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Someone who follows a humble, quiet, persevering way of prayer and faithfulness to God, is on the Way to Heaven, just as a man on a straight, well-lit motorway is making a safe journey to the city; unlike those who choose to struggle on foot, picking their own route across country, and encountering rabbit-holes, barbed wire and wild animals.
It is as though Heaven has descended as far as a church sanctuary. We are united in praise with Christ, in our midst, and with the Saints. This is a living memorial of Christ's death: yet the Risen Christ is with us, praising the Father Who sent Him to be our Saviour.
People have many ideas about God, but only Jesus - like a window onto Heaven - gives us direct access to God the Father
People have many ideas about God, but only Jesus - like a window onto Heaven - gives us direct access to God the Father
There is a place not far from Heaven, called Purgatory, where people arrive to prepare for Heaven. It is as if they finally take off their dirty rags, and are re-clothed like royalty; then they process to their seats, wearing crowns, to join the Saints above - through the love and mercy of God Who rewards all who die in a state of grace.
Our Father in Heaven looks with delight upon everyone who speaks with others about His Son, Jesus, and Jesus' Holy Mother Mary. We are right to share our faith with joy, glorifying God and helping other people.
Whenever we pray in the name of Jesus, even in darkness or loneliness, we share in the life of the whole company of Heaven.
Whenever we pray in the name of Jesus, even in darkness or loneliness, we share in the life of the whole company of Heaven.
We confess our sins at the beginning of Mass, but we must not become despondent about our little failings. Heaven is ablaze with light, and full of joy, right now; and we who join in the Sacred Mysteries join in Heaven's praise.
Christ and all the saints rejoice with us at special occasions, for example, when we celebrate a birthday.
God sees, from Heaven, every thought, word and deed of ours. He looks at us with love, even when we sin; yet we need to ask ourselves: "Is this something that should be brought before him? Is it worthy of Heaven?"
God sees, from Heaven, every thought, word and deed of ours. He looks at us with love, even when we sin; yet we need to ask ourselves: "Is this something that should be brought before him? Is it worthy of Heaven?"
A soul released from Purgatory soars like a rocket towards the distant 'sun', which is the radiance of Heaven. Each new saint approaches God in perfect humility.
The soul who is ready to enter Heaven, after Purgatory and not straight after death, kneels in awe before the Godhead, and waits for Christ and Our Lady to lead him to the Father's heart.
The Father reminded me of the importance of the prayer-card which I am completing: "Ready for Heaven?" God loves us all; but there is a desperate need for sinners to repent and change. Some Catholics are far from ready for Heaven. Many are not even fit for Purgatory.
It is really important, as we journey together in the Church towards Heaven, that we love one another, and do not overlook the command to love our enemies, or to love the sick, shy and poor in a parish.
At every Mass, Jesus Christ is made Present before us, our great High Priest Who intercedes for us with His Father in Heaven. The holy Angels look on and adore Him.
On our journey to Heaven, Catholics trust in the navigator and the pilot (God) and are grateful for regular food (the sacraments). They try not to complain or demand weather reports or arrival times, but try to be helpful and kind to people around them.
A person who is always anxious about his state of soul and about the likelihood of going to Heaven is like a man on holiday who charges around the aircraft, enquiring anxiously about the weather, and the time of arrival. It is best to rely on the navigator and pilot.
If we persevere in faith, we can approach the 'shore' - the state of great charity - from which we will depart to Heaven at our death. Even in this life, we can come near the edge of Eden.
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