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When we pray for the Faithful Departed we not only help them to be drawn closer to the light of Heaven - by the grace of Christ - we also bring them the consolation of knowing that they are not forgotten: that their friends and relations on earth hold them in their hearts, and long for them to find joy, on entering Heaven's glory.
Something has gone terribly wrong in society, when a teacher can look at her class of infants, and say to herself, this class has been reduced by one fifth, because mothers chose to have the children killed, rather than letting them develop normally and enjoy the life God planned for them.
Christ is overjoyed by those who love and obey Him. One of the worst experiences of Christ's Passion, as He hung on the Cross, was the sight He saw - by His Divine insight - of those who would take no notice of His words, or of His desire to save them. His heartache was indescribable, as He saw souls walking away, towards damnation, through their own choices.
A person who trusts in Christ completely, believes in the teachings of Christ's one true Church, and strives to put them into practice, has a freedom and joy in life and in prayer which those people deny themselves who are stuck in the 'mud' of disbelief, dissent, and argument.
When we surrender to the plans and wishes of our Heavenly Father, as made known to us through the Church, and through Providential meetings and conversations, it's as though we allow God to carry us along on a river of grace, wherever the current takes us; in this way we give joy to Christ, who also did His Father's Will.
Just as a living creature underground can have no idea of the richness of human life, and the joys of family life, so an atheist is sadly without any knowledge of the glories of heavenly life, glories shared even now, to some degree, by the faithful members of Christ's one, Holy Catholic Church.
Worldly leaders enjoy displays of riches and power; but we cannot impress God by our extravagant deeds, or powerful displays. He loves everyone, but He lavishly rewards those who approach Him in humility and contrition, and who put their trust in His Son.
Just as an astronaut who deliberately cuts himself free from his spacecraft risks floating away alone into space, to die, so a person in mortal sin risks finding himself eternally 'lost' without any of the joy and peace and love of God, his Eternal 'Home'
Christ wants His followers to go on retreats and pilgrimages, to set a good example to other people, to draw inspiration from the example and witness of other faithful followers of Christ, to enjoy their fellowship and other blessings, especially extra time for prayer.
To be in a state of grace is like living in the sunlight with people you love, in beautiful surroundings. To be in mortal sin is to be trapped, spiritually, as if in a dark alley-way, slimy underfoot, and filthy, whilst other people are free and joyful. With God's help, we can live in the light.
Just as we want to tell people the reason for the traffic queue in which they are stuck, as we drive freely on our side of the road, so we should want to tell people about the Way to Heaven - Christ's Way - to people who feel 'stuck' in ignorance or hopelessness, and are without the joy that the hope of Heaven brings to the human heart.
Through genuine friendships, we can have a good influence on others, witnessing to our Faith. Just as a person who admires the speed of a roller-skater wants to learn the skill, so a person amazed by the joy and perseverance of a practicing Catholic will want to learn about the source of such gifts.
People in Government, in any country, who promote legislation which encourages abortion or sexual immorality, or other serious evils, will find themselves moving along the 'broad road' to Hell, unless they repent before they die. In Hell, there is no love, peace, purity or joy but only fire, terror, noise, anger and pain.
When a person is torn between serving God as any Catholic ought, and succumbing to wrong-doing, he will be fortunate if he hears a friend say to him: "God will give you real joy, and real peace-of-soul, when you stop trying to seize the pleasures of human life, and decide to aim for the joys of heaven."
If we could see into a tunnel where a train has crashed we would see helpless people, in darkness, in desperate need of outside help; and so it is with people trapped in mortal sin. They are in desperate need of the Divine grace that can bring them to repentance, with new life, hope and joy and forgiveness. They desperately need the prayers of the faithful, to help them.
Christ understands all our griefs and sorrows. When Christ prayed to His Father in Gethsemane, He was thinking not only of the horrors which lay ahead, but also about the wonderful joys of earthly life that He would soon be leaving behind. He was joyful about going home to Heaven, but His heart ached at the thought of leaving earthly friendships and earthly beauty.
Members of the Clergy who cause confusion amongst Catholics are like leaders who take a crowd of walkers across boggy ground. The walkers sink into the marsh, and are horrified, not made joyful. Preachers fail the flock when they declare: 'We should share our doubts' or - about the Faith - 'There are no clear answers'.
We are on a long climb, as if up a rope, on a cliff-face, in our efforts to reach Heaven in a state of holiness. We sometimes grow weary. We are in pain, or tempted to let go of the rope to enjoy some freedom from our daily routine of service. If we really let go - by deliberate mortal sin - we are doomed, except for a miracle. By faith and prayer, we can persevere to the top.
Although God holds everyone in existence, a person in earthly life who refuses to believe in God, or refuses to give up his sins, is by his own free will cut off from the influence and joy of God's love. It is as if he or she sits in darkness in a large box, whilst the graces of God pour around, outside it. People in a state of grace are bathed in that grace.
Christ our God teaches us, and helps us, through His Church; yet there are countless Catholics held back from holiness or lasting joy because of their fears: fears that, if they choose to believe and practice the Faith in its fullness, they won't be able to bear the loneliness, or persecution or ridicule, or lack of luxuries, or chastity, or the rejection of sinful pleasure; some fear God's future plans, unknown. Some fear having more children.
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