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Whole societies allow the barbaric practice of abortion to continue, because it is hidden from sight, in clinics and hospitals; and the millions of tiny infants who are cruelly destroyed disappear, as swiftly as a tide of rubbish in a gutter when a storm causes all the debris to be swept away.
Whole societies allow the barbaric practice of abortion; yet it only continues at present because most people cannot see it being carried out since it is hidden away in clinics and hospitals. The people asking for abortions are often unconscious when it happens; and so people speak as if it is a health procedure, when it is mass slaughter.
Whole societies allow the barbarity of abortion to continue, because it is hidden away in clinics and hospitals, behind smart facades and smiling faces; but the truth is that from those smart places leaves a pile of small, dead bodies - in whatever way they are disposed of.
Something is badly wrong, when in a so-called civilised society, women are welcomed into state-funded hospitals, to have their unborn babies destroyed, helped by doctors and nurses who were trained to heal the sick.
Would it not be strange today if the truth were known, about what happens in many of our hospitals? Picture a sign which declares: "This hospital was opened on Date X, for the care of the sick, and the killing of small unwanted babies."
Some people in rich countries call people in undeveloped countries 'uncivilised'; but the Lord asks: "How 'civilized' is it, to have hospitals which should be used for healing, entirely dedicated to reaching out to living children of all sizes, to tear them from their mother's wombs?!"
Modern countries call themselves civilized. But they differ from those ancient cultures who offered human sacrifice only in that people today usually try to hide what they do. Unborn babies are routinely killed, supposedly to bring happiness to the mothers, and some elderly or sick persons are killed, to make life easier for other people: killed in modern hospitals, quietly, by professionals who defy God and ruin their own souls.
There are unnecessary and dreadful tragedies to be seen today. God sees a terrible change taking place in our hospitals, as some doctors and nurses develop a pro-death outlook, and share their views as they persuade people that old people are useless and should be helped to die, and that 'selective terminations' are the answer to multiple pregnancies, that a diagnosis of a tiny infant in the womb with Down's Syndrome should be followed by killing of the unborn child, and that food and water can be denied to someone old or frail.
Christ understands what many of the elderly suffer. On the Cross, He suffered not just pain, but also the helplessness, weakness and loss of control that many patients experience who are neglected in hospitals, and who should turn to Him for consolation when they are grieving about the apparently disastrous end to their lives.
A Picture of a Faithful Diocese
A short piece of writing by Elizabeth Wang about how the Catholic faith can be lived and celebrated within a Faithful Diocese, and the responsibilities of all the faithful - and especially bishops - t…
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