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Christ in His Passion was mocked and humiliated; His whole body was raw and bleeding after the scourging.
The soul which lives for the love of God is like a lamp before Him, full of light, even through the frail body fades.
I saw the great army of believers within the body of Christ's Church, wending onwards towards Him in Heaven.
Our earthly sufferings, Christ explained, are like 'whole body splints' by which we can be moulded into new persons: through Divine Love.
Jesus really died for us. In His ordinary, warm, solid, real body, Jesus was mocked, beaten, stripped and crucified, because of our sins - to save us!
Keep in mind two things about Christ; in His body, He suffered and died for you; Risen and alive now, He longs to guide and feed you.
At 'Corpus Christi' feast (the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ) brilliant rays of light streamed from the elevated Host.
God's love for us is like a vast body of water, hidden because of our frailty; the sight of His love might crush us.
Our Lady is the 'Gate of Heaven', like translucent mother-of-pearl. Her perfect purity of heart and body delights her creator.
At the Consecration the Holy Spirit, by a mere 'touch', changes these gifts into Christ's Sacred Body and Blood
At the Consecration the Holy Spirit, by a mere 'touch', changes these gifts into Christ's Sacred Body and Blood
Though some would hide the evidence - just as blood flows from a wounded body, so a 'haemorrhage' is evident when disaster has occurred in the Church.
It is the Holy Spirit Who is at work in every prayer we offer, and at work to effect the change which takes place at the Consecration, when the bread and wine became the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ. A dove is a symbol of purity and holiness, pictured here behind the altar, as the Spirit is at work in His Divine power, to give us the Sacrament of our Salvation.
It is the Holy Spirit Who is at work in every prayer we offer, and at work to effect the change which takes place at the Consecration, when the bread and wine became the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ. A dove is a symbol of purity and holiness, pictured here behind the altar, as the Spirit is at work in His Divine power, to give us the Sacrament of our Salvation.
It is the Holy Spirit Who is at work in every prayer we offer, and at work to effect the change which takes place at the Consecration, when the bread and wine became the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ. A dove is a symbol of purity and holiness, pictured here behind the altar, as the Spirit is at work in His Divine power, to give us the Sacrament of our Salvation.
When the Blessed Virgin Mary reached the end of her life, she was lifted into glory by Christ her beloved Son. Body and Soul, she entered Heaven. Christ was enfleshed of her at His conception; He could not allow her to die and be buried like sinful people.
Those who strike at the Church's teachers and teaching strike a blow against Christ who is Head of the Church, His Body. Any Catholic who attacks the Church is like a person who cuts his own body.
Those who strike at the Church's teachers and teaching strike a blow against Christ who is Head of the Church, His Body. Any Catholic who attacks the Church is like a person who cuts his own body.
Truly, Christ our God is Present before us, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity: Present in glory at every Mass to pray to the Father on our behalf. He is the Living Bread, come down from Heaven, for the life of our souls. On the feast of 'The Body and Blood of Christ', we pay Him special honour.
The Church is the Body of Christ and we should not separate ourselves from it through disobedience, dissent or schism
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