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All who share God's Trinitarian life can feel safe at death - as if tumbling over a cliff, yet held aloft within God's light until they reach the other side.
The purity of Heaven is far away from any worldly, sinful way of life. We may be half-way to Heaven, with Christ and Our Lady, in contemplation and acts of charity, but only by grace can we persevere to the end, on the 'hard road'
Christ who welcomes us to the tabernacle is also waiting to welcome us into Heaven - if we have repented of our sins.
Christ who welcomes us to the tabernacle is also waiting to welcome us into Heaven - if we have repented of our sins.
The Three Divine Persons are united and active in the unity of the Godhead, as if circling in unceasing communion. In a circle around them the many Saints are also circling, living in the Godhead, in the light and bliss of Divine Love.
When someone dies in the love of Christ, having served Christ to the end with selfless love, he rises up to Heaven in utter peace and gladness, reaching out his arms to Heaven, longing to see His Saviour at last.
There is a broad road to Hell, and a narrow ladder, it seemed, to Heaven. There were many more people in view, at one side, below Christ and His Saints. These Holy Souls were in shadow, in Purgatory - safe with God, yet not yet enjoying Heaven.
Our progress towards Heaven can be like a sales graph. We have done well if we have moved steadily upwards, despite occasional stumbles on the path, and have never turned back since first giving our life and heart to Christ.
I saw the globe of the earth, with a great mountain on it. At its summit was a bright Heavenly City, which represented the life of grace. Those not yet reconciled to God lived in darkness. The road to Hell lay at my side: a broad road leading downwards.
From the life of grace, a rope-ladder led upwards to where Christ and the Saints waited in Heaven to greet those who persevered even amidst howling winds, and who bravely held on, until the moment of death.
To live 'in Christ' in a state of grace is like living on a mountain top in early life, battered by temptations, but hoping to climb up to Heaven rather than take the broad road to Hell.
A life of grace on earth is like a well-lit mountain from which there is a ladder to Heaven. Without grace, it is easy to wander onto the broad road which leads to Hell.
In church, we are on the threshold of Heaven, in the Presence of Christ our God. Although it is sometimes necessary to offer a quiet greeting or enquiry, it is not right to engage in idle chatter, e.g. about football results or holidays. It is the House of God, and we should want to pray there and allow others to pray.
People can be powerfully helped and drawn towards Heaven by the good example and the prayers of those who have already gone to Heaven.
Because of their Baptism, souls have been changed; and those who enter Heaven are 'shielded' from the burning fire of love which is God's nature. Instead of suffering through contact with His holiness, they shine, in joy: as if each is a little flame of love, visible even amidst the surrounding Divine Glory.
Someone who speaks about Mount Everest is worth believing if we know that he has followed the right path. Someone who speaks about God and Heaven is worth believing if he or she has evidently followed the right path: by faith in Christ, love for God and neighbour, self-denial in order to do God's Will, and the surrender of selfish ambitions.
Thousands and thousands of Saints are waiting to greet each happy soul who flies swiftly to Heaven, at death, and each happy soul who ascends from Purgatory, purified, into Heaven's light. Each soul is greeted with joy, love, and admiration.
As we travel towards Heaven, Christ is like a signal-man whom we rely on to send our messages to those waiting to meet us at our destination. Through Christ, we can be certain that our prayers reach God the Father, and the Saints.
As we praise God at Mass, with and through Christ, we praise Him with the whole Church, which includes the Saints of Heaven - here encircling the altar - and the Holy Souls.
The Process of Dying: Dying is a sort of labour. Christ is waiting to welcome each of His faithful children who will enter Heaven after a time in the 'womb' of earthly life.
Showing 341 - 360 of 1276