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Jesus is willing to say, today, to each person who goes to Him, repenting of sin, what He once said to the adulterous, sorrowful woman: "Neither do I condemn you. Go away and don't sin anymore". This is true, even for people guilty of those sins which are particularly repulsive to virtuous people.
In the history of the world and of religions, there has been one Person Who killed no-one, who healed everyone who suffered, and Who has proved, by His Resurrection from death, that He can take His followers, too, up to Heaven, just as He has promised. That person is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary.
Whoever searches for an answer to life's questions can do no better than to listen to Jesus. He is the only one of Whom it can be said: He healed everyone, He killed no-one, and He rose from the dead, proving that He has the power to take His followers up to Heaven. Everyone looking clearly at the truth will appreciate that good news, which is worth having.
A great battle goes on when a person is torn between love of God and love of self. Satan attacks that heart and mind, while the Guardian Angel acts to restore that soul's peace. Someone like this desperately needs to pray in the name of Jesus.
Many people have received images to share about the love of God for His creatures. But the one true image is that given through the person of Jesus Christ: God-made-man, who came to our world and revealed what the Father is really like: Someone who loves us all.
Jesus Christ, the Word of God, came down from Heaven to reveal who God is. In examining Him, we know what the Father is like, and what are his wishes.
As we pray to the Father in union with Jesus Christ our Saviour we are right to pray with confidence. Jesus' prayer is so powerful that it is as 'wide' as Heaven. Our prayers reach Heaven, united with His.
The sacrificial prayer of Christ at Mass, to which we unite out prayers and praises, infallibly pierces the cloud between earth and Heaven and arrives at the throne of the Father, Who delights in pleasing His obedient Son.
The Lord showed me a castle wall, crenellted, which encircled the front of Heaven, as I might portray it, in my 'Last Judgement' picture. He showed me the significance of this: 'THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY IN': His way, Jesus Christ's Way.
Jesus died on the Cross for the sake of the millions who could benefit from His conquest of sin and death. He would have died to save just one person; but the truth needs proclaiming today, that each one who ignores Christ, disobeys His laws and live in selfishness until death will find himself far from Christ, in Hell.
Whenever we speak to others about our faith in Jesus Christ: God-made-man Who came to earth to save us, we are spreading the Gospel just as the Apostles did - and Lydia, and countless Christians through the ages. Even when we seem to see no results, God is bringing good out of our efforts and encounters.
Christ is God-made-man, Who endured 'hell on earth', and sacrificed His life, in order to teach people about sin and goodness, and to conquer sin and death. He showed by his coming to earth, that the Father is not a tyrant, glad to send people to Hell, but a loving Father, Who, with His Son, has done everything possible to rescue, warn and convert sinners, to spare them their inevitable disaster.
Christ told me that in His earthly life He spoke frankly about Hell as well as Heaven; yet few of those who teach the Faith, today, tell the truth about Hell. Yet, He said, through their freely-made choices, thousands fall into Hell each day; this is why it is important the people see my 'Last Judgement' picture, and reflect on it.
When a person repents of serious sin, and is reconciled with God, his Father and Creator, it is as marvellous as a raising-from-the-dead miracle worked by Elijah and by Jesus. That soul, in an instant, can rise up by the Spirit's power, in prayer, in the freedom and joy of a fervent child of God.
God our Father is kind and merciful; yet when we pray to the Father in the name of Christ, our Brother, we're like a little boy in the world, who asks his older brother to come with him while he asks for a special favour, or asks pardon for thoughtless behaviour. He can be certain that his brother will explain things perfectly, and ensure gifts, or forgiveness.
The Mass is a solemn and sacred representation of the once-for-all Sacrifice of Jesus Christ: God-made-man. Yet there are people who come to Mass and Holy Communion who are still in their sins: their grave sins. It is not fitting to receive Christ, unless a person has been purified by contrition, Reconciliation, and acts of penance.
Some preachers live alongside their flock, keeping silent. We can picture a man who finds a field of corn, growing naturally, but refuses to let it be cut to feed the hungry because it looks beautiful. That is what happens when Missionaries refuse to endanger 'natural' religions by refusing to offer the Gospel. They deny the people, amongst whom they live, the bread of truth, and the Bread of Life, which is Jesus Christ, with His Church, Sacraments, and Eternal Life.
Those who died in a state of grace, but not pure enough for Heaven, must remain sheltered from glory, for a while, whereas a person who is full of love for Christ, and has confessed her sins, received Holy Communion, and also gained a plenary indulgence, finds that after death she flies straight into the arms of Jesus, in Heaven. She is greeted, too, by all the Saints - including Christ's Mother Mary - and all the angels.
A person with a tender heart must weep, when considering the sufferings of Jesus; yet a true follower knows that the Cross is the centre-piece of His message. He showed us that even in the extremes of suffering He still trusted in the Father's love and goodness, and believed that good can come out of evil. The same can be true for us, if we believe in Jesus, and do as He asks, by repenting and being Baptised. Through Him, we can overcome sin, and even have Eternal Life.
Our upbringing affects our marriages. We cannot make ourselves holy by our own efforts, or reach Heaven by will-power. By co-operating with the grace of God, given to us through Jesus Christ His Son, we can conquer our faults, and so even stop the evil influences that we might have had upon other people, especially family members, by our bad example: and on society.
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