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The Lord asked me to speak boldly about Christ's Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. I should tell everyone: "The Person of Whom I speak, as I show you a painting of Jesus Christ, is a real Person: A Divine Person, the God-man, still alive, and Present amongst us, deserving of the greatest respect, reverence and love."
Christ offers His sacrificial prayer from our altar whilst engulfed in the glory of the Holy Spirit, by Whose power He has been made Present amongst us: substantially Present, under the appearance of bread and wine.
Christ offers His sacrificial prayer from our altar whilst engulfed in the glory of the Holy Spirit, by Whose power He has been made Present amongst us: substantially Present, under the appearance of bread and wine.
If we look at those churches of past times which were decorated with colourful imagery and biblical scenes, we can see the importance of the altar, where Jesus Christ is made Present in the Mass. All that is beautiful here has been made so, in His honour. He deserves our adoration. He deserves to come to a place more like a throne-room than a garage.
Christ is our Divine Saviour, Who becomes Present with us, in the Blessed Sacrament. He deserves our adoration; and people in the Church who make decisions about the design and re-ordering of our church buildings would be wise to realise that the place to which Christ comes should look more like a throne-room than a garage.
Christ waits in church, to welcome His friends. When I entered the church and greeted Christ, and was aware of my weaknesses, Christ appeared to me, by the tabernacle. He said: "Believe in my Love" - spreading out His arms as if to embrace me. So I believed, even more firmly, and was deeply consoled.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
It is the Will of Christ that each Mass be offered with reverence and gratitude, in accordance with the rubrics. Wherever Clergy act in 'creative' ways disobedient to the rubrics and causing distraction in other ways, those present should focus on the heart of the Mass: the Real Presence, and Christ's Sacrifice - as if with Mary at the foot of the Cross.
People who are both reverent and well-instructed demonstrate their reverence for Jesus Christ, Present in the tabernacle. They bend the knee before Him in a reverent genuflection, on entering or leaving their place in a church, and when passing by the tabernacle.
Christians live in the light, knowing that the prayers offered by the Church - and individual Christians - are worthy of being heard, because they are offered with and through Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through our union with Christ, and the power of His saving Work, made present at every Mass, we can be confident that our praise is acceptable to the Father.
Here, now, today, we are present to Calvary's Sacrifice. Christ, Really Present, prays to the Father for sinners today, just as He did on Calvary; and we can unite our prayers and works and sufferings with His, to the Father.
It is the Will of God that people act with reverence and respect in church, in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament, in a sacred space consecrated for prayer. By noisiness and disrespectful behaviour, people give no honour to God and make it difficult for fellow-Catholics to pray.
Whether we are healthy or disabled, Christ told me that when we pray before the tabernacle, where He dwells, it is as though each of us is like a child sitting on the steps beneath His Heavenly throne, enjoying His company as He enjoys our conversation.
Christ is pleased to see the traditional form of the Mass encouraged, yet Christ is Really Present in His Risen glory, after the Consecration, in every valid Mass offered by a Catholic priest, whether the words used are the traditional Canon in Latin by a priest facing, with the people, towards God the Father, or by a priest using the more recent form of words, as the priest stands behind the altar.
At the Consecration of the bread, it is changed into the Scared Body of Christ, Who is Present with us, in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity: whole and entire. His radiance shines upon all who are present there, with an outpouring of graces for those willing to receive them.
Christ asks us not to allow ourselves to become distressed, whilst praying at Mass, about inaudible readings or the immodest clothing of ministers of Communion. We should rejoice in His Real Presence in the tabernacle and, later, on the altar; it is normally later that we should speak about or work to change whatever is unworthy of God's house.
The Lord invites everyone to reflect on what happens in church, where we enter into the presence of the Saints and Angels, gathered about Christ Who is Really Present in the tabernacle. The Father looks down upon the sanctuary where we shall offer the One Holy Sacrifice of His Son; and we should ask ourselves: "Am I worthy to be present?"
It is a terrible thing, in Christ's sight, that some parents encourage their children to sin. They do this if they give their daughters contraceptive pills, or allow them to sleep with boyfriends in their house, or fail to teach the truth about Mass attendance, and the Real Presence of Jesus, and other truths of the Faith.
Christ was betrayed and left alone with His enemies because people were afraid - or did not believe in Him. Today, He sees many Catholics betray Him when they dispute or ignore His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, or other teachings of the Church, and when they criticize priests and lay-persons who speak the truth about sin and virtue.
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