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Priestly celibacy enables a man to move towards Heaven on an uncluttered highway, without distractions. He can be single-minded in Christ's service until his old age, when he can enter Heaven, and be rewarded for all Eternity for his self-giving, and enjoy the bliss of God's love, with all the Saints.
A wise person tries to lead a life worthy of Heaven, and so is already living in God's glorious light, when at death, she is called to step forward into Heaven. People who are trapped in mortal sin, by their own free choices, are as if held in a deep pit, in this life. If they do not repent before they die, they will be in that pit at death, unable to enter Heaven, separated from God for all Eternity, by their own fault.
When we die, perhaps unexpectedly, a person is in one of three states: either standing in the Light of God, ready to enter Heaven, or still at the foot of the stairway to Heaven, so that our Purgatory will consist of necessary purification, or else still trapped, by our free choice, in a grossly selfish way of life: trapped in unrepented sin, unable to enter Heaven, and therefore in Hell for all Eternity.
The whole purpose of life on earth is to love and serve God our Creator, before sharing His life in Eternity. Which of two women does the Will of God? One who cherished the child she conceived, given life by God, or the one who disposes of her own infant, refusing to let it live? To kill a baby, whether after its birth, or in a clinic before its birth, is to act against God and His Will.
It is tragic that so many people are trapped underground in natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes; yet the worst disaster is to become trapped in the deep caverns of Hell, for Eternity, as are all who do not reach out to help the young and needy but rather prey on them: by child abuse, abortion, sex trafficking, pornographers, people who enjoy sadistic pornography, and others - if these sinners do not repent before they die.
From the monstrance on our altar where Christ is Really Present, Christ's praise rises up to the Father in Heaven. Christ offers our praises too, as His own. All who praise the Father through Christ, and who remain faithful to the end, will continue that praise, in bliss, in Eternity.
The Lord showed me a town, in which I had attended a funeral. He wants everyone in the town to ask: "Where am I going to spend Eternity?" Everyone needs to reflect upon that question, whether old or young, of one religion or another, sick or healthy, rich or poor, and whatever their background, race or occupation.
It makes a difference, being a baptised person! Christ wants everyone to know that He has descended to earth, to become man, to save us. He, our God, promises that through Baptism we can share His life, and the life of the Father and the Holy Spirit too, the life of the Blessed Trinity. United with God, we become sure of being with them for all eternity, if we do not fall away and persist in mortal sin until death.
Just as no driver is allowed to risk lives on the road, without having been prepared and instructed, so, no-one making vows in the Church, for marriage or Religious Life, which can affect other lives for a life-time and even for Eternity, should do so without first receiving preparation and instruction by the clergy or by loyal, practicing Catholics, authorised by the clergy.
It is a tragedy beyond words, that some people refuse to turn to God who created them, especially that they disbelieve or ignore Him when they die. It is He Who made them, from love, He Who supports them in existence, and now calls them 'Home'; yet in refusing to speak to Him or to ask for help, they deny themselves the comfort He can give, and by their free choice, condemn themselves to an Eternity without Him: and without the experience of His love, it is Hell.
It is a cause of sadness - but for even more fervent evangelisation - that many people ignore the glorious God Who gave them the gift of life. In freely choosing to reject His love, and His invitations to repent and change, they approach death and Eternity carelessly. Without a last-minute repentance, they will condemn themselves to everlasting torment and darkness, as if beneath His throne, by their own fault deprived of His comforting Presence.
It is a cause of sadness - but for even more fervent evangelisation - that many people ignore the glorious God Who gave them the gift of life. In freely choosing to reject His love, and His invitations to repent and change, they approach death and Eternity carelessly. Without a last-minute repentance, they will condemn themselves to everlasting torment and darkness, as if beneath His throne, by their own fault deprived of His comforting Presence.
The Lord sees how tirelessly people search the streets for a suitable place in which to live; yet He wishes we would all expend as much time and energy on searching for the meaning of life - which He has revealed to us as being union with God in this life and in Eternity, through having our sins forgiven, through faith in Jesus Christ.
The key to happiness within the Catholic Church, and joy in Eternity, consists of obedience to the Commandments and to legitimate discipline, and humble agreement with every matter of faith and morals - rather than doing what so many Catholics do, as they spend their lives complaining and arguing, and do not allow God to make them joyful.
If people in Government pass laws which promote evil, they are acting against God. Whoever supports evil acts such as abortion and promotes its greater availability, through committee work and voting, should think about Eternity. Each person of earth will end in Heaven, even if though Purgatory, or in Hell, through his or her own fault. All should strive to lead good lives, and not risk Eternal Life through helping others to kill the innocent.
The Saints pray fervently for our well-being and salvation. Their prayers draw down upon the earth a great torrent of Divine graces, as they look with pity and love upon us, in our struggles to be holy. They persevered in the Faith, in love for Christ, until the end. Earthly life seems very brief, to them, who now enjoy God's love in Eternity.
It is a wise thing to do, to keep some shoes or boots by the garden door, to wear when stepping out onto some wet grass or a muddy terrace. It is an even wiser thing, to make preparations for the time when we shall step out into Eternity. Have we repented and led holy lives? Are we ready to meet our Creator?
A person who recognises the Catholic Church as the One Body founded by God Himself to lead us on the Way to Heaven is wise to come in. Christ, the Son of God, has given us authoritive teachings, and Divine power, so that faithful followers can persevere in the Faith, and lead holy lives, and spend Eternity at the heart of the Blessed Trinity, in Heaven.
During the Mass, the whole Church is united in praising God the Father, through, with and in Christ, in the Holy Spirit. All the Saints of Heaven are adoring the one true God Who has brought them to His heart, for all Eternity. We too can hope to enter Heaven if we receive the Sacrament of salvation, and remain faithful.
There is only one fate for those who have freely chosen to ignore God or to disobey His laws, and to persevere in self-love and sin until death: it is to be exiled from God, through their own fault, as if falling through a gap in the wall that separates earthly life from Eternity, and falling into the River of the dead which surges onwards to Hell.
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