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To arrive in God's presence, at death, without having given up one's sins, is like appearing in filthy garments, with muddy footprints, and with doors open wide into the areas of one's life which are full of sins, foolish thoughts and other clutter, not yet cleared away. It is to be deeply ashamed, and not fit for Heaven.
There are near-misses on the roads every day, and even fatal crashes. Christians in other circumstances even risk death for their Faith. Are we all ready for Heaven, if we meet sudden death? Christ wants us to examine our lives, to make an honest assessment of our spiritual state, in case we have not repented of mortal sins.
To arrive in God's presence, at death, without being clothed in the life of grace, is like arriving on earth at a wedding, in a naked state, having to endure the embarrassment, and the embarrassed gaze of fellow-guests. We need to prepare our 'wedding garment' for Heaven, by our holiness of life and love for Christ.
A wise person tries to lead a life worthy of Heaven, and so is already living in God's glorious light, when at death, she is called to step forward into Heaven. People who are trapped in mortal sin, by their own free choices, are as if held in a deep pit, in this life. If they do not repent before they die, they will be in that pit at death, unable to enter Heaven, separated from God for all Eternity, by their own fault.
When we die, perhaps unexpectedly, a person is in one of three states: either standing in the Light of God, ready to enter Heaven, or still at the foot of the stairway to Heaven, so that our Purgatory will consist of necessary purification, or else still trapped, by our free choice, in a grossly selfish way of life: trapped in unrepented sin, unable to enter Heaven, and therefore in Hell for all Eternity.
A man who carelessly and deliberately commits mortal sin, but who does not walk away from the Church is like a man on a narrow ladder in a mineshaft, above a fiery pit, in danger, but who has a safety-rope round his waist - from Heaven. If he begins to climb upwards, he can find safety at last, and avoid the flames.
When we pause to pray by a statue of our Blessed Lady we are addressing the real person whom the statue represents. Our Lady is in Heaven, her arms out to welcome us in prayer. She is our Mother, who loves to see us confide in her, and show love for her.
We are right to warn children about the consequences of sin, just as we would warn them about the danger of cliff-tops, deep water, or other risky places. Yet we can point out the far-off 'country' which is our homeland, Heaven, where there is no more danger, and no more sadness or pain.
In contemplative prayer, in a state of grace, a soul can be lifted by God into new states of union as swiftly and directly as if that person were a child being borne aloft, flying towards Heaven on the back of an eagle.
In contemplative prayer, in a state of grace, a soul can be lifted by God into new states of union as swiftly and directly as if that person were a child being borne aloft, flying towards Heaven on the back of an eagle.
To meet Christ at death whilst in a state of grace is to be wearing the wedding garment necessary for Heaven, even if it is stained, and must be washed clean in Purgatory. Good people who have never known Christ meet Him at the edge of Heaven; some greet Him gladly, when told He is the Saviour of the world and so receive a white garment. Others refuse to accept Him, and condemn themselves, and cannot therefore enter Heaven.
The Lord asks us to persevere in prayer for atheists. When we do so, it's as if He lets down a rope from Heaven, into the hole in the ground where they choose to live. They have blinded themselves to His existence by ignoring the glory of the natural world, the weight of human testimony, and the call of conscience.
A person who is brought back to God's friendship, reconciled through a sacramental Confession, and brought closer through the Mass and Holy Communion, is like a man suddenly brought back to a main road, from a far away desert country, and who now drives straight towards Heaven, as long as he does not deviate from the route.
The Catholic Church is the 'city, set on a hill' by Christ, so that everyone can come to her, learn from her about God's plans, and about sin and virtue, and be reconciled and prepared for Heaven. Catholics must not disfigure the Church, by their bad behaviour; yet other Christians, though baptised, need her. She alone teaches the complete truth about Christ and His Way, opposing the spirit of of the age.
By His Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension, Christ made a Way to Heaven. It's as if His head is in Heaven, as He speaks to the Father from our midst at every Mass, as a great mass of needy people encircles the altar on earth.
Long ago, people did evil. It was as though there was a thick cloud of sin covering the world - even before there was a huge river of dead babies, killed by abortion. But Christ pierced the cloud by His Incarnation. He made a way up to Heaven. He asks each of us to work beneath the cloud, in our societies, to change things for the better, until we rise up to Heaven.
The Lord wants everyone to realise what He sees, from Heaven, as He looks upon the world He made and sees human beings kill and discard the little babies to whom He gave life at their conception. He sees mothers, whom He wishes to cherish their children, ask doctors to destroy them in the womb! This destruction of babies is a monstrous sin, in His sight; yet people call it a 'woman's right'.
From the heart of the Godhead, from the Three Divine Persons, light and grace fall upon a little child below. This is an image of the power of Baptism. The new life given from God in this holy sacrament is a share in the life of God - and a promise of Heaven for those who remain faithful. This is the greatest gift, after life itself. The Three Divine Persons now dwell within the soul of the Baptised.
Millions of babies have been killed in the womb, and have been denied not only life on earth but also Baptism. They do not become saints in glory, but they are in God's care - as if tiny clouds which float peacefully in front of heaven.
The Lord said that of all the millions of souls created, only a few love and serve Him, and persevere to the end, proving worthy of the gift of Heaven. Babies who are aborted not only lose their lives on earth, but lose any possibility of Baptism, through which people inherit Heaven. Deliberately to deny a baby the possibility of birth and Baptism is a terrible thing for sinner and victim, and dreadful in God's sight, Who gives the gift of life.
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