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Our upbringing affects our marriages. We cannot make ourselves holy by our own efforts, or reach Heaven by will-power. By co-operating with the grace of God, given to us through Jesus Christ His Son, we can conquer our faults, and so even stop the evil influences that we might have had upon other people, especially family members, by our bad example: and on society.
Christ, Who asks each of us to 'Honour your mother and father', set us an example of care. Even when He was dying in agony, on the Cross, He remembered to commend His dear Mother to the care of St. John, to ensure that she had a loving home.
The Church teaches the truth, in every age of our history, yet each of the mystics experiences it - for example, St Paul, St Teresa of Avila, St Thomas Aquinas. It is the Christian mystic who prays with trust, reverence and humility, who knows God better than anyone, through union with Christ in prayer. The mystics have produced the most lyrical and intellectually-coherent accounts of what they have learned of God - which knowledge echoes and confirms the truths taught by the Church, and illumines them.
As well as being fervent teachers, the Church's greatest sinners, when forgiven, have been the most lyrical in their expressions of gratitude to God for helping the weak and hopeless: for example, St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Ignatius Loyola, and St. Francis of Assisi.
It is only too easy for the Clergy to use the excuse of 'pastoral sensibility' to avoid speaking about moral issues that can bring death-of-soul to some parishioners, such as abortion, and to speak out only against issues that will not cause controversy or local antagonism: for example, nuclear war, the arms race, and pollution.
God rewards all who have done His Will. Just as the Father has compassion upon every innocent child who dies through abortion, so He has compassion on everyone who dies not by such deliberate acts, but by natural disasters, by floods, famine, hurricanes, tidal waves and earthquakes, for example. Each individual is precious to Him, and receives a just judgement at death.
God rewards all who have done His Will. Just as the Father has compassion upon every innocent child who dies through abortion, so He has compassion on everyone who dies not by such deliberate acts, but by natural disasters, by floods, famine, hurricanes, tidal waves and earthquakes, for example. Each individual is precious to Him, and receives a just judgement at death.
When a great natural disaster strikes, people are suddenly taken from what was preoccupying their heart, mind and efforts. They will be judged by God, who sees who was occupied with ordinary duties, who was planning an adulterous affair, for example, or who was cooking a meal and whether she was holy or in a state of mortal sin. How blessed are those who are ready to die at any moment.
Disobedient Catholics who refuse to obey the Church's teachings on contraceptive use, for example, act like a group of arrivals at a Cathedral who do not want to be too involved. They refuse to enter the main door, insisting on entering elsewhere, to descend to the Crypt by themselves. They have cut themselves off from full Communion with others.
When we sing a hymn to Our Lady on her feast days - or to Our Lord, at the end of the Mass, for example, it's as though they are like a Royal family, on a balcony in Heaven above us, delighted to hear our greetings, and to show out their love for us.
Christ asked me to set a good example as I mixed with the people at the youth Festival at Walsingham. It is Important that adults go to the sacraments and set a good example for the next generation of Catholics, in everyday life and at youth-orientated Church events; and they can be inspired by the example of others.
Christ wants His followers to go on retreats and pilgrimages, to set a good example to other people, to draw inspiration from the example and witness of other faithful followers of Christ, to enjoy their fellowship and other blessings, especially extra time for prayer.
Wherever Catholics live out their faith with goodness and conviction, they have an effect upon their culture, as Catholics have since the earliest times. The Bishops hand on the truth from Jesus Christ, people are forgiven and transformed, freed from superstition, men and women are equal in marriage, the sick are cherished and not rejected, prisoners receive justice, little girls are educated, children are valued, even the unborn, the arts flourish - art, architecture, music and scholarship - and the Saints set an unparalleled example of goodness, in all sorts of ways.
We must not become turned in on ourselves. There are some jobs in which it is difficult to avoid becoming 'me-centered', focused upon either more money or more praise or greater fame, for example, as bankers look for greater profit, athletes work for more medals, and actors yearn to be the greatest star. It is dangerous to forget about God or about people close to oneself, in self-idolatry.
A person who perseveres throughout each day in simple acts, out of love for God, gives Him glory, by fulfilling duties, being kind to neighbours, forgiving wrongs, explaining the faith, and trusting in Christ, in difficulties, for example. That person's course to Heaven is as straight and well founded as a row of plants in a straight row in a cottage garden.
It is an outrage, in God's sight, and it saddens the Heart of Christ, whenever Catholics behave badly in church as if at closing time in a pub - even when they should be waiting in reverent silence for the start of a First Communion Mass for a member of the family. They show no reverence towards God, and set a poor example to the child, when prayer is necessary.
In Christ's sight, teachers of the faith ought to embody it. It is not enough for teachers to believe in the articles of the Faith, if they do not show out the virtues, including chastity, for example. Women, especially, should pay attention to their clothing and avoid immodest garments or styles which tempt other people to have unchaste thoughts.
Christ looks on with sadness when He sees people being received into the Church who have not been encouraged towards a radical conversion, but who enter the Church to receive the sacraments while persevering in behaviour which is, objectively speaking, gravely sinful, for example, co-habitation and contraceptive use.
If we include a model of an unborn infant, when we show a selection of living creatures - or models of them - to a person who promotes abortion, and we ask him or her to name them, the answers can only be: "an elephant, a bird, a cow, a BABY", for example; at that point we can clearly ask: "Do you really believe it is all right to kill a baby because its presence is inconvenient?"
It is horrible, in God's sight, that when He had sent His Son to earth, to work miracles of healing before conquering sin and death, to found a Church to bring forgiveness to sinners, and to make possible the miracle of the Mass - and when it is God Who gives to each of us in the gift of life - it is horrible that, on a Sunday, a Catholic might say, "I can't be bothered by the Mass. I want to go, for example, to something more interesting, like a garden centre". What astounding contempt for our Divine Creator.
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