great Abyss which separates earth from Heaven. They have no hope of crossing the Abyss, unless they are drawn up by God's grace and the prayers of the faithful to level ground, which is a state of grace. From there, they can allow the Spirit to carry them to Heaven; but if they stay on the ledges, then die, they will immediately fall into Hell below.
It is as if the Holy Souls are undergoing purification by reflecting, just below Heaven, within sight of the Abyss that leads to Hell, how good God is, who has rescued them from sin and disaster. They are helped by our prayers - and by the prayers of the Saints, which are like lifelines: long ropes let down from Heaven, so that the Holy Souls can be pulled up to glory.
The Divine Son of God crossed the vast gulf between Heaven and earth, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to take flesh, and be born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After His Death and Resurrection He again crossed that gulf at His Ascension into Heaven, having promised that He would bring His faithful followers to Heaven, likewise; so the Spirit carries towards Heaven, all who die in a state of grace - though some pause for a while, in Purgatory, on their way to glory.
Some people say: "How cruel of God, to allow anyone to suffer in Hell". Rather, we should say, "How amazing it is, that, after repentance, weak, sinful people should be allowed to serve God, and then fly into the glory of Heaven, to live with Him in bliss, forever, with all the Saints!" Sad to say, some people who say they want to go to Heaven are not willing to believe in Christ, or do the Will of Christ, Who has opened Heaven for repentant sinners.
In speaking about God the Father, some people say that God is cruel, to allow people to fall into Hell. The truth is, in His goodness, He invites everyone to respond to His love, to grow in union with Him, though Jesus Christ His Son, and to do good and prepare for the gift of Heaven. But how can anyone expect to be saved, who will not do what is essential, in preparation for such a privilege and gift? How can anyone benefit from Christ's work, who refuses to do as Christ asks: to pray, to obey His commands, and to love Him as well as our neighbour?
Some people say: 'Why does God let people suffer in Hell. Can't He destroy sinners?' It is not in God's nature to destroy, like a mythical God who is proud of his power. He is all-love, and lovingly reaches out to us through His Son, warning us of the danger of sin and disobedience. The sufferings of Hell are caused by the loss of God, through a person's own fault, and through the demons, who delight in causing pain.
We must never forget how powerful are the sacraments. Death is the 'cut-off' point: the moment in which we lose our ability to decide for God, or against Him. There are few death-bed conversions. Usually, as people live, so they die, either loving God or focussed upon their own desires. This is all the more reason for asking a priest to anoint a sick or dying person. Christ, through this holy sacrament, can free from sin someone who was about to fall into Hell.
There is no need to show children pictures of the flames of Hell, or demons; but they do need to be told about the consequences of our lives: that, at death, each person goes towards Heaven or Hell, and that Hell is truly terrible. If these truths are left out, how can children learn the truth about God's justice, and mercy - or about free-will, by which we can choose what to do, but must face the consequences if we walk away from God, and His love, joy and peace?
Showing 1881 - 1900 of 2465