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The all-holy and majestic God Whom we praise at Mass, through Christ His Son, is present here. This huge Cathedral, and everyone in it, rests in God's care. Were we to see Him, we would see a blazing fire reaching out powerfully through the entire building: a burning fire of pure love.
As we praise God at Mass, with and through Christ, we praise Him with the whole Church, which includes the Saints of Heaven - here encircling the altar - and the Holy Souls.
The Angels are present in church. They join in our praises whenever we celebrate Mass
The Angels are present in church. They join in our praises whenever we celebrate Mass
The Father accepts our gifts of bread and wine, as if leaning from Heaven like a kind parent taking gifts from a child. The greatest gift we can offer is Christ Himself made Present when our gifts are changed into His Sacred Body and Blood.
God sees every good effort of human beings to serve Him. Sincere people in many religions reach out towards Heaven, to praise their Creator, however they picture Him, and in the hope of contact with Him. Yet the Catholic Faith is different from other religions in that, at every Mass, Heaven is laid open above us. Christ's power and Christ's intercession allow us to reach the Father, in the Spirit, through baptism and faith and the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Because Jesus Christ is God as well as man, and Present amongst us at Mass, He is powerful enough to push aside the 'cloud' that separates earth and Heaven, and His perfect praise - joined with our praises - is offered to and accepted by God our Father.
Because Jesus Christ is God as well as man, and Present amongst us at Mass, He is powerful enough to push aside the 'cloud' that separates earth and Heaven, and His perfect praise - joined with our praises - is offered to and accepted by God our Father.
Because Jesus Christ is God as well as man, and Present amongst us at Mass, He is powerful enough to push aside the 'cloud' that separates earth and Heaven, and His perfect praise - joined with our praises - is offered to and accepted by God our Father.
When the bread has been consecrated at Mass, Christ is substantially Present on our altar, in all His glory. We offer Him the love and the reverence due to His Divinity, here in 'God's House'.
Time and space seem to vanish at the Mass, after the consecration. We are present to the once-for-all Sacrifice offered on our altar in a sacramental manner. We pray with and through Christ to our Heavenly Father, as if at the foot of the cross, with Mary, our Mother.
In Westminster Cathedral, and in every Catholic church, the Sacrifice of Calvary is re-presented for our salvation at the Mass
In Westminster Cathedral, and in every Catholic church, the Sacrifice of Calvary is re-presented for our salvation at the Mass
In Westminster Cathedral, and in every Catholic church, the Sacrifice of Calvary is re-presented for our salvation at the Mass
A person who lives in self-love, greed, pride, hard-heartedness or any sinful state, who will not change, builds a 'brick wall' between himself and God: the God who is made Present in every celebration of the Mass
Since God has descended from Heaven to earth, to humble Himself, to save us, we ought not to show disrespect by missing Mass, or ignoring His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament
Since God has descended from Heaven to earth, to humble Himself, to save us, we ought not to show disrespect by missing Mass, or ignoring His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament
Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
Those friends of Christ today who cannot be bothered to go to Mass act like those friends of Christ, long ago, who ran away when Christ was arrested and crucified.
Those who cannot be bothered to go to Mass are guilty of more than just laziness, in God's sight. They are like those friends of Jesus who deserted Him during His Passion. And so it is, when His friends cannot be bothered to attend and pray at the Holy Sacrifice.
Showing 261 - 280 of 601