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Satan's great desire is to wreck God's plan for family life. Satan reaches out of the depths of Hell - out of the Abyss - to encourage family breakdown, to help spouses to desert one another, to cause children to be rebellious, and women to have abortions, and young adults to neglect their aging parents. He is also undermining the principles of people in Government, to induce them to pass anti-family laws.
If they do not repent before they die, those politicians who have passed laws which condemn unborn children to death will one day find themselves, after death, in front of a throne greater than any earthly throne, and a judge more awesome than any earthly judge. Wise politicians will repent, in earthly life, while they still have an opportunity to change.
Each of the powerful politicians who has voted to increase the number of abortions permitted is like an unjust judge, condemning innocent babies to death. One day, he or she will meet the Just Judge, his Creator, Who will ask: "What have you done with all your power?" Those abortion-upholders who die unrepentant risk being themselves condemned, by God.
Whenever a politician dies, he or she appears before the great Lord Who creates all creatures, and judges all people: the holy One, Who will say: "What have you done with all your power? Have you helped your fellow creatures, and saved lives? Or have you extinguished helpless innocent human lives through supporting or extending evil laws about abortion?" Every politician will have to account for his sins, as we all must.
We need to pray for all people in Government. No Government is wise, which forgets that it rules under God. No Government in a Christian country can flourish if it takes no account of Christian feast-days, and undermines the moral teachings of the Church. Those of us who can, should speak out against anti-life and anti-Christian legislation.
There are two groups of people who look on, as if from afar, as a Bishop speaks with members of his flock. They are those politicians and journalists who regard the Catholic Church as an archaic, irrelevant, and peculiar religion; and they have no idea of the extraordinary role of the Bishop, in God's sight, nor of his awesome responsibilities and privileges.
Since they are often ignorant of Christian history, some groups of puzzled reporters or politicians who regard the Church as irrelevant and a Bishop as a nuisance have no idea of the truth about his office. They do not realise that God the Son, in coming to earth, founded a Church with Divine authority, sent out chosen leaders to preach the truth in every place, about sin and salvation; and that the current Bishop is the particular ambassador or representative of almighty God in this place on earth!
Some laws passed in parliament are unjust or even wicked. It is a tragedy that even when a child has reached full-term and is plainly a baby about to be born, a mother can request that the child be killed before birth because of some minor blemish or disability, and can find medical people who will carry out the execution for her, all within the law.
Membership of Parliament can be like a journey on a boat downstream, in which people occasionally find themselves going over a weir, to experience turbulence and danger. People who are courageous, and prepared for such upheavals, do not panic, but don't allow plans to be wrecked. They persevere, to relaunch a boat, refusing to let their good intentions be wrecked by careless members more concerned with self-interest than with service of the nation's voters.
It can sometimes seem as if the small number of Parliamentarians who want to do God's Will in opposing laws which permit abortion, and the killing of the sick or the elderly, cannot possibly succeed. Yet Christians do not work for good all alone. Just as an army of Angels accompanied the brave men who once crossed the Channel to defeat an evil regime, so armies of angels and Saints are ready to help any 'child of God' who calls for their aid and has confidence in their communion with him, 'in Christ'.
No matter how detailed an edict or constitution, it cannot foster true happiness or wisdom in a country or continent if there is no mention in it of God, or God's love. To fail to mention God is not to leave aside the question of belief, but to show that faith is irrelevant to those involved; and it demonstrates their ignorance of the importance of Christian history not only locally but also throughout the world.
Europe is endangered by the immoral laws enacted there. Those who campaign for, or enact, or support immoral laws are as if digging a pit for the citizens of their countries. How can countries thrive, or set a good example, if they kill millions of their own number by abortion, and by legalising suicide, and by the killing of the sick and elderly by doctors, who are trained to heal?
When a Government proposes that small children must learn about sex and reproduction, with no reference to God or morality, or chastity or marriage, they destroy the innocence of the young, impose an atheistic outlook, usurp the role of parents, who should teach children when they are older, and help, in effect, to destroy the school as surely (though in a different way) as if a gang of thugs were tearing down a wall.
In helping a pregnant woman, we might save a baby's life. Christ takes tremendous delight in the efforts we make to oppose abortion, and so save innocent lives, whether by intercession for all involved, and for the mothers, fathers and babies - and by campaigning with charity, to change the minds of politicians and others who support abortion by words, finance, and publicity.
It is wrong, in God's sight, for us to deny God, in an attempt to be tolerant. A Government of a Christian country has a duty to tell people who wish to become citizens that the Christian Faith is the foundation of our country's institutions at large, that the greater proportion of the citizens claim to be Christian, and they they are expected to respect what is Christian, though no-one forces newcomers to become Christian.
When a politician, by his votes to promote or increase abortion provision, walks further and further away from life in God - as if along a long corridor - and avoids every alternative route, he will eventually find himself in a place from which every new route leads to the Abyss. He will have entered a place from which only damnation awaits him, unless he repents before he dies.
No matter how elevated his position, a politician who uses his office to promote abortion or to increase abortion provision does something abominable in God's sight. Those who are chosen to govern should promote what is just and right, not the killing of defenseless human beings whose presence is deemed inconvenient.
If someone were to walk for thousands of miles, searching for peace, and found himself emerging into a place where there is, routinely, injustice in family life, corruption in Government, and war-like behaviour in everyday life, he will not find the peace he was looking for. Peace has to start in the human heart, and then spread outward. It cannot be imposed from outside upon persons whose hearts remain angry, cruel or hopeless.
In our country, in a supposedly civilised part of the world, hundreds of babies a day are being slaughtered. That is what Christ has to watch, just as He watches those who want to defend the practice. Other people want to defend their clinics and their income; but Christ is determined to bring about change, and banish this horrible destruction.
Jesus Christ our God asks us to gaze above the rooftops, and across the whole of our land. He asks us to be aware that in this supposedly Christian country, in a supposedly civilised world, some politicians want to issue edicts that forbid us to teach right and wrong - especially about marriage, and purity.
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