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Some people spend their lives in misguided loyalty. Some give their hearts' affection and loyalty to stuffed toys, and others, to the dogs which take up so much of their time. Others not only love but idolise one human being, but a person whom they desert, however, when the person no longer pleases them. But if we give our hearts to God, His love never ceases, betrays, grows weary, but is always tremendous, constant, tender, patient and healing.
All sad and wounded persons can find help through prayer. Every victim of abuse by a priest can find help and strength if he will turn to Our Blessed Lady, who will lead him towards her son. Healing rays of Divine Grace can work marvels in the hearts, minds and souls of those wounded in childhood, and still preoccupied, today, with horrible memories. God can even help them to live out their faith by forgiving their abusers.
We cannot carry our baggage into Heaven. We can only carry a charitable heart, and a pure mind full of pure thoughts, and pure intentions in everything, out of love for God. If we have sins, or ambitions, or grudges, or wounds unforgiven, or feuds, or hearts full of anger or self-pity, it will be, at death, as though we are trying to 'check in'; but we are being asked to surrender all we own, before our 'flight' to Heaven, with the Holy Spirit.
No-one can please God by a life that consists of an outward appearance of piety, combined with a hard heart and cruel actions. Those who treat other human beings as slaves, or beasts as burden, and have no intention of showing compassion, can only fall down into the pit, when they die, to be lost forever.
If we love Christ and trust in Him, we can hurl ourselves - by His grace - into His loving heart, in prayer, as if into an Abyss of light, in total surrender but real unknowing, and real acceptance of Christ's plans for us, whatever these might be. He is utterly trustworthy, even if He leads us along unexpected paths.
We cannot see God, but we see signs of His action wherever we see acts of true charity. Love involves sacrifice, however. It should not be confused with sentimentality - or with merely human affection which can be blown away like a scrap of paper in a breeze, if hardships occur. Real love comes from God. His love, in our hearts, can help us to bear the sufferings that life can bring.
Just as powerful men of earlier times built a strong wall, to keep out strong enemies who hoped to conquer them, so those who follow Christ must beware of allowing spiritual enemies to 'invade' our minds and hearts with their false reasoning or mistaken beliefs - though we can always be willing to stroll on top of the wall together, so to speak, to engage in pleasant, charitable conversation.
It is important to find time for silence and prayer, even in a busy life. If life is so hectic that it seems impossible, we should make a solitary place of our very own hearts. My heart can be, for me, a little 'poustinia', as Russians have called a prayer-hut; and I can meet Christ there, at peace with Him, no matter how many busy people rush around.
It is important to remain joyful, and hopeful, trusting in Christ. We might sometimes find our minds dwelling on sad or horrible events of our life, of many years earlier, and we experience heartache, just as we do when we dwell on the sufferings of other people - especially starving children - in the present day. But sad memories should propel us not towards despondency but action, whether thanks to God for His many gifts to us, or help for the needy.
All Christians should recognise the power of Christian prayer. To pray 'in the name of Jesus' - or 'through Christ our Lord' - is to pray with faith in our union with our one and only Saviour: the God-man Who sacrificed His life for us, but conquered death and sin by His death and R+D5182esurrection. It is also to pray with faith in His prayer, Who perpetually intercedes for us with our Heavenly Father. It's as if all the people, projects and situations I pray about, or intercede for, are swept up in one great prayer from my heart to Heaven, in the power of the Holy Spirit: Spirit of Jesus.
Through the goodness of God the Father and the merits of His Son, our Lord, we can help the Holy Souls by our prayers, including those who usually have no-one to pray for them. We can help them towards Heaven, where they are greeted, and welcomed into glory, to join the Saints at God's Heart. It was with a similar welcome that Christ greeted the Saintly Souls, such as prophets and patriarchs, in the underworld, after His death and before His Resurrection; and He told them that their long wait was nearly over.
Some people seem content to live in spiritual darkness. It is important to persevere with our prayers of intercession, even for someone who seems to be preoccupied and unresponsive. The grace of God can penetrate hearts and minds without someone feeling anything, though it is when that person begins to reflect on his life and activities that he sees more clearly, and begins to see the need for change, and repentance.
Christ delights in our friendship! And Christ welcomes our sincere prayers: the ones we offer 'outside' the Mass as well as during the Mass. Every brief prayer honours Him as we go about our work, or pause for a moment before meals, or in our leisure. Yet He is especially delighted by our willingness to make a spiritual Communion. It's as if we open wide our heart, to say, Lord, shall I speak to You or shall I listen? What is your Will?
Even in a vast area of the country, Christ sees that it is difficult to find ten just persons who love Him wholeheartedly, believe in all that He teaches through His Church, and persevere in prayer, and acts of charity. Many Catholics pray when it suits them, attend Mass infrequently, design their own moral code, and yet hope to drift into Heaven when they die. They trust in His love for them, but show little love for Him.
By our penances, and our loving hearts, we can do much good. Christ sees that there are people in desperate need of help. Trapped in mortal sin, as if being swept away in a fast-flowing river, they are helpless to help themselves. We can offer up our sufferings in union with Christ, to bring down grace upon sinners, and the hope of eternal life.
Our Blessed Lady assists her son, the unique Saviour, Jesus Christ, in making known the Father's plan. It is His desire for each of us to accept His invitation to repent of sin, to be transformed by the Divine life given in Baptism, and to follow the Way of His Son: a Way that, for all who persevere, leads to a sharing in Divine Glory in Heaven, at the heart of the Blessed Trinity.
The Book of Revelation describes God's grace as flowing like a river of life-giving water, flowing from His throne and from the Lamb. Do all the thoughts and actions that pour out of our hearts and lives engender charity, make people holy, and do so in every circumstance? Are we God-like, in the fruitfulness of our lives?
I saw a woman hurled into Heaven at top speed, as if from a cannon; so great was her charity at death. She had thrown away her own life to save people in danger. That fire of charity in her heart - she was not baptised - carried her swiftly to the heart of God.
A pony waits patiently before moving up with his load; and the Holy Spirit 'waits' in patience, until we are recollected in prayer, before drawing us up high towards God's heart.
The light of prayer reveals the truth in our hearts and minds.
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