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Where families are faithful to the teachings of the Church, out of love for Christ and His pastors, they act as a seed-bed for vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. How can the Faith be handed on fervently by Catholics who don't believe or practice it?
Where families are faithful to the teachings of the Church, out of love for Christ and His pastors, they act as a seed-bed for vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. How can the Faith be handed on fervently by Catholics who don't believe or practice it?
A couple can stay together for many years, and enjoy a peaceful and happy marriage in old age, if they have learned to forgive one another, amidst the burdens, turmoil and changes that come about in most married lives.
A Christian marriage, lived as it should be lived, is like a lamp set on a hill, for society; a sacramental union full of grace. It provides a loving home for children who are not rejected by contraceptive use or abortion; it is a place of care for elderly relations, provides warmth for the lonely, and is an example to all of love and compassion.
A Christian marriage, lived as it should be lived, is like a lamp set on a hill, for society; a sacramental union full of grace. It provides a loving home for children who are not rejected by contraceptive use or abortion; it is a place of care for elderly relations, provides warmth for the lonely, and is an example to all of love and compassion.
A Christian marriage, lived as it should be lived, is like a lamp set on a hill, for society; a sacramental union full of grace. It provides a loving home for children who are not rejected by contraceptive use or abortion; it is a place of care for elderly relations, provides warmth for the lonely, and is an example to all of love and compassion.
God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
God our Father does not want to see families destroyed. He does not want to see violence between spouses, nor desertion; nor contraception, abortion, egg or sperm 'donation', production of human life in laboratories, or embryo research, or other immoral practices.
By showing concern about people who need food and drink, we demonstrate the love in our hearts - as Jesus did when He healed a little girl, the asked for her to be fed, and as we do when we work for our own family day after day, for many years.
Christ longs - if it is possible for them - to see more mothers at home, looking after their children, cooking good meals for the family, and not handing them over to other people for meals and entertainment (unless this is absolutely necessary). A mother, more than anyone, can ensure a child is well-cared for.
We need not live in dull austerity. Just as Christ changed water into 'the best wine', not the most ordinary, so I have done right to ensure 'the best' for our home; this means not extravagance, but whatever is pleasant, helpful, beautiful, and comfortable, for visitors and family.
It is not necessary for everyone to live in grim, colourless, puritanical surroundings, as if by austerity and simplicity we can prove our love for God and the poor. It is part of the duty of family care, and hospitality, to greet and entertain people in pleasant surroundings, just as Jesus offered 'the best wine'.
When I had repented of my fault, Christ told me joyfully that I was forgiven; indeed, that He had forgiven me as swiftly as I used to forgive my own children when one was at fault.
It was from the heart of our loving Father in Heaven that human beings 'emerged', beautifully designed for loving union in marriage, and for fruitful love, in self-giving. They would welcome and care for their children, and all family members would care for one another. That was God's plan for Mankind.
It is plain that human beings should look after their families according to God's laws, which are the laws of their own nature. A man and woman are designed to come together in love, to produce children. The life-long faithful union of such a couple is the union properly called 'marriage'.
A mother gives joy to God when she loves and cares for her children. She has given joy to God if she was prepared to love those little ones she has 'lost' through miscarriage. Though they did not survive, they are miniature human beings, once given life by God.
A mother gives joy to God when she loves and cares for her children. She has given joy to God if she was prepared to love those little ones she has 'lost' through miscarriage. Though they did not survive, they are miniature human beings, once given life by God.
When a family member is in very poor health, it is important that people in a Christian family actively prepare for death, turn to the Lord in trust, speak truthfully to one another, and act with sensitivity and the gentleness.
When spouses are obedient to God's plan for marriage, they want to be faithful to one another, and if it is possible the wife seeks to care for the children as only a mother can, the father wants to support the whole family, and the children are happy, well looked after and secure.
Christ said that life can be like a family outing, in which some people trust the driver, even if they don't recognise certain points of the route, and others are very disturbed by not knowing exactly where they are. Christ wants us to look upon Him as our driver, and to trust in His wisdom and guidance.
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