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To offer aid to people in poor countries that is conditional upon the recipients' agreement to accept immoral programmes of contraception and abortion, as well as aid, is wicked. If aid is necessary, it should be genuine aid, not corruption of a country's morals. If development is necessary, it should be good development, not bad.
Some people in rich countries call people in undeveloped countries 'uncivilised'; but the Lord asks: "How 'civilized' is it, to have hospitals which should be used for healing, entirely dedicated to reaching out to living children of all sizes, to tear them from their mother's wombs?!"
Many Catholics believe it is enough to be kind to other people. The greatest love is shown when people are not only offered kindness but also when they are offered the truth which sets us free: the truth about God's love for us, about sin and virtue, repentance and forgiveness, about the Real Presence of Jesus in His Church, helping us to prepare for Heaven.
The Scriptures say: 'Test the spirits'. Christ is the light of the world, and the love of God made visible; and He is alive, active in our world through His Spirit. We recognise Him in all that is done in His name in truthfulness, genuine charity, a desire to save souls, and a longing to glorify the Father in prayer. It is not Christ Who rocks tables as curious people call up unknown spirits, or claim to have new inspired Scriptures from God, or who shriek and dance, promising miracles to stir up interest in their own signs and wonders!
God wants us to lead lives which are as pure as fresh snow, with each of our thoughts, words and deeds holy. We should have pure intentions, treating everyone with kindness, speaking the truth always, and leading chaste lives worthy of Christians. None of this can be achieved by our own power, but with God's grace we can change, and prepare for our life in Heaven. Christ asks us: will we be ready for Heaven, when we die?
Christ was not content just to heal a twelve year old girl, and so help her, and give joy to her family. He asked them to give her something to eat - knowing she would be weak after lying in bed, ill. He wants us to follow His example of practical charity, with attentiveness to the real needs of other people.
Christ was willing to end his prayer, when people were in need. As we follow the rocky path to Heaven as disciples of Christ, we have two great Commandments to keep: to love God with all our being, and to love our neighbour for God's sake, with the love of Christ's Spirit within us. That is why we must offer practical love to those in need, not in showy gestures, but in the course of everyday life, and determined to be as kind as Christ.
Our spiritual lives should be balanced, as we follow Christ. There are people who love to be busy with works of practical charity, yet who sit in judgement on people who show devotion to Christ and His Mother, and label them as 'Holy Joes'. The First Commandment is to love God, so a busy person who is kind but does not pray is failing in love; however, every prayerful person should desire, out of love for God, to keep the Second Commandment, and to love his neighbour. It is wrong to neglect prayer, or works of charity.
Even if a man were to walk barefoot round the whole world, on hot coals, to prove himself worthy of union with the Divine, he would not be successful. No-one can make himself pleasing to God by his own efforts, although it pleases the Father when people try to do what is right. Union with God is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in a living faith, which leads believers to reproduce in their lives the good works that Jesus did.
Some people believe God rewards them with riches; but the one God, the God of love, does not promise to reward people with great wealth, or honours, does not inspire them to undertake self-glorifying buildings, and does not look on gladly as the poor and neglected are blamed for their plight or totally ignored.
If any religion suggests that riches or worldly success are a sign of God's approval of certain persons, and that poverty is shameful, and if people develop habits of ignoring or despising the poor, it is plainly not founded by the God of love, Who sent His Son to earth, Who founded a Church which hands on His Gospel of love: His teaching about God's love for all people, rich and poor. Christ has revealed to us the true nature of God.
Christ suggests that when we have to deal with a person who is angry, abusive and unwilling to listen to reason we try to act with pity and charity; but if such a person refuses to be helped, we can picture ourselves as being with Jesus in the boat, as the demoniac once shrieked amongst the nearby tombs. Like Jesus, we should remain calm and patient.
Just as a skier cannot avoid occasional falls, we cannot live on earth without troubles of one sort or another; but we can act, by God's grace, to avoid the greatest of all disasters, which would be to end up in the pit of Hell, by our own fault, and not reach Heaven. It is by faith in God, and doing His Will, in response to His call, that we can allow Him to make us holy. Then, by prayer and acts of charity, we prepare for life in Heaven, no matter what temporary problems we endure in this world.
Christ is God-made-visible. He spoke the truth. His Church speaks the truth today. A priest is asked to hand on the truth as well as to show charity. The truth is plain for all who want to know it; and priests are wrong who distort or contradict truth for what they call 'pastoral' reasons.
Christ died and rose again, to save sinners. He has called men, through the ages, to serve as priests in His Church, to save sinners. If, in their preaching, their celebration of the Sacraments, and their pastoral work, they are not saving sinners from the consequences of their sins, they are failing in their duty. It is not enough to be kind, yet to be off-hand about doctrine, feeble in efforts to draw people from sin to holiness.
Christ did not suffer on earth as man, and endure a terrible death, just to persuade us to be nice people who help other people across roads. He conquered sin and death! He can give us the power to conquer our sins, to be transformed, and to cross the Abyss between earth and Heaven! Salvation is more than an ability to be 'nice'.
God delights in our love, proved by our devotion in prayer; but He delights in the charity in our hearts, when we freely choose to leave our devotions to attend to a neighbour, whether a person taken ill, or a husband arriving home and deserving a kind welcome.
The Lord does not give great tasks to those unwilling to fulfil ordinary tasks. If people are not willing to look after their own relations - especially old parents, and young children - they are not going to be able to speak up with confidence, to other people, about the Christian life being a way of self-giving and charity.
Christ sees every tiny act of charity that we do for love of Him. He sees each one as being like a personal gift to Him - or like a rose-petal thrown by a child in His honour, where He is Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, as the Sacred Host in carried along in a monstrance, by a priest, for the faithful to venerate and adore.
Heroic people in England and Wales have defended the truths of the Catholic Faith, throughout fifteen hundred years - St. Thomas More and St. Margaret Clitheroe amongst them. In our day, brave witness is necessary if people are to realise that it is wrong to kill unborn babies, and that marriage requires a man and a woman to keep their vows, and live together in charity, open to life, in an exclusive relationship which is life-long.
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