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Each of us must one day stand before God, to give an account of our life on Earth, for our 'particular judgement'. Each person who is a true child of God will enter Heaven, or be helped to prepare for Heaven. Those who have no love for God or their neighbour cannot enter Heaven or Purgatory. Their journey ends in the Abyss.
The Lord asks us to believe, about human life, that it is His free gift. Each unique, miniature human being has received life from God. It is as if a procession of tiny infants is moving from Heaven to earth, to be received in the loving union of man and woman. Alas, many children are not welcomed.
Some Governments who should serve God, and protect and help their people, fail to do so - and even live in unbridled luxury whilst ignoring the poverty of their own people.
Governments offend God when they fail to protect and help their people, or when they attack people making legitimate protests, or when they live in unbridled luxury while their people starve, or when they pass corrupt laws, or are unjust in the distribution of goods.
Wherever the Mass is celebrated, those present are present to the whole of Christ's redeeming work, achieved during His life on earth and including His death on the Cross. At every Mass, the graces of Redemption are made available in a particular place and era.
Wherever the Mass is celebrated, those present are present to the whole of Christ's redeeming work, achieved during His life on earth and including His death on the Cross. At every Mass, the graces of Redemption are made available in a particular place and era.
Wherever the Mass is celebrated, those present are present to the whole of Christ's redeeming work, achieved during His life on earth and including His death on the Cross. At every Mass, the graces of Redemption are made available in a particular place and era.
Only by the power poured down from Heaven to faithful souls, and through the work done by them to spread the Good News and to make reparation for sin, can the violence and slaughter in the world be overcome, as Heaven rejoices in every success in the war against violence and evil.
A person who is trapped in immorality, to satisfy his appetites, is like a man living deep in the earth, in a small cellar with a trap-door. For a Christian to live like that is shameful - and for a priest to do so is especially tragic - though even the most sinful people can be helped by the intercessions of others.
Christ is Really Present at the Consecration, here before us in glory: the same Divine glory which He had revealed to His special friends at the Transfiguration, on the mountain, in His earthly lifetime.
Everything we think, do and say in our earthly lives can be 'seen' by God. He created us from love, yet He sees all our vices as well as our virtues. He wants us to know that we should keep in mind that we shall all be judged on our behaviour.
Long ago, before the world was made, it was already in the Mind of God - and part of the 'Joy' of God - that He would one day be sacramentally, substantially Present on earth, with those who love Him, in the Mass, and in the tabernacle.
We are right to speak of 'falling' into sin, or of the danger of falling 'down' into Hell. Just as we are deeply saddened when earthly lives end in tragedy, so we should be saddened even more by the results sin can bring us, in the 'pit' of damnation.
There is a way to avoid falling into the 'pit' of doom, though many people ignore the means, which is the Way made by Christ. It's as if He has placed a ladder on earth by which we can climb to Heaven and safety, through the sacraments and prayer.
Christ looks on with joy when we celebrate life or good news by sharing food and drink with friends, at a party, in genuine mutual delight, with a desire to give joy and to comfort tired hearts. Heaven is a little like that.
It is a terrible moment, when a person who dies meets God, and admits that he had been put on earth to love and serve God, and find true joy in Him, yet had spent most of his life totally ignoring God, and His Son, and His Church, and His wishes.
God greets a cry of love from one of His 'children' with the delight felt by an earthly father who hears a cry of love from his little child. Truly, we delight God by our loving exclamations of gratitude and praise.
How sad it is, in an earthly home, when a child disobeys, grumbles, shouts, stamps, sulks, and lacks gratitude. That it what it is like in the 'family' of the Church when members grumble about attending Mass, disobey God's laws, contradict Church teachings and gossip about the Clergy.
The Lord showed me people shouting out in anxiety and alarm about carbon footprints, and worrying about their earthly lives. No danger in life should cause us as much alarm as the danger to our souls, by sin, which can bring a death worse that any earthly death, since the death of charity in our souls leads to the loss of God - which is Hell - unless we repent before we die.
The Lord showed me people shouting out in anxiety and alarm about carbon footprints, and worrying about their earthly lives. No danger in life should cause us as much alarm as the danger to our souls, by sin, which can bring a death worse that any earthly death, since the death of charity in our souls leads to the loss of God - which is Hell - unless we repent before we die.
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