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The Lord spoke to me about a wedding, saying: "Spend whatever you like. It is a celebration!" He said that the Church endorses the good human instinct to have special clothing, and beautiful surroundings, for special occasions, for anniversaries too, and feast days. The Lord Himself asked for beauty to surround the Ark in the Tabernacle, in the ddesert, and in the Temple.
Christ said to me: "I speak all languages". He meant that no-one need feel distant from Christ through not knowing the language or culture of Jesus Christ's earthly life. Whoever does the Will of the Father in Heaven is a brother, sister, mother or father to Christ.
We can picture the life of Heaven as being like a sort of parallel universe, right beside us: just as real as the visible, everyday life we know, or even more real, yet at present invisible. If we are faithful we will one day pierce the veil, to be with Christ and the Saints when we die, to stay with them for all Eternity.
A person who is at work fulfilling his ordinary duties for love of God is very beautiful, in God's sight. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ did, for many years, before He set out for His brief but amazing Public Ministry. We too, can be sure that we please God when we fulfil our daily duties.
Christ is pleased when we step forward when people are grieving, to offer comfort, or to make kind enquiries - even if those people are strangers. It is better than hurrying past, worrying about them but not acting.
God wants everyone to know that we don't need special circumstances in which to show out love for God and our neighbour, or advanced education or special training or equipment. In whatever vocation God has called us to undertake, we can show our love, and - by the graces won for us by Christ - prepare for Eternity in Heaven.
It is a terrible thing, that people in many parts of the world are enslaved by other human beings. The worst sort of slavery, however, in God's sight, is enslavement to sin, because, in it, people are in danger of losing not just earthly joy but Eternal happiness, if they do not repent.
Two people can look at the same scene, and one feels horror - knowing a murderer is prowling around, while the other sees only the breeze blowing in the curtains - as the sun shines down. So it was, on earth, for Christ in His life-time here. There was much beauty in the world, but He came across many damaged souls, and knew that Satan was always prowling around, doing evil.
Satan, reigning in the centre of Hell, looks upwards as if through a glass ceiling to where people who have given their lives to him on earth are busy corrupting children, or fortune-telling, or busy with superstition of different sorts. They have not yet realised what horrors await them if they serve the evil one until death.
The Holy Souls have only each other for company: such sad company, as they weep, and bewail the times they wasted on earth when they might have shown more love for God or their neighbour, or might have been quicker to repent of their sins. But at least they are safe now, and grateful for safety - with Heaven to look forward to, in the end.
The Holy Souls have only each other for company: such sad company, as they weep, and bewail the times they wasted on earth when they might have shown more love for God or their neighbour, or might have been quicker to repent of their sins. But at least they are safe now, and grateful for safety - with Heaven to look forward to, in the end.
Men in storybooks have undertaken long journeys to prove their love for a princess. Christ has undertaken the longest journey of all, to prove His love for Mankind. He descended from the heights of glory in Heaven, not just to Earth, but to the bottom of the dungeon in which He huddled, bleeding and deserted, during His Passion.
Through prayer, especially through the cycle of the Church's Liturgical prayer, we can enter the Mysteries of Christ's earthly life. At each of the feasts of His life we can address Him in that event, and benefit from the graces He won for us, in it. Simple people who pray to the 'infant Jesus' have an instinctive knowledge of this truth.
Through prayer, especially through the cycle of the Church's Liturgical prayer, we can enter the Mysteries of Christ's earthly life. At each of the feasts of His life we can address Him in that event, and benefit from the graces He won for us, in it. Simple people who pray to the 'infant Jesus' have an instinctive knowledge of this truth.
It is against the Will of God for people deliberately to kill sick persons, or to assist them in committing suicide. Only God can give life. Only God has the right to call someone from earthly life into eternity.
When people show true kindness and compassion towards the sick, disabled, injured or dying, and care for them tenderly until God choose to call the sick person away from earthly life, they show respect for life; and they show out God's love which is in their hearts.
The glory of Heaven, which seems to be like a glorious sun, seen from earthly life, stretches upwards into infinite heights, coiled upon itself; and the happy Saints within those vast interiors are astonished by the vistas spread out before them in eternal newness and beauty, with nothing tedious or stale.
People who fulfil their everyday tasks in union with Christ, in the home or the workplace - or in the Priesthood - grow in holiness. Their communion with Him drives them to do everything for love of Him and of the Father, Who is the Source of all holiness. They are becoming ready to live one day as Saints, with the Father in Heaven.
In our everyday lives, people who fulfil their everyday tasks out of love for Christ, are held in His care, close to Him, helped to grow in holiness by their Communion with Him.They are becoming ready to live one day as Saints, with the Father in Heaven.
In our everyday lives, people who fulfil their everyday tasks out of love for Christ, are held in His care, close to Him, helped to grow in holiness by their Communion with Him.They are becoming ready to live one day as Saints, with the Father in Heaven.
Showing 281 - 300 of 635