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A person who says, with sincerity, 'Lord, have mercy', allows the Father to lavish upon her the sweetness of His forgiveness and love, whereas the person who refuses to repent shuts his heart to the Father and therefore to the gifts which He would lavish upon him for his consolation and salvation.
God our Father is kind and merciful; yet when we pray to the Father in the name of Christ, our Brother, we're like a little boy in the world, who asks his older brother to come with him while he asks for a special favour, or asks pardon for thoughtless behaviour. He can be certain that his brother will explain things perfectly, and ensure gifts, or forgiveness.
Before Jesus came to earth, people everywhere were being carried away on torrents of sin. Only because He has conquered death and sin by His Cross and Resurrection can we now receive the grace to change and find forgiveness and the hope of Heaven. No-one can make himself holy, or enter Heaven, by relying on his own efforts.
The Lord does not look upon each repentant 'child of God' as if classifying us by our past sins; as an ex-greedy banker, or as an ex-prostitute. He thinks of each one in a state of grace as being His glorious, delightful child, whom He loves, and with whom He shares His glory. We must not allow ourselves to be dragged down by our past lives.
Christ invites every woman who has had an abortion to turn to Him, and not to lose hope. He loves her. She need only say to Him: "I did wrong, and I am sorry!" to show her regret and repentance. Christ wants the Clergy to speak more about the Sacrament of Penance, and about how the sin of abortion can be forgiven.
Many people have tried to 'flush away' from their minds the memories of sins committed, and neither confessed nor forgiven - rather as tiny babies are flushed away from life, by abortion. It is better to repent now, than to look sadly upon our whole lives when we die.
A person who arrives in God's presence, at death, with all sins forgiven, has died a happy death. She stands before God, clothed in a bright wedding garment. The doors to the various areas of her past life are all shut and bolted, because the sins within have been forgiven and carried away. She has nothing to hide, nor to be ashamed of, by God's grace.
The results of abortion are horrible. It's as if the little babies have been treated as a river of waste, a repulsive effluence which is unwanted or inconvenient, whereas the truth is that each tiny human being has been given the gift of life: a life unique, and precious in God's sight. A mother or father can repent and be forgiven, but for the babies there is no remedy.
A person who has had an abortion has only to repent, and to say 'sorry', to the Lord, and she will be forgiven. It is best if she receives the graces of the sacrament of Penance, and is thoroughly reconciled to God and the Church.
For the woman who has chosen to have an abortion, there is a remedy. She can repent, and receive forgiveness; but for the baby, there is no remedy. Its life has been taken away, and by the one who received the child as a gift.
We must not allow shame and embarrassment to keep us from experiencing the joy of being forgiven, after Confession. It can be embarrassing to realise how engrossed we once were in our sins, just as children are engrossed in their ecstasy at the funfair, unable to pay attention to ordinary concerns. The time has come to make a careful assessment of how we spend our time, no longer engrossed in selfish pleasures.
It has always been true; and it is true today: that a person who turns to God in sorrow for her sins, repenting, is forgiven. This is true even of grave sins such as abortion. People who receive forgiveness in the sacrament of Penance can be certain that their sins have been wiped away, and their souls made beautiful in God's sight.
A woman who turns to God and repents of her abortion can find forgiveness and peace, in the knowledge that her child is safe in God's loving care
Just as some people on earth encircle a special religious site which is precious to them, so the Saints in Heaven encircle Christ, adoring Him and the Father and the Holy Spirit: the Blessed Trinity, by whose grace we receive forgiveness of sins on Earth, and are helped to grow in holiness, ready for Heaven.
Just as an orchestra member steps forward to make music at a concert without any further practice, after years of training, so those souls whose sins have all been forgiven, and who have done penance, or have gained a Plenary indulgence, have no need for 'training' in Purgatory, before they join the great chorus of praise of God in Heaven, with all the Saints.
Whoever wants to know about a religion should look at the Founder. Jesus Christ, who founded the Catholic Faith and Catholic Church, came down from Heaven! He proved His claim by rising from the dead, as He had predicted. If we go to His Church we can share His Divine life, and receive forgiveness, light and strength for our journey, and the sure hope of Heaven.
What counts in a marriage is for each spouse to be willing to forgive the other, just as Christ has forgiven each of them - despite times when one is upset by the other's faults, or even outraged. By the grace of Christ, forgiveness is possible.
A person in mortal sin is like a man on a mountain-side looking into a beautiful valley, towards the City of God, but unable to see a way in. He cannot, by his own power, be restored to a state of grace, or - if he dies - enter Heaven. He needs the help of God, to find forgiveness and salvation.
If we could see into a tunnel where a train has crashed we would see helpless people, in darkness, in desperate need of outside help; and so it is with people trapped in mortal sin. They are in desperate need of the Divine grace that can bring them to repentance, with new life, hope and joy and forgiveness. They desperately need the prayers of the faithful, to help them.
Wherever Catholics live out their faith with goodness and conviction, they have an effect upon their culture, as Catholics have since the earliest times. The Bishops hand on the truth from Jesus Christ, people are forgiven and transformed, freed from superstition, men and women are equal in marriage, the sick are cherished and not rejected, prisoners receive justice, little girls are educated, children are valued, even the unborn, the arts flourish - art, architecture, music and scholarship - and the Saints set an unparalleled example of goodness, in all sorts of ways.
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