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Christ is Really Present with us in the Blessed Sacrament. We are just as close to Him, in Holy Communion, as were His friends, when they sat beside Him in Galilee.
There are all sort of trials that must be faced by Christians who are trying to be faithful. This should not surprise us. Christ was not surprised by the jeering crowds who lined the streets of Jerusalem as He staggered along the road the Calvary.
It is possible to bear constant heartache 'side-by-side' with spiritual joy, as Jesus Himself experienced in earthly life. His heart ached whenever people showed misunderstanding or malice towards Him, yet He remained in blissful union with the Father.
When Christ taught His disciples the 'Beatitudes', He was speaking about perfection. He knew that the people who heard Him already knew the importance of keeping the Commandments.
By showing concern about people who need food and drink, we demonstrate the love in our hearts - as Jesus did when He healed a little girl, the asked for her to be fed, and as we do when we work for our own family day after day, for many years.
As my heart aches now, Christ told me, so His heart ached, when in His earthly lifetime He saw people ignore His wise words and refuse to follow the Way to Heaven. He watched as they walked towards damnation.
Christ said to me: "I speak all languages". He meant that no-one need feel distant from Christ through not knowing the language or culture of Jesus Christ's earthly life. Whoever does the Will of the Father in Heaven is a brother, sister, mother or father to Christ.
A person who is at work fulfilling his ordinary duties for love of God is very beautiful, in God's sight. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ did, for many years, before He set out for His brief but amazing Public Ministry. We too, can be sure that we please God when we fulfil our daily duties.
Two people can look at the same scene, and one feels horror - knowing a murderer is prowling around, while the other sees only the breeze blowing in the curtains - as the sun shines down. So it was, on earth, for Christ in His life-time here. There was much beauty in the world, but He came across many damaged souls, and knew that Satan was always prowling around, doing evil.
When Christ was in the Upper Room, praying before His Passion, He was praying in the Holy Spirit to His Heavenly Father. The Three are One God, distinct Persons but undivided; and we should remember that salvation is the work of the Holy Trinity. The Father's goodness, the Son's obedience and the Spirit's power have made our salvation possible.
When Christ was in the Upper Room, praying before His Passion, He was praying in the Holy Spirit to His Heavenly Father. The Three are One God, distinct Persons but undivided; and we should remember that salvation is the work of the Holy Trinity. The Father's goodness, the Son's obedience and the Spirit's power have made our salvation possible.
Christ was paraded by His captors before jeering crowds; yet He accepted without hatred or impatience the humiliating treatment he received because of His words. He let nothing stop Him from His mission to show out His Divine nature and to rescue us from our sins. We cannot repay Him for all He suffered to bring truth and salvation to the world; but we give joy to Him when, in gratitude, we show love towards Him and our neighbour.
Christ was paraded by His captors before jeering crowds; yet He accepted without hatred or impatience the humiliating treatment he received because of His words. He let nothing stop Him from His mission to show out His Divine nature and to rescue us from our sins. We cannot repay Him for all He suffered to bring truth and salvation to the world; but we give joy to Him when, in gratitude, we show love towards Him and our neighbour.
Through prayer, especially through the cycle of the Church's Liturgical prayer, we can enter the Mysteries of Christ's earthly life. At each of the feasts of His life we can address Him in that event, and benefit from the graces He won for us, in it. Simple people who pray to the 'infant Jesus' have an instinctive knowledge of this truth.
Through prayer, especially through the cycle of the Church's Liturgical prayer, we can enter the Mysteries of Christ's earthly life. At each of the feasts of His life we can address Him in that event, and benefit from the graces He won for us, in it. Simple people who pray to the 'infant Jesus' have an instinctive knowledge of this truth.
The faith of Catholics is not based on a theory, or a calculation, but a Person. It's as if a special person has been sent in a capsule from outer space! Some people picture the many religions, sects and cults as being like goods in a shop. We survey the shelves until we find the one that suits us - we are told. Christianity is different. We are given, above all, a Person: the Divine Person who gave Himself to us, in our world, as a baby. He lived, taught, grew up, was killed, and rose from the dead, so proving His power, and making a way back to Heaven for all who would repent of sin and follow Him.
It was as a 'cloud' over the earth had been rent apart, when Jesus toured Galilee, speaking the truth about the purpose of life, the glory of the Father, the need for repentance, and for Baptism. He showed out God's nature and God's Will. He revealed the extent of Divine Love by accepting death on a Cross, rather than give up His Mission. He proved His Divinity by His miracles, above all by His Resurrection.
It is the Catholic Church which keeps asunder the cloud of ignorance and hopelessness which once covered the world. In every age, despite the sins of her members, she does what Jesus did in His earthly life. By His Spirit's guidance and power, she teaches truth, forgives, heals, prays, offers the Holy Sacrifice, helps the poor, and makes people holy.
Each priest should be 'another Christ' for us; yet we should not be surprised if we are treated unjustly by a priest. Christ Himself was hustled towards the edge of a cliff by men who were pillars of the local synagogue. Christ escaped, then; but until we die, we are in danger of treating others unjustly, and must resist temptation.
By turning to Christ our God, in prayer, it is as if we can touch, in His Godhead, as in a great cloud, each of the events of His earthly life, including all the sufferings of His Passion.
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