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Those who strive for perfect union with God strive to know His Will, to love it, to desire the same good ends, to love what God loves, and to be one with Him in everything. It's as if what at first appeared to be a row of separate buildings are actually joined together, perfectly aligned, so that there is movement from one part into the other, at the top, with perfect ease.
I was shown how marvellously worthwhile is the prayer of intercession. It is as if we hold up before God, through a great procession before Heaven, all the individuals we keep in mind. Truly, they receive help from God, through our prayers for them and God's mercy.
The Lord asks us to believe, about human life, that it is His free gift. Each unique, miniature human being has received life from God. It is as if a procession of tiny infants is moving from Heaven to earth, to be received in the loving union of man and woman. Alas, many children are not welcomed.
As I pray to the Father, in Jesus' name, in the Spirit, asking for help for someone in need, I can be certain that Jesus too prays for that praiseworthy intention, with His whole attention, and His Spirit's love and power.
Some Governments who should serve God, and protect and help their people, fail to do so - and even live in unbridled luxury whilst ignoring the poverty of their own people.
Governments offend God when they fail to protect and help their people, or when they attack people making legitimate protests, or when they live in unbridled luxury while their people starve, or when they pass corrupt laws, or are unjust in the distribution of goods.
People who live aimlessly without clear goals or commitment to what is good are like petals which fall into a river, are tossed about on the current and eventually swept over a waterfall to be seen no more - unlike those who, in obedience and service before God, have a sure hope of rising up to be with Him forever.
When a friend of Christ receives Him in Holy Communion, yet is too sick and weary to pray, she can be sure that Christ is 'holding' her in His loving care just as He would hold a sick child.
When we pray to God, in Jesus' name, for help for someone in need, we can be sure that God sends down grace from Heaven, like a stream of glory, to enfold that person in need, to enlighten his mind and strengthen his will to do good - if he will respond and turn to God.
It is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, Who carries souls to Heaven when we die. A person who hates others is plainly not full of the Holy Spirit; and if he dies in that state, he will not be able to rise up to Eternal Life.
It is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, Who carries souls to Heaven when we die. A person who hates others is plainly not full of the Holy Spirit; and if he dies in that state, he will not be able to rise up to Eternal Life.
God our loving Father delights in forgiving each person who turns to Him in sorrow for sin, and trust. But those who do not repent of their sins and do not turn to God, cannot receive the forgiveness which He holds out to us all our lives.
God our loving Father delights in forgiving each person who turns to Him in sorrow for sin, and trust. But those who do not repent of their sins and do not turn to God, cannot receive the forgiveness which He holds out to us all our lives.
After Christ's death, He rushed past many holy people in the underworld, to greet Abraham, who obeyed God's call to leave his country.
The life of God is so awesome and glorious that even the Saints in Heaven, who gaze towards God in wonder, do not fully understand the Holy Trinity. That triune life was only revealed to us because Jesus, the Son of God, descended from Heaven, to tell us of God's love and God's inner life.
Like Elijah we are called to seek the presence of God, and be awestruck before His power and majesty and beauty
Christ and his Mother, with all the Saints and Angels, live in the glory of Heaven. If we are called 'home', are we ready to enter? Are we holy, pure, and at peace with God and our neighbor?
If we refuse to follow the teachings of Christ and His Church, and lead immoral lives, we are like people who ignore a 'danger' sign and walk across a road where there is severe subsidence. They will risk losing limb or life. We risk our eternal life with God.
If we refuse to follow the teachings of Christ and His Church, and lead immoral lives, we are like people who ignore a 'danger' sign and walk across a road where there is severe subsidence. They will risk losing limb or life. We risk our eternal life with God.
It is good that we delight in beautiful things and thank God for them.
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