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While capital punishment is being outlawed in many countries for being too barbaric, more and more countries allow the barbaric killing of babies in the womb
It is a tragedy, that the legislation of abortion has led to an ever-dimishing sense of responsibility, amongst young people, for their behaviour. A woman can assure a man: "If I forget to take my pill, I can always have an abortion" - and so sex is seen merely as a leisure activity, and not as the intimacy at the heart of marriage.
People are bound to be confused, when the law-makers tell them that it is acceptable to arrange for a 24 week baby-in-the-womb to be killed by abortion, yet that the police should treat as murder the killing of a 24-week-gestation baby immediately after birth. Both killings are morally wrong.
In permitting an evil such as the killing of unborn babies, society contributes to the depressed state of many women. If encouraged to love their babies, they could have flourished, even in difficult circumstances, but having done wrong, and knowing it, many women carry a burden of guilt, made worse at every reminder, or anniversary.
When societies in which abortion is common-place offer help to poorer countries, they sometimes make their offer of aid conditional upon the adoption of immoral practices such as contraception, abortion, and sterilisation. They damage families, and foster an anti-child mentality amongst women by their extreme feminist propaganda. It is a modern form of colonialism.
When abortion is allowed of physically imperfect or malformed babies it sends the message to society that a disabled person can expect to have neither a happy nor a useful life, or that every disability places an intolerable burden on relations, or on society as a whole, and that bodily health is the most important aspect of human existence.
Extreme feminism has led society to deify women, so that their decisions can mean life or death for their unborn children.
The sin of rape is repulsive in God's sight, and rightly punished as a criminal act. Yet the victim can choose to hate or to love. She can hate the rapist, and, out of fear and panic, destroy a child conceived; or she can look with love upon the innocent child, and be merciful, and in sparing his life, support new life and not more violence and death.
The Virgin Mary knew that the child in her womb was a living person, and could never have said, 'Kill Him', which is what abortion amounts to saying.
Abortion in the UK kills hundreds of babies each day, and corrupts doctors, whose vocation is to heal and not to kill
Millions of babies have been killed in the womb, and have been denied not only life on earth but also Baptism. They do not become saints in glory, but they are in God's care - as if tiny clouds which float peacefully in front of heaven.
Some people adore their pets, or campaign to preserve endangered species, but often have no concern for human life which is endangered in the womb.
The Lord said that of all the millions of souls created, only a few love and serve Him, and persevere to the end, proving worthy of the gift of Heaven. Babies who are aborted not only lose their lives on earth, but lose any possibility of Baptism, through which people inherit Heaven. Deliberately to deny a baby the possibility of birth and Baptism is a terrible thing for sinner and victim, and dreadful in God's sight, Who gives the gift of life.
A Woman who chooses to have a direct abortion denies earthly life to the child in her womb; yet what many forget, or do not realise, is that she denies Baptism for the child, and so deprives the infant of the Beatific vision in Heaven - although we can be certain that the tiny innocent soul is in God's merciful care.
Would the Blessed Virgin Mary, who accepted an unexpected pregnancy, be pressured today by others into considering an abortion because of her youth and status?
Each new baby is a gift from God, a gift of life, and Christ asks us to treasure each gift and teach others to do the same
Our God was once an unborn baby when Jesus took flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary
Christ first became an embryo, in the womb of His mother Mary, before He became a full-grown man. If we keep this in mind, we can both celebrate the wonder of His birth at Christmas, and help other people to treasure the gift of life, not to dispose of it in a brutal manner.
God rewards all who have done His Will. Just as the Father has compassion upon every innocent child who dies through abortion, so He has compassion on everyone who dies not by such deliberate acts, but by natural disasters, by floods, famine, hurricanes, tidal waves and earthquakes, for example. Each individual is precious to Him, and receives a just judgement at death.
God rewards all who have done His Will. Just as the Father has compassion upon every innocent child who dies through abortion, so He has compassion on everyone who dies not by such deliberate acts, but by natural disasters, by floods, famine, hurricanes, tidal waves and earthquakes, for example. Each individual is precious to Him, and receives a just judgement at death.
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