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I saw the torment of Christ, and the narrow way through which humanity was led back to God, the way of the Cross.
Jesus is truly Mary's Son; all that he has, in His sacred humanity, comes from His Holy Mother. He could not give us His gifts if Mary had not first consented to be His Mother.
Jesus is truly Mary's Son; all that he has, in His sacred humanity, comes from His Holy Mother. He could not give us His gifts if Mary had not first consented to be His Mother.
Christ is Present here with us at the Mass, truly human, from our midst offering His sublime Sacrifice on behalf of His brothers and sisters.
The purifying fire of God's love touches us through the humanity of Christ our Saviour
Christ sees, as if it is laid out like a picture before Him, the whole of humanity, from the first man, to the moment of fulfilment at the Parousia, when Christ will come in glory. He sees, all at once, the entire life of every person who has ever lived or will ever live.
Once Christ had become a man, we learned how precious is humanity to God. We are all brothers and sisters to Christ and to one another; and each of us should treat others with respect, as Christ treated people in His earthly life-time.
From the crib, the infant Jesus saw only shadowy figures around Him. He lay helpless, in His humanity, as His Mother smiled upon Him, and Saint Joseph gave a protective presence. We need to ask ourselves: how would I have approached Jesus in His lifetime in His infancy, His teaching ministry or His Passion. How do I treat people today? The measure of our love for other people, in God's sight, is counted as the measure of our love for Jesus.
God looks upon abortion as being the worst of all sins so widespread today, because it includes the pride which makes people imagine that they have the right to destroy the life of an innocent person. The Creator looks upon someone who causes the death of an infant as being like a person who caused the death of His own Son, Jesus Christ, Who shares our humanity.
Within the Sacred Host there is a greater power than nuclear power, or dynamite. It is the power of God, which sets to work in human beings who are willing to change. It is the power that transforms weak people into Saints: with wills entirely devoted to doing God's Will, and - for some - to doing amazing works to benefit humanity.
We must pray with fervour, that everyone will see the truth: that from Christ, (and from His chosen Apostles) has come a river of redeemed humanity: each person forgiven and transformed by grace - except for those who now resemble dead fish floating in that river because they deserted Christ, whether through deliberate mortal sin or ceasing to believe in Him.
It is through the humanity of Christ that we come to the Father, in the Holy Spirit, in prayer, and then - if we have remained faithful until death - in our journey into Heaven, to be with God for all eternity. We have no power of our own by which to reach God, though by faith we allow Him to draw us to Himself.
When we live in union with Christ, it's as if we find, through the union of our humanity with His humanity, that we achieve union with His Divinity, which is One with the Father; and so, through Christ, we have access to Heaven. Even though we cannot see it, we know that our prayers reach Heaven, through Christ, in the light of the Holy Spirit; and we are at peace.
The Purpose of the Priesthood, by Elizabeth Wang
‘The Purpose of the Priesthood contains encouragement and advice for Catholic priests. It reminds them about the central meaning of the Priesthood, and about the need to teach the Catholic Faith in it…
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 1
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
You …
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 2
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
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Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 3
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
You …
Union with God and the Mass, by Elizabeth Wang
This text forms Part 1 of the book THE MASS THROUGH THE EYES OF CHRIST.
The Holy Trinity The soul, a 'Kingdom'. Each baptised person who is in a state of grace can say, of his own soul: "My soul is …
Three Divine Persons, by Elizabeth Wang
This text is published as The Holy Trinity, Chapter 20 of Falling in Love, pages 503-532, and re-printed as Chapter 3 of Radiant Light: How the Work Began, pages 23-61.
It was on 4 August 1995 that …
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