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Christ awaits us at the tabernacle, as if at the 'Doorway' to Heaven. If we make efforts to abandon our bad habits and weaknesses, by His grace, it's as if we push aside some of the clutter which might have hindered us on our journey to Glory.
It is important that children making their First Holy Communion are taught about the Real Presence and about how to live holy and pure lives. Parents should set a good example of faith and holiness.
It is important that children making their First Holy Communion are taught about the Real Presence and about how to live holy and pure lives. Parents should set a good example of faith and holiness.
It is important that children making their First Holy Communion are taught about the Real Presence and about how to live holy and pure lives. Parents should set a good example of faith and holiness.
Christ our God Who reigns in Eternal Glory, is Really Present in the Blessed Sacrament in church, and in the homes of the sick who receive Holy Communion. It is fitting that an 'altar' is prepared, with candles and a clean cloth and a crucifix, where the pyx may be placed.
Christ is Present in the tabernacle, ready to greet those who have chosen to be near Him; but at the end of time everyone will be near Him, willingly or not - waiting to be judged. If people are reminded of this, they might alter their behaviour, while there is time.
At every celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ is Really Present, praying for sinners, gazing towards the Father, just as when Christ once prayed from the Cross. His one prayer is eternal. His one sacrifice is re-presented, Sacramentally, at Mass, in every place and era.
At the Consecration at Mass, at Blackfriars in Oxford, I saw Christ standing behind the altar, with the Dominican priests who were concelebrating. His glory shone all around, as I praised Him for His Real Presence and His love.
Christ is Really Present at the Consecration, here before us in glory: the same Divine glory which He had revealed to His special friends at the Transfiguration, on the mountain, in His earthly lifetime.
The angels 'guard' the Lord, Who is present in the Tabernacle in the Blessed Sacrament.
Christ and all the saints rejoice with us at special occasions, for example, when we celebrate a birthday.
Long ago, before the world was made, it was already in the Mind of God - and part of the 'Joy' of God - that He would one day be sacramentally, substantially Present on earth, with those who love Him, in the Mass, and in the tabernacle.
At every Mass, Jesus Christ is made Present before us, our great High Priest Who intercedes for us with His Father in Heaven. The holy Angels look on and adore Him.
On the feast of St Michael and all Angels I 'saw' the Angels as they waited in church before the Mass began, adoring Christ Who was Really Present in the tabernacle.
As soon as the pyx was opened, and I adored Jesus, Really Present in the Sacred Host, I was shown the joyful sight of Jesus Himself, holding out His arms to greet me.
Christ showed me His delight in the care taken to prepare a worthy place for the pyx to be placed. Christ Himself, Present in the Blessed Sacrament, showed His joy that, for love of Him, I had placed flowers before that little 'altar'.
Christ asks us to conduct a fundamental reappraisal of our current attitudes and actions to do with reverence towards Him. It is time that we acted as if we recognise Christ as our Lord and God, each time we enter a church or receive Him in Holy Communion or welcome Him into our homes in the Sacrament of the Sick.
Any priest who offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, yet rushes away to fulfil his own selfish plans, or to continue a sinful lifestyle, moves as if from Heaven to Hell in a few minutes, leaving the 'Heaven' which is Christ's Real Presence to the 'hell' which is human life when the 'door' has been shut to God.
Christ our God is Really Present with us, in His glory, at the Consecration, aflame with holiness. He asks: can we not adore Him, as the Angels do, instead of showing irreverence by our chatter and our careless gestures and lukewarm prayers?
Wherever Catholics try to teach, organise, plan, run programmes, or live without reverence for Christ or love for Him Really Present in the Holy Eucharist, their lives become a spiritual wasteland, like a sheet of melting ice where few creatures can live, and there is no firm foothold.
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