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Those who freely and deliberately decide to disobey Divine Law on sexual morality, as taught by Christ through His Church, and who lead unchaste lives, are like people who freely board a train, laid on by Satan. It steadily descends, then enters a great hole in the ground.
One of the tricks of the evil one is to stir up grim memories in our minds at times when we have every right to be joyful. He stirs up images of wrongs endured, sins long ago forgiven, and of dangers and even assaults long-forgotten. He cannot bear to see us being carefree and joyful in Christ.
Christ will judge us when we die. No-one who dies will receive an unjust judgement. He can see which Christians have remained faithful - and which people who have followed other paths through ignorance have adhered to what is good and avoided what is mistaken or evil in their customs, and would have believed in Christ if they had known about Him.
Whoever experiences unusual sights or voices in prayer must pray to God for help in discerning the source of her experiences, and ask someone wise and with authority in these matters. Christ does sometimes encourage His friends with special favours; yet Satan too can speak to the faithful, mimicking Christ, trying to mislead them.
Christ is our Creator, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Because of His sincere love for us, we can be sure that whenever He has seen someone suffer - especially the martyrs - it has almost broken His heart to see it, though it has been necessary as part of the victory over evil.
Christ our Saviour is touched to heart - deeply touched - by all the suffering He sees. Every person who suffers, even those whose sufferings were caused by their own fault, can be certain of Christ's sympathy and compassion. Even when people are not healed, they should believe that Christ can bring good out of evil.
A person who ends his life in Hell is trapped, and hopeless. He had one life on earth, and countless opportunities in which to do good, to love God and his neighbour and to make wise choices. But in freely choosing to do evil, right to the end, he chose to live in Satan's Kingdom, from which there is no escape.
Even more important than action in the world, to abolish the evil of abortion, is prayer. People in monasteries, inspired to pray about this tragedy, should pray, as should people in the whole world, as well; the God Who loathes injustice, will overcome this evil in our society today.
Catholics who believe what the Church teaches and who pray with faith, invoke the Blessed Trinity, use Holy water, and ask the help of the Angels and Saints, are given powerful help to resist evil; and they help others, too, not to be swept away - as if by a waterfall - by the spiritual enemies who would drag us into fear, resentment and gloom.
All good people, whether in the world or cloistered, clerical or lay-persons or in Religious Life, should pray about the evil of abortion; then the Father, Who cannot abide injustice, will change things, so that unborn babies are no longer in such danger of being unjustly slaughtered in the womb.
Every inspiration or movement which goes against God and the Father's Will by corrupting or destroying innocent life is Satanic in origin, even if people in embryo experimentation and related matters believe they are doing good and do not recognise that anti-life actions are evil.
It is the same attitude of total self-will that makes possible such evils as the torture and imprisonment of people because of their race, and the slaughter of little unborn babies because they are deemed inconvenient.
A person who sins, and who says to himself, "I can do whatever I want", would be wise to remember that by his decisions and acts he aligns himself either with God and the Saints and Angels, or with Satan and his demons and all who love evil. He should pause, to ask: "Whose side am I on?"
All over the world, as if through the clouds, the Spirit of God sees the evil in human communities, where people are horribly killed for trivial offenses, or unjustly tormented by armed mobs in pursuit. All the more need, therefore, He said, for the offering-up of sufferings, in union with Christ, to save souls.
Christ urges us all to go to Him at the tabernacle and to ask for His help, in our fight against temptations. With His powerful graces, He can give us new hope and strength, and save us from Hell. With Him, we can do good and avoid evil.
It's as if it almost breaks Christ's heart when someone refuses to listen to Him, refuses to accept the truths taught by His Church about good and evil, and deliberately walks away from the life of grace, joy and union with God to enter the fire of Hell, where live Satan and the demons and all rebellious and unrepentant souls.
When we feel threatened by spiritual forces that would disturb our souls, or try to draw us away from Christ, the prayers we offer 'in Christ', and the prayers we request of the Saints and Angels, are so powerful that it's as if, by Divine grace, a strong, beautiful wall is built around us, protecting us from spiritual assaults.
A person with a tender heart must weep, when considering the sufferings of Jesus; yet a true follower knows that the Cross is the centre-piece of His message. He showed us that even in the extremes of suffering He still trusted in the Father's love and goodness, and believed that good can come out of evil. The same can be true for us, if we believe in Jesus, and do as He asks, by repenting and being Baptised. Through Him, we can overcome sin, and even have Eternal Life.
Our upbringing affects our marriages. We cannot make ourselves holy by our own efforts, or reach Heaven by will-power. By co-operating with the grace of God, given to us through Jesus Christ His Son, we can conquer our faults, and so even stop the evil influences that we might have had upon other people, especially family members, by our bad example: and on society.
To be beset by spiritual assaults in prayer or 'outside' it is like being in a war-zone, amidst sniper-fire, in a street littered with broken glass. We can retreat to a side-street for a few moments; but if we want to win the war we must be courageous, and trust God, and continue with our prayer and our work.
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