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Sincere praise, offered through Jesus, in the Spirit, to the Father of light, flies swiftly to the 'heart' of Heaven, as when an arrow pierces a cloud. Our prayers are worthwhile and effective.
The Church is like a bright home, full of life, in an almost deserted, snowy landscape. Where people really love life, and love and welcome children, they also care for the old and the sick - unlike many around them who work to extinguish life.
Christ is with us as we honour His saints.
The light of the Holy Spirit shines in the soul of someone who prays in Jesus' name; and those earnest prayers are heard in Heaven. It took decades of prayer before Communism fell in Russia. We must not lose hope that, with persevering prayer, the evil of abortion can be overcome.
The Godhead is so holy and ineffable and glorious. The glory of the Godhead is like shards of glass or ice: piercing, powerful, and even painful for those unaccustomed to the light; and we can only enter it with and through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Mediator.
People who say they love God but who refuse to do His will are as if 'hiding' away from His sight, in a dark pit. As long as they stay 'hidden', they are not yet walking on the bridge to Heaven, the 'bridge' made by Christ across the Abyss.
It is tragic to see someone walking as if in a 'tunnel' of gloom, hidden, by a life of sin, from enjoying God's light, and with none of the peace-of-soul that comes with repentance. Such a soul is in need of the powerful help brought by the prayers of a friend, and the grace of God.
The sins and self-love shown in our world cover our world like an all-enveloping cloud. Wherever someone acts in pure charity, it's as if a gap is made in the cloud; and God's light can shine upon earth in a difficult situation, for needy people.
Within the Father's heart, in Heaven, burns a blazing light. This is the glory of the Father, and within it is a furnace of Divine Love. That very love should burn within the heart of every Christian who professes to work for God. If a burning charity is lacking, someone's work cannot succeed. It will be based on human ambition and only human strength.
When we die, perhaps unexpectedly, a person is in one of three states: either standing in the Light of God, ready to enter Heaven, or still at the foot of the stairway to Heaven, so that our Purgatory will consist of necessary purification, or else still trapped, by our free choice, in a grossly selfish way of life: trapped in unrepented sin, unable to enter Heaven, and therefore in Hell for all Eternity.
To pray sincere prayers in the name of Jesus is like being lifted to the top of a high tower, to be poised at the edge of a great abyss, yet confident that the Holy Spirit will carry our prayer to the unseen Father of Light. It is the same Holy Spirit Who carries a soul across the Abyss at death. Woe to those who do not possess the Spirit! We must never drive Him out, but repent like little children, confident of finding forgiveness, and new hope.
The Scriptures say: 'Test the spirits'. Christ is the light of the world, and the love of God made visible; and He is alive, active in our world through His Spirit. We recognise Him in all that is done in His name in truthfulness, genuine charity, a desire to save souls, and a longing to glorify the Father in prayer. It is not Christ Who rocks tables as curious people call up unknown spirits, or claim to have new inspired Scriptures from God, or who shriek and dance, promising miracles to stir up interest in their own signs and wonders!
If we do not repent of our sins before we die, death will result in the sudden appearance of the brilliant light of the Godhead shining down upon our lives, piercing and dividing the great cloud in which we have tried to hide away from God, hoping He doesn't see our sins. All our misdeeds will be revealed to our gaze.
Just as a scientist, using an illuminated magnifying lens, can see hair-line cracks, and other dangers to hygiene, invisible to the naked eye, so the Lord can illuminate our souls in prayer; and the Divine, healing light that shines within our souls when we bring our sins, hurts and problems to God is a powerful means of achieving purity and holiness.
In making a spiritual Communion we invite God to come into our hearts and lives in a more powerful way. If we turn to Christ, make an act of sorrow for sin, an act of trust in His love, and an act of confidence in His presence in our souls, with a reverent request for a spiritual Communion, it can be as if the clouds and the sky have parted, to let the light of Christ shine more strongly upon us, bringing His peace and joy to our souls.
It is a marvel of grace, that the Blessed Trinity is present within the soul of a Baptised person. That person shares God's life, and power, and joy and peace. Yet God's presence is light as well as life. There is nothing worse than to extinguish that light, by deliberate mortal sin. If we die in such a state, we are doomed to an Eternity without God.
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