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Just as a living creature underground can have no idea of the richness of human life, and the joys of family life, so an atheist is sadly without any knowledge of the glories of heavenly life, glories shared even now, to some degree, by the faithful members of Christ's one, Holy Catholic Church.
A person who refuses to believe in the existence of God or in the possibility of life in Heaven, leads a life as tragic as that of a little worm, underground, who has no idea of the richness of human life, with the literature of Shakespeare or the courage and aspiration shown by Christopher Columbus.
Christ is Really Present amongst us at every Mass, reaching up to the Father, interceding for sinners - for us - and always heard by His Father in Heaven. We unite our prayers to the great prayer of Christ, and we know that it has been heard.
God is a spiritual fire of love, and all who have become like living flames of love, in earthly life, transformed by God at their consent through prayer and penance, can enter God in peace when they die, because they are like Him. Those who have refused to be changed, are so unlike Him that His nearness brings only torment. Having finally turned away from God they suffer forever, in Hell.
Whoever wants to know about a religion should look at the Founder. Jesus Christ, who founded the Catholic Faith and Catholic Church, came down from Heaven! He proved His claim by rising from the dead, as He had predicted. If we go to His Church we can share His Divine life, and receive forgiveness, light and strength for our journey, and the sure hope of Heaven.
It is a terrible sight for Christ to see, from Heaven, as people walk resolutely towards the flames of Hell: people who have refused to listen to His wise words about repentance and transformation: people who will be separated from Him eternally, through their own fault, if they do not repent of their sins before they die.
This is what Christ sees all the time, from Heaven above: people walking steadily towards Hell, people who have refused to listen to Him, refused to give up all their sins - particularly grave sexual sins which they could abandon, by His grace, if they were willing.
The Godhead is like a pure, holy Fire of love; and all who have been purified can enter that love, after death, without pain or fear. They have been so transformed by Christ, and through prayer and penance, that they resemble God; and in their union with God they experience the bliss and peace of heaven.
When we sing a hymn to Our Lady on her feast days - or to Our Lord, at the end of the Mass, for example, it's as though they are like a Royal family, on a balcony in Heaven above us, delighted to hear our greetings, and to show out their love for us.
The Lord wants us to ponder these questions: "Have I tried to become worthy of Heaven, which is Christ's gift to His friends? If the curtain were drawn aside right now, am I ready to enter?"
Just as we want to tell people the reason for the traffic queue in which they are stuck, as we drive freely on our side of the road, so we should want to tell people about the Way to Heaven - Christ's Way - to people who feel 'stuck' in ignorance or hopelessness, and are without the joy that the hope of Heaven brings to the human heart.
We cannot avoid all distractions in prayer, and should not become upset. It is best to pray about them, or to look straight through them towards out Heavenly Father, like an astronaut who stays on course through all the debris of space, on his way to the stars.
To go to Confession, to be forgiven, and then to do the penance required by the Church, is to do what is admirable in Christ's sight as well as beneficial to the person. It is as if Heaven comes down to surround that person who has been obedient out of love for God, and who is now reconciled.
When we can no longer sit up to pray, in sickness or exhaustion, we can be sure that Christ is supporting us in His embrace, as we offer a few words of praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father.
When the Catholic Faith is taught in its fullness, and is practiced, there are plenty of vocations; and a great fire of praise soars up to Heaven. Where only half a gospel is preached, and where there is lukewarm faith, with much dissent, there are few vocations. Such an area is like a patch of gangrene on healthy tissue, and emits a bad smell before Heaven.
Christ can only raise to spiritual heights people who approach Him in humility, aware of their sinfulness and need. Then He can raise them up to understand earthly things, and raise them higher in contemplation to understand Heavenly things
In His Divine nature, God is like a blazing Fire of Love, which would terrify us, were we unprepared, but which the just shall enter and experience bliss, when they enter Heaven, which is life-in-God.
A person in mortal sin is like a man on a mountain-side looking into a beautiful valley, towards the City of God, but unable to see a way in. He cannot, by his own power, be restored to a state of grace, or - if he dies - enter Heaven. He needs the help of God, to find forgiveness and salvation.
There is one way into Heaven, made by Christ. It is found by people who walk along the road marked out by Christ. By repentance and Baptism, people are made radiant with Divine grace, ready to walk through the gates of Heaven when they die. Even the person in mortal sin, if he descends from his isolation, can be purified and made worthy to enter.
For peace of soul, the best means is to repent of all sin and to go to Confession. The Catholic Church offers this sacrament all over the world; furthermore, in order to reach Heaven it is necessary to be reconciled with God.
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