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Some people treat the Sacred Host as if it is merely a bit of bread and not Christ Himself with us in sacramental form under the appearance of bread. They neither respect nor adore Christ, whether from ignorance, carelessness or indifference: yet He is our Saviour and our God.
As Jesus's Sacred Body was carried in a Monstrance past the crowd, at the prayer festival, I saw Jesus walking amongst us, happy to be amongst a different sort of crowd from the one that first called 'Hosanna', on seeing Him, but then rejected Him, and shouted 'Crucify Him'.
Truly, when the priest has pronounced the words of Consecration, Jesus Christ is Present, in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. This is Jesus, Who once appeared to Moses, in the burning bush, as fire.
When the Priest has pronounced the words of Consecration, and Jesus Christ is Sacramentally and substantially Present in His Blood and Blood, Soul and Divinity, we are very close to Our God and Saviour. Truly, this is Jesus, who once appeared to Moses, in the burning bush, as Fire.
As Christ looks down from Heaven upon the world He sees a great light shining out. That is the Catholic Church which He founded. It is like a great light which will never go out, even if that light is sometimes dimmed. All truths that others preach are facets of the whole Body of truths (the Deposit of Faith) that the Church holds and preaches.
A child needs to learn that the body and soul make one unique person. The body is made alive by the soul. The soul can never die; but when it leaves the body, the body dies. Until that time, a person should feed his body with food and drink, and feed his soul with spiritual food and drink, which is Jesus Himself, 'Hidden' in the Sacred Host or chalice.
We can explain to a child that just as a car has parts, which makes it what it is, and has a purpose - to convey people along a road - and needs special fuel such as petrol, so a human being us composed of a body with a living soul or 'spirit' to make it alive. The spirit and body together are a person, whose purpose is to love God and become like Him, and whose 'fuel' is food for the body. and Holy Communion - Jesus Himself - for the soul.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
The Precious Blood which is offered from our altar in sacramental form is the Precious Blood of Christ, poured out for us on Calvary, to save us. We, at Mass today, are present to that same Sacrifice: the same Blood and Body, and the same Victim, Christ.
The Precious Blood which is offered from our altar in sacramental form is the Precious Blood of Christ, poured out for us on Calvary, to save us. We, at Mass today, are present to that same Sacrifice: the same Blood and Body, and the same Victim, Christ.
Christ our God acted with the Father and the Holy Spirit, to give life to us. As human beings, each person consisting of body and soul together, we can be certain that Christ likes us to value our bodies, and the loveliness of human beings, though not to give in to self-worship.
At the Consecration of the bread, it is changed into the Scared Body of Christ, Who is Present with us, in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity: whole and entire. His radiance shines upon all who are present there, with an outpouring of graces for those willing to receive them.
The Lord wants us to look at the reality behind all the new procedures by which some people fertilize human eggs outside the body, and manipulate human embryos in all sorts of ways. At every such conception, a miniature human person is created into whom God infuses an immortal soul, even though it is God's intention the babies be conceived through the marriage act, and not in laboratories; nor should tiny babies be thrown away.
It is not the Will of God that babies are created outside the mother's body by scientific manipulation of human material - nor that tiny human beings thus created be thrown away as so many 'surplus' or imperfect persons, like rubbish.
When people who have never read a serious book about Catholicism complain about episodes of Catholic history and hate the Church, it is best not to argue about history but to say: 'Look at the Church, as she is': the unique unity in Faith, government and worship, unique in handing on the body of truths, in helping the sick and needy, defending lives, including the unborn, inspiring artists, architects, composers, promoting education, all with confidence in God. Outside the Catholic Church people do not have such clear teaching. It is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ, Who still guides her, in union with the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
Christ is One God with the Father and the Holy Spirit: always joyful. What can possibly give Him joy? He is joyful when we believe what He has said; and He said, of the Holy Eucharist: "This is My Body", and "This is My Blood". He wants everyone to believe in His Real Presence, and to celebrate Corpus Christi.
The sanctuary of a Catholic church is a holy place, just as was the holy of holies in the Temple at Jerusalem. A man who enters the sanctuary as a priest to offer Christ in sacrifice, in the Mass, should be pure and holy in body, mind and soul. If he is not, he should repent, and confess his sins when he can.
We can talk, and help people outside the Church. Someone who is convinced that the Catholic Church is wrong about the sinfulness of abortion or any other major topic has built a great wall which obscures from view the Church and its entire, coherent body of teachings about faith and morals handed on since Christ and the Apostles.
The Lord asks Catholics who doubt His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament: Ff Christ could become man, through the Virgin Mary, and allow Himself to die and be buried, and yet visit Abraham and the Prophets in the underworld, then ascend to Heaven to live there in glory, can He not come down to earth again, by the same power, as the Holy Spirit makes Him Present on the altar, as the bread and wine are changed into Christ's Body and Blood, and His friends prepare to receive Him?
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