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The Lord has shown how wonderful it is, in His sight, when the gift of life is accepted, and when a woman gladly welcomes her child. It is a terrible thing, when a woman decides to allow someone to remove the child from her womb and so to destroy it, leaving its remains on one side like garbage.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
The Lord said that in my picture of the Last Judgement, I should place the innocent babies that die by miscarriage, abortion or disease, before Baptism, in little cots, in a quiet room in the wall of the castle which surrounds the area shown as Heaven. The babies are asleep in God's care, their eyes shielded by a curtain nevertheless, from the dazzling glory of Heaven.
All good people, whether in the world or cloistered, clerical or lay-persons or in Religious Life, should pray about the evil of abortion; then the Father, Who cannot abide injustice, will change things, so that unborn babies are no longer in such danger of being unjustly slaughtered in the womb.
The pro-abortion movement is of Satanic origin. Even if some individuals believe that they are helping and not harming women, they are most certainly acting against God the Father's wishes in killing unborn babies, or arranging this.
It is the same attitude of total self-will that makes possible such evils as the torture and imprisonment of people because of their race, and the slaughter of little unborn babies because they are deemed inconvenient.
The Lord wants us to look at the reality behind all the new procedures by which some people fertilize human eggs outside the body, and manipulate human embryos in all sorts of ways. At every such conception, a miniature human person is created into whom God infuses an immortal soul, even though it is God's intention the babies be conceived through the marriage act, and not in laboratories; nor should tiny babies be thrown away.
It is God's intention that babies be conceived in the marriage act: in a lifelong union of love of a man and a woman. The baby is meant to be the 'fruit' of their loving union. It is not God's Will that tiny babies be created as the result of laboratory procedures, outside the womb; furthermore, each little person, however created, deserves to live and not to be thrown away as 'surplus' or 'imperfect'
It is not the Will of God that babies are created outside the mother's body by scientific manipulation of human material - nor that tiny human beings thus created be thrown away as so many 'surplus' or imperfect persons, like rubbish.
Through abortion, tiny babies who are precious to God are thrown away like dirty water flushed down a plug-hole.
Many people have tried to 'flush away' from their minds the memories of sins committed, and neither confessed nor forgiven - rather as tiny babies are flushed away from life, by abortion. It is better to repent now, than to look sadly upon our whole lives when we die.
Those who do abortions use euphemisms such as 'termination' or 'therapeutic procedure'. But the result is the same: thousands of tiny dead babies, to be disposed of, who were killed because they were inconvenient, ripped from the womb before birth.
There is a smiling face put on the 'treatment' of women wanting abortions. Yet the results are the same, day after day and year after year. There are dead bodies to be disposed of: tiny bodies, but the real mortal remains of thousands of tiny babies, ripped from the womb before birth, unwanted.
The results of abortion are horrible. It's as if the little babies have been treated as a river of waste, a repulsive effluence which is unwanted or inconvenient, whereas the truth is that each tiny human being has been given the gift of life: a life unique, and precious in God's sight. A mother or father can repent and be forgiven, but for the babies there is no remedy.
Long ago, people did evil. It was as though there was a thick cloud of sin covering the world - even before there was a huge river of dead babies, killed by abortion. But Christ pierced the cloud by His Incarnation. He made a way up to Heaven. He asks each of us to work beneath the cloud, in our societies, to change things for the better, until we rise up to Heaven.
It is important that we give gentle answers to people who try to defend the practice of abortion. But we should point out the truth: that there is a remedy for mothers who have had abortions, if they are willing to repent and be forgiven. But there is no remedy for the dead babies, torn from the womb, to be thrown away.
It is important that we give gentle answers to people who try to defend the practice of abortion. But we should point out the truth: that there is a remedy for mothers who have had abortions, if they are willing to repent and be forgiven. But there is no remedy for the dead babies, torn from the womb, to be thrown away.
Those who say nothing about the evil of abortion are allowing it to go on. How many more millions of babies will be killed in the next forty years?
The Lord wants everyone to realise what He sees, from Heaven, as He looks upon the world He made and sees human beings kill and discard the little babies to whom He gave life at their conception. He sees mothers, whom He wishes to cherish their children, ask doctors to destroy them in the womb! This destruction of babies is a monstrous sin, in His sight; yet people call it a 'woman's right'.
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